
Convict to King

Arell Rose, finds an unexpected path to redemption in a mysterious RAPPER System that grants him a host of different abilities and challenges to overcome. The system's main goal? to create the best rapper alive. Can this troubled teen navigate the obstacles thrown in his way and truly become a legend in the music industry?

AmSincere · Movies
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Let's Head In

Arell sat in the backseat of Geoffrey's SUV, glancing out the window as the city of Atlanta sped by. He glanced down at his outfit, a sleek, unreleased shirt from their upcoming clothing line. It was minimalistic and black, adorned with their logo and the words "Infinite Potential" subtly placed in the bottom corner. The purple hues on the shirt gave it a unique, eye-catching look.

Kenny, Malik, and Devon were also in the car, along with Geoffrey who was driving, his face etched with focus.

"We were told to arrive six hours before the start of the show," Geoffrey reminded Arell. "This gives us plenty of time to get settled, do a sound check, and mingle with some of the other artists."

Malik leaned forward from his seat, a grin on his face. "Man, this is gonna be wild. Ludacris, T.I., 21 Savage..."

Kenny chimed in, "It's gonna be pretty cool to be in the same building as them. Definitely a big deal."

Arell nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Yeah, it's surreal. But I've got to ask, Geoffrey, are we all set with the copyrights and stuff?"

Geoffrey glanced at Arell, his expression serious. "Don't worry, Arell. I've taken care of all the legal aspects. The copyrights for your unreleased tracks are secure. I've also coordinated with the event organizers and the DJ to ensure everything's in place. Your tracks are protected."

Arell hummed. "Good to hear. Just wanted to make sure we're covered."

Geoffrey nodded. "Absolutely. You focus on your performance. Leave the logistics to me."

As they approached The Tabernacle, the iconic venue loomed ahead. The streets around the venue were already bustling with activity, and the anticipation in the air was almost tangible.

Geoffrey found a spot and parked the car. "Alright, let's head in," he said.

They exited the vehicle and made their way toward the artist entrance, where they were greeted by event staff. After getting their passes and going through security, they were led inside the venue.

The inside of the Tabernacle was a hive of activity, with crew members setting up equipment, artists doing sound checks, and managers coordinating logistics.

As they walked through the bustling interior of The Tabernacle, a staff member approached them with a clipboard in hand. "Arell Rose, right?" the staff member asked, glancing up from the clipboard.

"That's me," Arell confirmed.

"We need you for a quick photo shoot for promotional purposes," the staff member explained. "We have clothing prepared, if necessary, but your current outfit looks great."

Arell glanced at Geoffrey and his friends. "I'll catch up with you guys later," he said, giving them a nod. Geoffrey gave him a reassuring pat on the back, and the rest of offered encouraging smiles and thumbs-ups.

"Good luck, bro." Malik said, grinning.

With that Arell followed the staff member through a maze of corridors until they reached a room set up for the photo shoot. The room was filled with photographers, stylists, and makeup artists, all preparing for the shoot.

"Hi, Arell," a photographer greeted him warmly. "We're just going to do a few quick shots for the event's promotional material. Your shirt looks amazing, by the way. Very unique."

"Thanks," Arell replied, feeling a surge of pride for the clothing line.

They quickly got to work, positioning Arell under the bright studio lights. The photographer directed him through various poses, capturing his best angles. Arell's initial nervousness melted away as he focused on presenting himself confidently, channeling the same energy he would bring to his performance later.

"That's great, Arell," the photographer said after a series of shots. "You were a bit stiff but most of the shots look natural. I think we've got what we need."

Arell thanked the photographer and the crew, feeling more confident and ready for the night ahead. As he left the room, he caught glimpses of other artists preparing for their sets. He saw Ludacris talking with his team, T.I. chatting with some staff members, and 21 Savage focused on his sound check. The magnitude of the event sank in further, but Arell felt more prepared than ever.

Returning to the main area, Arell reunited with Geoffrey and his friends, who were waiting for him near the stage. Geoffrey handed him a bottle of water. "How'd it go?"

"Pretty smooth," Arell replied. "They loved the shirt, too."

"Of course they did," Kenny said, grinning. "It's dope."

As they settled near the stage, a different staff member approached them, looking slightly rushed. "Arell Rose?" the staff member asked, glancing around the group.

"That's me." Arell replied, stepping forward.

"The organizer wants to have a quick word with you. Follow me, please." the staff member instructed, beckoning for Arell to follow.

Arell exchanged glances with Geoffrey, who nodded reassuringly. "Go ahead, Arell. We'll be in you're waiting room."

"Alright." Arell said, giving his friends a quick nod before following the staff member.

They navigated through the backstage area until they reached a small office. The staff member knocked on the door, and a voice from inside called, "Come in."

The staff member opened the door and gestured for Arell to enter. Inside, a middle-aged man with a warm smile sat behind a desk, flanked by a few assistants. He looked up and stood, extending his hand.

"Arell Rose, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm James Griffin, the organizer of tonight's event." he said, shaking Arell's hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Griffin," Arell replied.

"Please, have a seat," James said, motioning to a chair across from his desk. Arell sat down, and James continued, "I wanted to personally welcome you to the event. We've been following your rise, and we're thrilled to have you perform tonight."

"Thank you," Arell said, humbled by the recognition. "I'm excited to be here. It's a big opportunity."

James nodded, his expression serious. "Indeed, it is. And that's why I wanted to touch base with you. We want to ensure everything goes smoothly. Do you have any questions or concerns about your set tonight?"

Arell thought for a moment. "I think everything's covered. Geoffrey, my manager, has handled the logistics, I just have to do my sound test and I'm ready to perform."

"That's good to hear," James said, smiling again. "We believe in giving new talent like you a platform to shine. Just remember to stay focused and enjoy the experience."

"Absolutely," Arell replied, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

James glanced at his assistants, who handed him a few documents. "One more thing, Arell. We're featuring some behind-the-scenes footage for a documentary we're working on about the Atlanta hip-hop scene. Would you be interested in participating?"

Arell's eyes widened. "Definitely. That sounds amazing."

"Great," James said, handing him a release form. "Just sign this, and you're all set. Our crew will follow up with you for some interviews and candid shots throughout the night."

Interviews, the world clicked something in Arell's mind as he quickly scanned the document and signed it, handing it back to James. "Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Griffin."

"Thank you, Arell. Looking forward to your performance tonight," James replied.

As Arell left the office, his mind raced with possibilities. The interview could help him complete one of the parts for his quest, plus being featured in a documentary would be good for promotion. It felt like everything was falling into place.

His thoughts were interrupted by another staff member who approached him with a clipboard in hand. "Arell Rose? I'm Jennifer, one of the event coordinators. Do you have a moment to speak with one of the DJs and do a sound test? We can also test your tracks' transitions now."

Arell smiled, appreciating how organized everything was. "Yeah, definitely. Let's do it."

Jennifer led Arell through the bustling backstage area, navigating through a maze of artists, crew members, and equipment. They arrived at a sound booth where a DJ was setting up equipment. The DJ looked up as they approached, his face breaking into a friendly smile.

"Hey man, I'm DJ Spinthrilla," he said, extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Arell replied, shaking his hand.

"Alright, let's get your tracks loaded up and see how they transition. We want to make sure everything's smooth for your set tonight," Spinthrilla explained.

Arell handed over a USB drive with his tracks. "Here are the tracks I'll be performing tonight."

As Spinthrilla inserted the USB drive and started scanning through the files, Arell noticed other DJs in the vicinity.

Spinthrilla nodded as he looked over Arell's tracks. "These look solid. Let's run through them."

They spent the next half-hour checking the transitions between Arell's tracks, adjusting levels, and ensuring the beats hit just right. Each track flowed into the next, and Spinthrilla nodded approvingly.

"Your tracks are fire, man. These transitions are gonna keep the energy up." Spinthrilla said, giving Arell a thumbs-up.

"Thanks. Appreciate the help," Arell replied, feeling a surge of confidence.

"I never knew you had a song with Young Thug." Spinthrilla said, clearly amused.

Arell chuckled. "It hasn't been released yet."

Jennifer then approached again. "Everything looks good here. You're all set for your set tonight. Is there anything else you need?"

Arell shook his head. "No, I think I'm good. Thanks for all the help."

"Great," Jennifer said. "We're all looking forward to your performance. Break a leg!"

With everything set for his performance, Arell made his way back to the waiting room where Geoffrey and the others were gathered. As he entered, he found them chatting, snacking, and generally relaxing before the big show.

"Hey, you're back!" Geoffrey exclaimed, offering Arell a smile. "How did it go?"

"Smooth as silk," Arell replied, sinking into a nearby chair. "Sound test was a success, and the DJ loved the tracks."

Malik, Kenny, and Devon nodded in approval, their expressions reflecting their confidence in Arell.

"Man, they brought us some food," Malik said, gesturing to the spread of snacks and sandwiches on the table. "Staff just dropped it off."

Arell raised an eyebrow, impressed by the hospitality. "Nice. Good to know they're taking care of us."

Geoffrey leaned in, his expression serious. "Hey, Arell, while you're here, you should take the opportunity to mingle with the other artists. It could make for some good connections instead of lounging around with us."

Arell nodded, understanding the importance of networking in the industry. "Yeah, you're right. I'll go introduce myself."

Geoffrey gave him a last look, his gaze filled with a mixture of pride and concern. "Just be careful out there, okay? Stay vigilant, some of the people here have…images that are way too clean."

Arell nodded as he absorbed every word. "Got it, I'll be careful." He said as he left the waiting room.

Navigating through the backstage area once more, Arell headed towards the lounge where there were a lot of people, many of them adorned in sleek suits and dresses, exuding an air of sophistication and importance. Arell made his way to the meal area, where chefs were preparing dishes.

Approaching one of the chefs, Arell requested a custom meal, and after 4 minutes, with his meal in hand, Arell scanned the room for a suitable place to sit. The tables were large, capable of accommodating several people at once, but Arell preferred a bit of solitude as he wasn't familiar with anyone here.

Spotting a quiet corner table, he made his way over and settled into a seat, his plate of food in front of him.

Mid-bite, Arell noticed a figure in a sharp suit making their way through the crowd. There was something about the way they carried themselves that caught his attention.

Curious, Arell watched as the person approached, wondering who they might be.

The person finally reached Arell's table, offering a charming smile that didn't quite reach their eyes. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" they said in a smooth, almost oily tone. "Arell Rose, if I'm not mistaken?"

Arell nodded cautiously, being off putted by the stranger. "That's right. And you are?"

The person extended a manicured hand, adorned with expensive-looking jewelry that gleamed under the ambient lighting of the lounge. "Name's Marcus." They paused for effect, their gaze lingering on Arell a beat too long before continuing. "Marcus Blackwood. I'm a talent agent, among other things."

"Nice to meet you, Marcus." Arell replied, though his tone lacked warmth.

Marcus took a seat opposite Arell, leaning in slightly. "I've heard quite a bit about you, Arell. The quality of your music and your potential... has been impressive, to say the least."

There was a subtle emphasis on the word "impressive," accompanied by a knowing glint.

"Thank you," Arell replied evenly, though his guard remained firmly in place.

Marcus's smile widened. "I must say, I'm intrigued by your potential. With the right guidance, you could go far in this industry."

A part of him couldn't help but feel a flicker of curiosity into what exactly Marcus had planned, but he had no need for a manager.

"I appreciate the offer," Arell said diplomatically, "but I'm quite content with my current management."

Marcus's smile faltered for a fraction of a second before quickly returning. "Of course, of course. But remember, Arell, opportunities like this don't come around every day. You never know when you might need a friend in high places."

With that cryptic remark, Marcus rose from his seat, his presence seeming to linger in the air even after he departed.

Arell couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort that lingered. The encounter left a sour taste in his mouth, and he found himself scrutinizing the bustling crowd.

Resolving to put the encounter out of his mind, Arell returned his attention to his meal.

However, just as he was about to take another bite, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head, Arell spotted a photographer approaching, camera in hand. His initial instinct was to tense up, but he forced himself to relax as the photographer drew nearer.

"Mind if I snap a few shots?" the photographer asked with a friendly smile. "It's for the documentary we're filming about tonight's event."

Arell nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "Go ahead."

The photographer wasted no time, capturing a series of candid shots as Arell obliged with a polite smile. Despite his lingering unease, Arell couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at being featured in the documentary. Not long ago the only picture he was taking was his mug shot, now he's being featured in documentaries.

'I should make that a bar in a song' He mentally noted.

As the photographer finished up and moved on to other subjects, Arell returned his focus to his meal, savouring each bite.