
Chapter 1: Talent: Overwhelming Danger Intuition


Why is my life so hard while others get to be free of duties?

I feel like my intuition keeps telling me things...

Should I continue my lifestyle of ignoring it?

I decided.

I will follow my intuition to guide me to the best path possible.


[5 Lords and 10 Subjects detected to have awakened SSS-Rank talents.]

[Your talent is, ´Overwhelming Danger Intuition´.]

[Detected that you are an SSS-Rank Subject]

[Starting ranking procedure...]

All of a sudden, notifications appeared in a screen that came out of nowhere in front of me.

I was surprised at first glance. My talent looked quite ordinary but was SSS-Rank? I was confused. But I knew it must not be ordinary seeing the rank of it. I looked at its info and was surprised.

[Talent Info: Due to your overwhelming intuition of always feeling like you are going to be in danger one day, your Lord and its allies and subjects will all receive a boost of 500% in energy and will always be active and never slack off duties.]

[Rank the list of Lord talents in 30 minutes, once that is done, you will get to choose your own lord with Lords being the least useful based on Subjects´ opinions becoming Subjects]

I saw a list of different talents. Even though the higher ranking talents are automatically placed first, some may be worser than the other. Therefore, I understood the reason behind this. This is to allow us to rate which Lords we feel is not suitable.

I noticed that all the Lord talents seem to be all-rounders. I felt somewhat relieved but still nervous. I did not like having to work under someone after all. I looked through the list of Lord talents and modified the rankings as I liked making things organised.

I felt that it was alright after about 25 minutes of looking through and changing some ranks.

One of the least useful talents I found was called ´Giver of Hope´ Its purpose was to make the soldiers have a 0.5% higher chance of suddenly leveling up during a standstill compared to higher lords. Based on the lord talent, I also found out that the normal chance for that happening is 1%.

[Detected you have finished ranking the list of Lord talents.]

[Detected you have 96 Lord territory invites]

Suddenly a list of 96 Lords and their Lord talents appeared before me. I realised that it automatically showed the Lords in terms of how I ranked them.

I noticed that I can also change it to show when did they send the Lord invites exactly down to the milliseconds.

I decided to check it out and noticed that the first person to send me an invite was an S-rank Lord and about 6 milliseconds after it was a B-rank Lord and then it was an A-rank 15 milliseconds after and so on so forth.

I noticed that I only receive the invites of 4 SSS-rank Lords. I looked carefully.


[Talent: Tearing Tries]

[Talent Info: Due to always being opposed, Marin shows no fear anymore and always make sure that any opposers will be in their worst state possible upon knowing of their betrayal or knowing that they are his enemies. Any enemies, allies, subjects that tries to oppose Marin will get a 50% debuff in all areas excluding energy intake. If any opposers have a talent of skill to neglect debuffs, they will instead get a debuff of 30%]


[Talent: Juggernaut of Laughter]

[Talent Info: Due to Plainer´s father being a clown expert, Plainer learned to make his audience laugh so hard that they die. Anybody whom Plainer does not give permission to will laugh non-stop causing their movements to slow by 95% if they have Agility higher than a 100 and 80% if Agility is lower than a 100.]


[Talent: Debuff opposer]

[Talent Info: Due to being slow all the time, Jacob decided to finally try and start walking. And to his surprise, he is able to walk very easily with no sense of discomfort. Anybody who tries to debuff Jacob will get reflected unless the talent is SS-Rank or higher]


[Talent: Gathering of Supporters]

[Talent Info: Due to being too overwhelmingly known as a handsome and kind boy, he is able to get relations with neutral parties quickly and is able to have a 60% chance of turning the enemy into a friend.]

I looked at them. I noticed that the person with the Lord talent ´Shadow Party´ did not invite me. I am quite uninterested in the last two, but I am interested in Marin and was interested in the person with the Lord talent ´Shadow Party´ but unfortunately the person did not invite me to my dismay. The first part of the Marin´s talent is very much interesting to me.

I thought more about it but eventually decided against choosing the last three and decided to pick Marin.

[You have picked ´Marin´ as your Lord. Serve him well]

All of a sudden, I suddenly felt the change in scenery.