
Chapter 77: Howard

"Dad. What are you doing here?" Declan walks out of his office into the empty reception area as I step off the elevator.

"Can't a father stop in to see how his boys are doing?" I answer as I unbutton my jacket and set it across their receptionist's desk.

Lucas joins us in the main area and they both look tired. Of course they are. They've been working hard to find Jayne and trying to buy back her beach property.

I know.

"I mean how did you know we were here? It's Saturday." Declan clarifies.

"Yes and it's Jayne's birthday." Lucas drops his head at my response. "If you haven't found her yet, where else would you be?"

If I could go back in time and do anything different, I would never have let Caroline slip away from me the very first time when my family moved away. I was young and I convinced myself love was easy to find and we would just both move on. Seeing her after all of those years made me see how foolish I was.

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