
Where am I?

I slowly open my eyes and found out that I'm in a village. "It's day time??" I thought to myself as I looked at my surrounding. a wave of memories started flooding into my brain as I collapse on the floor. "Argggg" I bit my lips as I endured the pain, many people started crowding around me. Some were worry while some were curious.

After 10 minutes, the pain had finally resided. I then weakly sit up and looked at the people around me. A large furious looking man with long hair and beard walked towards me and took out a bottle of water out of nowhere and threw at at me. "Drink." he said as I caught the water.

While drinking the water, I started thinking about the memories that I have just received. The previous owner of this body was a boy name Lee Ren. Currently 19 years old and looks exactly like how I look but slightly younger and much more muscular.

This boy had separated from his family when he was ten when he got taken away by bandits during the way his family was moving to the tiny dog city. After 6 years of working as a slave for the bandits, he finally found a way to escape them. Since then he have been working in this small village called porcini village where he sells some food on the streets.

"What a pitiful life, he must have missed his family a lot. I wonder how is my parents, hopefully they will be able to get over my death. I sure miss them already..." I thought to myself.

I stood up and passed the bottle back to the huge bearded man and wondered "why does it seem that the bottle never runs out of water?" "Thanks." I told the man and the man replied " no problem, I'm momoa what's your name?" "Ren, thanks for the water momoa."

As momoa and I walked towards my 'living area', I asked momoa "sorry I don't have anything that I can repay you with, perhaps I can treat you to a meal some other day." "Sure, sure, no worries, I'll never say no to a free meal, I'll come by tomorrow then." laughed momoa as he pat my back (more like smack my back) and walked away.

"What a happy guy." I looked at momoa's back and smiled. Even though I have just met him, I felt that he is already a much better friend than those on earth. "103 coppers.... barely 1 silver, this is all the money that this ren boy have accumulated over this year I" whispered. Ren boy's original plan was to accumulated 50 slivers and start his journey towards the tiny dog city. "What a stupid boy" I exclaimed. "If he only have 50 slivers throughout the journey, it will definitely not be enough. According to his memories, the journey will take 11 months to reach and the entrance fee for tiny dog city is 40 slivers. The amount of supply he was planning to stock up can last for up to 1 month and cost 1 sliver. This means that if nothing goes wrong during his journey and he was able to find his family on his first day, his plan will work. But in this dangerous world where survival is the fittest and bandits owns the jungle, how will he be able to reach the city safely." I thought to myself.

" I need to make money." I said and went to the forest nearby. "It seems that the culinary standard in this world is pretty low, or maybe it's just this village. As I walked around the forest I thought to myself " the village I'm living at is called porcini village... porcini..is it related to porcini mushrooms??" Something caught my attention and I suddenly stopped. "There really is procini mushrooms."

As I harvest the mushrooms I thought to myself "the information from the previous host tells me that there isn't any poisonous plants and fruit around 2km of this forest. However I have to be careful of the 2 ring coloured snakes and the facebutt spiders as both of them have poison that are deadly towards those who are grade f fighters and below. The people of this world have a ranking system. They are ranked by their levels.

Grade f:level 1~29

Grade e:level 30~59

Grade d:level 60~99

Grade c:level 100~249

Grade b:level 250~499

Grade a:level 500~999

Grade s:level 1000 and above

My level is quite high because of all the things Ren had done for the bandits before his escape. My stats are pretty good for my level as I look at my stats information


Name: Lee Ren

Age: 19

level: 28 (grade f)

Title: the poor boy, the one that traveled from another world

Strength: 48

Dex: 57

Wisdom: 79 (+ 50)

Intelligence:28 (+ 15)

Passive: basic dagger mastery lvl 3, advance knife mastery lvl 6, the one who traveled from another world lvl 1, thrifty man lvl 10,

Skill: system (unlocks when host is lvl 30)

Of all my passives, the one who traveled from another world gave me 50 wisdom while thrifty man gave me 15 intelligence. Other then basic dagger mastery lvl 3, all of the other must have been carried over from my original world. Also my only skill, system. isit it the legendary system that many main characters have in novels? I'm currently lvl 28 just 2 more lvls and I can unlock the system. As of now I am extremely curious what system do I have.