
Contract Marriage;The CEO's Spouse

Just like every other young girls, Ebele Meier was a carefree and adorable girl,, who got all the love that she needed from her parents and her buddy Rupert Berg. They gave her all the support they could, Rupert was also there for her both emotional comfort and friendly company since childhood, while his elder brother Hut Berg, was pushed to the conner. Well not untill she was 16 that she found out, that she was in an arranged marriage with Hut Berg, who she had made not to cross in any way. She was so devastated when she found about this, despite her protest about the matter, nothing could be done about it, so she had no choice, than to withdraw her feelings for Rupert, but it wasn't an easy task, because he was also her best friend, their connection ran deep since childhood, and she had always hoped for more between her and Rupert, who was always reserved in his ways, in contrast to his elder brother. Unfortunately, it seems like this would be a stop from her long childhood crush, but it was easier said than done, So as some point, she chose to just ignore the situation and continue living her life just like before, after all she was still young, maybe when she was ready for the marriage, a mirracle might just happen, and Rupert would be her groom. But just after she finished her Ausbuildung, and Abiture on social Law. her parents didn't let her study deeper, she was not initially meant to complete her occupation after all, they only wanted her to be educated so she can acquire knowledge in politics, and be able to help Hut in any way she can as his soon to be bride.

MiMmi · Urban
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11 Chs

Hang out

**Meier's Manor****

I squinted my eyes, as I felt sudden rays of brightness on my face, the sensation was too unconfortable, so I shield my face with my hand.

''Ugghhh ! '' I don't appreciate the early disturbance, I tried opening my eyes, but the process was taking forever, it was like my eyes were glued together, compelling me to give up my protest, and go back to sleep. But I can't ! I felt exposed, as if I was in a public conference with a lot of cameras' lights flashing at me, like it's prey. At least that was how my brain interpreted it at the moment. I could feel the tinklings of my lashes on my cheeks, as my eyeslids were fluttering involuntering.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, but immediately turned to my right side, as it was too bright on my left. I was still a little dazed, as I stared blankly on a wall, that was in my line of view. I felt empty, in fact I don't even know the colour of the wall! What's a wall? What's a colour? What language is this?.....

The click of the door being shut, helped my foggy brain to clear. I apruptly sat up, as my eyes darted warily across the room, it was spaciouse, coulourfull, with a lot of unnecessary things, that was not even needed in a room, the walls were painted blue. I seem to slowly come out of my daze...OH! this looks more like my room...It is my room!

I turned my focuse to my window, and saw that my curtains, had been pulled aside, exposing my room to the harsh sun rays.

'' Fudge nuggets!!!! '' I cursed under my breath, what a cruel thing to do to a sleeping beauty. My lips pursed, as I glanced at the door. I had an idea who came in, and I hope she won't come back any time soon.

I slumbed back on my bed and buried my head with my blanket, forcing myself to get more sleep. Not ready to face the day yet.

But I wasn't sleepy any more. [Better get started with it already!] my brain advised. My petty mindset won't listen.

I will show them I can still sleep peacefully, in a bright room. I was litearlly suffocating myself under the blanket, it was getting hot, and I could feel sweats forming on my hairlines, and driping on my forehead. Sommer was never my best season, but I never had problem with it, until now.

My door creeked, my body stilled..I even held my breath, as I continued to play asleep.

'' Miss?....'' Footsteps approached my beadsides.'' Miss? The tone was hesistant. Frau Schneider, has a gentle soul.

I felt bad for her, she must've been under my mum's fire, at such an early hour of the day. Although, I wanted to stay in bed, just like the spoiled brat, that everyone sees me as!, yet I equally don't want to make her work stressful.

I peeked through my blue blanket '' Yes, Hannah'' My voice was low.

She was towering over me, but I wasn't intimidated, because her expression was friendly just like always.

'' Your parents are waitng for you at the dinner '' I frowned.

'' How so ? Isn't it too early for that?'' I got up from the table, and stretched my arms.

'' Ebele, it's almost noon '' she answered with a light chuckle.

'' What!!!!! '' I was sure my eyes popped, like those of my favourute anime!

I picked my alarm from my bedside, and sure enough it was 11: 25 a.m. I placed back, where it belongs. My alarm was a fish, its colour was of blue, and white stripes.

'' Ughhhhh !!!!! '' I groaned, as I saw my face and hair in the mirror. My black liner, and shiney eyeshadow were smeared on my eyes. I looked like zombie, that has been electicuted ! Can you picture that ?

I wonder how Hahnna was able to keep her smile with me looking like this. and it was all my fault. I would have to freshen up, before going down, and it would take a while. My family like eating lunch even before 12 : 00 noon.

'' I don't think I can make it, just tell them I won't be coming down for lunch'' I took my huge blue pin from my pin stack, and pin my sturbbon hair, into a bedhead bun.

'' I'm sure they won't be happy about it, darling. You already missed breakfast ''

'' Ughhhhhh! But I dont want them to wait!!'' I bit my lips. '' Then tell them I'm on my period, and its driving me crazy. AHHH!'' I began sheddind crockodie tears. ''Just don't stand there, go tell them. Ahhhhh!...Ughhhhh!' I raised my voice more and more.

'' Ebele, will quit behaving like a baby ''

" Seriously yellow?"

It seems like the universe was against me lately, I couldn't help thinking, as I slumbed back on my bed, with my eyes tightly shut. The colour of the blanket was an eye sour, not that I had anything against it. I know it looks childish of me, but I just can't bear anything that isn't birght blue, when it comes to my personal belongings. There was something about the colour that I found soothing. Any other colour was just a big No!

I heard a gentle know but chose to ignore it. "Miss?"

Like in slow motion they opened a little