
the begining

"SMILE!" a bright light flashes in my eyes "OVER HERE!" another flash burns my rentinas and I try and fail to block the blinding light with my my hands as microphone is shoved in my face.


"what?" I try and fail to blink the spots the spots out of my eyes as my stomach sinks "they know! oh god they know they know I'm a...


I spring up sweat pouring down my face. I swallowed the scream that was building up in my throat and padded out of bed and washed my face. oh boy another nightmare I sighed and looked in the mirror. I had a mass of black and blue streaked hair with neon blue and dark purple eyes and naturally ruby red full lips. I sighed, grabbed the brush, and tried futilely to tame mass of wavy hair I slammed the brush down grumbling wishing I was a witch instead of a shape shifter I mean what flipping shifter had blue black hair "naturally" I mean the shit grows that way you'd think I'd be able to figure out what I shift into right?! wrong! the dreams are supposed to be my spirit animal reaching out to choose me but what the flip is my shift a Luna damed camera! jeez!


"Ironbell get the door!"

yes my name is ironbell I know my parents might as well of signed a bully me now warrent I mean do know how many times I called iornballs growing up I shook my head and sighed cringing at my own name. and stomped down the steps to see who was banging on my flipping door like it was the end of the world! I growled deep in my chest as the candles that set the stairs alight flared as I passed which was not uncommon for me. when I got angery things just reacted elements random dishes. I ll never forget the time a kid made fun of me and suddenly all toys around the room chased him right into the pond which I found hilarious however my mother and teacher did not. I smiled at the memory while rare telichinesus is known among shifters but I was the odd child because I was 5 not 14 when most effects came into play. a sharp bang interrupted my memories scared me shitless I hadn't realized I'd made it to the door let alone how loud the banging was. which pissed me of more.