

Three children ran past them as they chased one another with a ball. Liam smiled at that, loving how peaceful and serene the environment was, with the cool evening breeze caressing his skin. It was a lovely sight and he was thankful Anastacia had deemed it right to come to the beach after a stressful day. He turned to look at her, wondering why she was unusually quiet.

"How was it like studying in Canada." He decided to start a conversation even when he was not sure she would reply him.

"Lonely." She muttered and his head snapped to look at her.

"Why?" He asked but she shrugged, taking another sip and sighing in contentment once again.

"This is really good. How did you know my preference?" She asked and Liam stared at her for a moment, wondering if she was deliberately changing the subject.

"Guesswork." He replied finally and she nodded.

"Nice guess."