

Liam sagged in relief as he moved closer to take her hand: soft and beautiful. For a moment, he had felt he would die of tension and suspense. He was really glad she had not recognized him.

He almost laughed at himself for worrying over nothing. A smile crept to his face and he returned her bright smile.

"Same here." He held her hand firmly and she lowered her eyes to stare at their entwined fingers.

Mr. Blaise beamed at that. "I can already tell you two will have no problem working together." He said and Liam nodded, smiling at the pretty lady who was now looking at her father.

"I think it is time to go." Mr. Blaise stood to his feet and Liam's eyes widened.

"Are you leaving now, Mr. Blaise?" He asked the obvious and the man nodded.

"Yes, I am."

Liam sulked in his breath but said nothing afterward, only tagging behind the Blaises quietly as they left the office. He watched as Mr. Blaise whispered something into his daughter's ear and the lady quickened her pace, leaving Liam alone with her father.

Mr. Blaise turned to Liam then and gestured for him to come closer which Liam did. The old man placed his palm on Liam's shoulder and looked at him intently.

"I am gonna miss you, Liam. You made work really easy for me and I can say you are the best secretary every person will want. That is why I am happy you will be with my daughter." The man began and Liam nodded. "Stacia can be quite difficult sometimes but I want you to be patient with her and guide her through this journey she just started if you know what I mean. Give it your best and do it like you are working for me because you really are." The man smiled and Liam nodded again.

"I will not let you down." He bowed and Mr. Blaise tapped his shoulder lightly.

"I will get going now. You don't have to come along."

"Bye, Mr. Blaise. I hope you enjoy your trip to France."

"Of course, I will." The man smiled and Liam waved at him.

He watched the man leave, before walking to his desk and plopping to the chair. Now that Mr. Blaise was finally gone, he couldn't tell how he felt. He was neither happy nor sad, just feeling emotionally blank.

He shrugged after a while. It was for the best.

He picked up the document which he ought to have finished the previous day and decided to work on it since he had nothing to do. He wasn't even sure it would be needed anymore now that he wasn't working for Mr. Blaise anymore but he decided to do it nevertheless just to keep himself busy till his new boss returned.

The loud slam of two palms on his desk made him flinch as he looked up immediately to see who it was that wanted to give him a heart attack. His eyes widened in shock when he was greeted with a pair of angry hazel eyes glaring down at him and he jumped to his feet immediately, wondering what was going on.

"Is anything the matter?" He asked his boss and she raised her eyes to meet his, her palms still flattened on his desk. Despite her glare, she still looked breathtaking and the ponytail she had held her black hair in made her look all the more appealing. Liam gulped, trying to get a hold of himself, reminding himself who it was that was standing before him.

"You!" She seethed and his jaw dropped. What had he done to make her this angry? Hadn't she been the lady that had smiled brightly at him some minutes ago?

"So you are only a secretary and you have the guts to talk back at me?" She answered the numerous questions hanging in his head and he gasped as realization dawned on him. She had always known he was the same guy that had bumped into her but had chosen to react now for reasons best known to her.

Liam scratched his head as he sought for an excuse to make but she silenced him by raising her hand in the air.

"You lack manners and I will teach you how to behave." She smirked and Liam had his eyebrow raised in confusion. "Since you will be working for me now, I guess you need to know my rules. Get a sheet of paper and start writing."

"What?" Liam gasped and her glare deepened.

"Are you also deaf? I said you should get a sheet of paper, you dumbass!" She barked and Liam felt anger welling up in him but he remained quiet, doing as he was told and waiting for whatever rules she had to say.

"Rule 1," she raised her forefinger in the air. "Do not talk back at me. You only speak when I permit you to do so."

"That's ridiculous!" Liam chuckled. She sure could not be serious, he thought, but from the look on her face, he knew she was and his smile disappeared.

"Wait, are you being serious right now?"

"Rule 2," she raised her middle finger to join her forefinger. "Do not laugh until I give you the go-ahead."

"Wait! What are - "

"Rule 3, don't look me in the eyes. It is rude. Your eyes should be on the ground when you talk to me because that is your place. I only maintain eye contact with people my status not low-lives like you."

Liam frowned at that and his hand balled into a fist. How dare she talk to him that way? It was true he was only a secretary but he had pride and dignity too and she was really stepping on that.

"Rule 4, don't you ever walk out on me. I do the walking out and not the other way round." She continued like she was not aware of how ridiculous she was being. "I can see you are not writing these rules down. I won't repeat myself." She shrugged and Liam felt an urge to cuss her out but he maintained his cool.

Coming to think of it, her rules were not that difficult so he could live with them. She was simply asking him to be a robot and he would do just that. He still needed this job and would not let this minor setback steal his job away from him.

"Any more rules?" He asked and her eyes narrowed.

"Do not yell at me." She pronounced, "make sure to abide by these rules to not get on my nerves." With that, she turned and walked into her office with the sound of her stilettos echoing. Liam stared at her retreating figure, his eyes lingering on her curves till she disappeared from his sight.

Despite her being this bitchy and arrogant, it was an undeniable fact that she was really pretty and he could not help but admire her. Though slim, her well-defined feminine curve shot out of the thin fabric of her cloth and Liam bit his lips slightly. Damn! If she had not been his boss and probably if she had not been engaged, he would have gone for her.

Staring at the blank sheet in his hand, he sighed heavily. Rules? What on earth?