
Side Story (Fun scene)

"Mom! Dad! I've created a time machine!" 

I ran into the kitchen delirious with excitement. I was expecting my parents to be overcome with joy and praise, but instead my mom didn't even look up from the eggs she was frying in the pan. "Go eat your breakfast otherwise you'll be late for school." She scolded. I sat down at the table and stared at the runny eggs on my plate. I was so hyped about my time machine that I wasn't hungry. I tried one more time to get my mum to understand. I spoke loudly and slowly pausing after each word. "I. INVENTED. A. TIME. MACHINE." Silence absolute silence. Was my mum trolling me? My mum put down his coffee mug and I half expected her to say, "That's amazing, Coral. I always knew you were a genius!" But she just looked at me very disappointingly and said, "Your teacher texted me last night. Seems you didn't do your reading homework again. I discussed this with one of my friend and now I forbid you to go to the mall with your friends this weekend like you wanted." I dropped my fork on the plate and it made a loud clatter. "Who cares about some lousy reading homework or a trip to the mall," I shouted defiantly. "I'm taking my time machine and going to the year 136 BC " And with that I stood up, said, "Excuse me," and left the kitchen. "Don't forget your backpack!" My mom shouted as I was going out the front door. "Ugh!" I thought as I opened the back door to my driver's SUV. "I'll show them. I'll bring back an artefact from my time trip. when I become famous and super rich for time travelling they'll wish they had been more supportive."I climbed on the car, thoughts ran around my mind. I was eager to tell my friend about this. I'm sure she'll understand!

"Yes, but they just don't understand!" I said to my friend during recess, "WHY CAN'T THEY UNDERSTAND! THEY MUST JUST THINK I WAS JOKING AROUND AS USUAL!" My friend Alice sighed and rolled her eyes: "Look Coral, I know parents don't understand things but A TIME MACHINE! Your parents are really typical. Why don't you bring them an artefact?" I nodded: "That was what I was thinking but…Can.You.Come.With.Me?" Alice tumbled backwards and opened her mouth, she looked like she wanted to say something but no sound came out. Finally, she forced out some words from her mouth: "I-I-I guess so." I smiled a huge big smile: "What about after school?" Alice nodded and hurried to her next class. She still looked a bit shaken. After school, Alice came to my house, my mum got cross and started to scream at me: "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING YOUR HOMEWORK, WHO EVEN ALLOWED YOU TO INVITE HER?" I did some quick thinking and said: "She's here to help me with my project, and she's also helping me with my homework." Finally, my mum relented, she let us work on whatever we were working on. I ran into my bedroom and slammed my bag on the floor, I opened the wardrobe and dragged out a metal box. "This is the time machine," I said. I twisted the peg on the right side of the time machine and a blinding light sucked me and Alice in.

I opened my eyes and was shocked to find myself on a grassy plain filled with sheep. I touched the soft and silky grass. It was real, I really had time traveled. I looked around my surroundings. "Interesting." I muttered to myself impressively when I saw huge buildings looming over from not far away. "I wonder in which empire I am in…" I looked behind me but THE TIME MACHINE WASN'T THERE! "Ooh no no no." I mumbled and trembled a bit. I decided to look for someone to help me. I ran towards the city as fast as I could. As soon as I stepped into the city, I was blinded by the magnificent view of everything, but when I saw the temple, everything else got blurry. The temple was gleaming bright just like pearls, different symbols were carved on it. At first, I was so enchanted by the beauty of the temple, I forgot about all my worries. I would have gazed for hours and hours if someone hadn't interrupted."WHO IS THERE?" Boomed a voice from behind. I turned around sharply and there standing was a soldier wearing heavy armour, a golden helmet, and shoes that were so shiny with golden light that the sun didn't improve anything much. He was armed with a spear and a shield that was bigger and almost half of his body. "Oh, um Hello?" I stuttered and kept my eye on the spear, half expecting it to get thrown onto me. Then I realised the soldier was looking at my clothing. The soldier stared at me and said in a gruff voice: "That type of fashion, you must be from far away." I merely nodded when the guard continued to speak: "Look, my name is Socrates and our leader Hippolyta is looking for a servant, she told us to look out for any eidikós girls. I think I have found her." The soldier scowled and looked at me. "Come with me." I followed the soldier and arrived at a beautifully designed palace, the walls were covered with different designs, each unique. Then…with a jolt I realised that I was in ANCIENT GREECE! All the men were wearing white and gold clothing, they had a short tunic that reached their knees and a white cloak that was a bit (yes only a bit) longer than the tunic. The women were wearing a long tunic that reached their feet and the same cloak the men wore but wore on their hands rather than on their back. I was so concentrated on looking around that I didn't realise we had already arrived! "BOW DOWN!" Boomed the guard's voice. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I tumbled to the floor. That must've looked like I was bowing down because the guard muttered a weird word that sounded like: "episképtes aftás tis méres." I didn't know how but I understood what it meant- Visitors these days. The guard bowed down for sometime before stroding to the throne in front of us. I secretly peeked up. On the throne sat a woman around 25, she was wearing a tunic made of perhaps the FINEST silk, on her back was a very long white cloak with golden sides... Not to be continued. (Or will it?)