

The door opened.

I turned around to see...

Nothing. There was no one by the door at all. A shiver went down my spine. Who was the one talking then? Amused by my frightened face, Enyo laughed, and Eris followed suit.

"You can come out now, you're scaring the little demigod." Enyo remarked with a smirk as Eris rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, by the door, a human figuure gradually began to emerge.

This couldn't be possible. How can someone appear out of thin air?

Immediently, I regretted thinking that. Nothing as impossible on this world. When I had stepped though the camp's borders, it was akready set before me. Nothing was impossible. I took a deep breath. What should I do now? Stall for time? Run? If I stall for time, will my friends come and rescue me? If I run, would I be successful? These had too many risks. If I stalled for time, I would end up finding out that my friends weren't even planning to come, and if I ran, I had 99.9% of being caught. It was like choosing between death or eternal pain.

The man, who was now fully visible, grinned: "Not thinking of running away, are you? You will never stand a chance against us."

Hearing that, I shuddered. Yep, death would be the better option. Running away would have a bigger risk, and I trusted my friends to rescue me.

"H-ha, no, why would I be thinking of running way? Totally wasn't doing that." I stammered, trying to sound convincing. I was sure I did.

The man stared at me suspiciously.

"Oh that's good, be-" He was cut off bye a loud 'DING' coming from somewhere in his pocket.

He took out a phone and glancd at it awkwardly: "OMG, sorry ladies, I've got this Whatsapp message I got to reply to. I'll be back!" 

"How does this button work, oh oh oh." He muttered as the vanished again.

Enyo shook her head and sighed: "What a gentleman," She said, " So gentle and polite."

Eris rolled her eyes. She didn't want to listen to Enyo's stupid nonsense.

"Um, well HI!" I decided too say.

The two woman stared at me. Oh no, I thought.