
Copycat in lookism

Axel newt gets transported into the Lookism. Mc doesn’t know the plot. I own nothing but my own characters. Rest is own by PTJ company

tee_Por · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1( Short introduction)

In a dim compartment, A Black hair lad is sleeping on a bag. He began to wake. When his eyes opened his hazel pupils look up at the bland ceiling. He stood up straight and motioned his hand to his bag and grabs the journal and pen that was inside.

The black hair lad flipped the brown leather journal that has the name Axel Hunt on the top and click the black pen's top.

* It's been weeks since I ran away from those awful people. The few things I brought along are running low. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now all I have is a few thousand won and the clothing on my back. *


Axel closes the journal and clicks the pen top and shoves them both back into his sack. He claws the sack and exits the cart. When he arrived at the exit of the train a fellow was begging for some cash. The fellow looked only a year younger than Axel.

Axel steps down onto the station and walks towards the steps." Please spare some change, sir" pleaded the lad. Axel stopped in his tracks. He takes out 100 won and held it out." Thank you, sir," the beggar said gleefully. He outstretches his arm to grab the coin. Axel clutched his hand.


The black hair boy leans down to the beggar's eye level." Why are you on the streets? You should be somewhere safe" a concerned Axel said. The beggar's eyes drifted elsewhere." It's fine you can tell me I'm also by myself" The boy nodded his head.

It's that easy huh I guess when you're desperate you'll trust anybody that shows you compassion thought axel. nevertheless, what am I going to do to him?