
Contract Marriage: Emperor CEO's Secretary Wife

"Be my son's mother." He stated as he pushed the marriage form in front of her. "Marry me." As his secretary, she was used to his glares but this time, his stare felt like he was gobbling her up into his stomach. It was hypnotizing yet, she didn't fall for it. Anger filled her up as she stood her ground. "I refuse." His gaze hardened as the both of them stared at each other. Slowly, he rose from his seat and held her chin. "You won't be able to escape. You're mine." She slapped his hand away and stood up. "We'll see about that." She made her way to the door and left the room.

littlemoonshi · Urban
Not enough ratings
295 Chs


"Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Xiu. We would like to apologize again for our rudeness before. We'll contact you again once we already have the results of our investigation." 

After the two agents left the room, Xiu Mei took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.  Lu Chen held her hand and took her into his arms to comfort her which she greatly welcomed. 

It wasn't like she hadn't experience someone treating her rudely before, but it's a different thing to be treated like a criminal when you're the victim itself. 

She remembered the days when she was being blamed and pointed at by people when her best friend died. She was already feeling remorse that she survived alone but being pushed to the cliff by those people, made it all worse on a different level. 

She was the victim, yet why was she being treated like she a criminal.