
Contract Marriage: Becoming True Love

In a part of Indonesia. Once upon a time, a President Director of the Emperor Group, named Dipta Ramadhan, accidentally met a woman who asked him for help. The woman called his name Andini Putri, or you could call her Andin. Andin is just a woman with an ordinary background, from the lower class, whose clothes at that time were very messy. Andin is a "bum" who now lives alone, and because of his inability at that time, Andin tries to find help on the highway to save herself from being chased by thugs who want to arrest her. Without knowing who was in the car at the time, Andin just whined for help to help her, taking herself away from there. But at that time no one wanted to help her until Andin decided to end his life and crashed herself into a moving truck. Dipta who finally felt sorry without hesitation immediately approached and helped her. God still gave life to Andin who at that time was almost dying. Dipta immediately took Andin to the hospital, and he also paid all the bills for Andin's living expenses. Until there was a plan that was considered as compensation because Dipta had taken care of her. Because at that time Dipta was urged by his parents to get married immediately. So, in Dipta's mind, he planned to invite Andin, the woman he met on the street, and he cared for, to marry him by letter, or commonly referred to as "Contract Marriage" in their marriage, slowly they began to feel like each other, and the time that passed, made love grow in their hearts. Could they be together forever, and make a new legal marriage without a contract? Or the two of them will still be separated after the contract period is over, and live their own lives that are different from each other?! . "So what? Who would embarrass me?" Dipta asked as if he did not understand what Andin said. "I mean, you are a respected person, famous, also rich, if you marry me who is just an ordinary poor person, also just a tramp like this, what will your world say later?" Said Andin who confidently said it. "It's me who will bear it!" Dipta replied casually. TO KNOW THE CONTINUE AFTER, LET'S READ THE CONTENTS OF THE CHAPTER UNTIL THE END. HAPPY READING! ;-) . . => Continue to support with your stars and power stones, guys, add your reviews too. Thank you :-)

Dwi_Setya23 · Fantasy
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165 Chs

#Misadventure / Chapter16

Chapter (16)


... and hit a tree on the side of the road. What made Dipta's hood car open, and began to smoke a little.

Luckily Dipta was immediately alert, he did not forget to press the safety button in his car, which took out a balloon head protection, before the car hit so hard. Which later can result in injury to the head, if only there is no security.

After the car stopped, the safety balloon began to shrink slowly, Dipta then held his head, looking around the area.

"Hufff... (Dipta sighed feeling a little relieved) Luckily I didn't forget to press the safety button, otherwise I might not still be conscious at this time." Said Dipta who was grateful to still be safe.

Then Dipta began to notice the smell of burning smoke from inside. Dipta looked ahead, and sure enough that the engine part was open and emitting smoke. Then Dipta quickly tidied up his things that he considered important, and left the things he didn't think remained in the car.

After that Dipta tried to start opening the car door, but the car door was a bit difficult to open from inside the car.

Not long after, a group of local residents arrived there, about 15 men, both men and young people, who came walking toward Dipta's car, which had an accident at that time.

Dipta banged on the door window from inside his car, and screamed for the resident's help.

"Help! help...!" Shrieked Dipta from inside his car, banging on the door window.

Then the people came right away, and rushed over to help Dipta, and they started looking for a safe way to open the car door.

"Hurry up!" Exclaimed a resident who began to worry.

Dipta looked towards the front of the car, and the hood of the car continued to emit smoke which started to build up, and the color started to blacken. From inside the car, Dipta felt very anxious for him.

"What happened, is my sin so much that I have to die quickly in this condition?!" Said Dipta in his heart, who thought so, hugging his bag.

Meanwhile, from outside Dipta's car, the residents were trying to help Dipta open the car door, so that Dipta could get out of the car safely.

Dipta then looked at the clock on the watch he was wearing at that time. "It's too late to go to the meeting. Never mind, I don't mind that! If it's my luck then I'll be able to get it, but if not, that's fine. It's not my luck!" Said Dipta again who spoke to himself, thinking in his heart.

"Come on, hurry, hurry!" Exclaimed a resident again.

They are all trying at this time, by working together to help Dipta out of the car that will soon explode.

"Uhuk uhuk... Uhuk uhuk..." Dipta started coughing because of the smoke that had started to gather in his car.

"The one inside. Please step away a little!" Decisively someone who told Dipta to stay away from near the door now.

"Yes, fine... fine! Uhuk... Uhuk..." replied Dipta who obeyed, shouting from inside his car.

Then there are residents who start by breaking the glass first, so that air can enter, and emit the smoke that surrounds the car.

Because the door still couldn't be opened, like it or not, the windows of the front car door were all smashed, so that Dipta could get out through the gap from the window pane.

"Klang... Klang..." The sound of broken glass fell, and it sounded like that.

The glass of the car that was being broken had started to run out, and soon Dipta would be able to get out.

"Please bring this first!" Exclaimed Dipta who asked for help from a resident to receive an important item that he was carrying to save first, and Dipta's hand while sticking it out through the broken window.

"Fine..." replied a resident who then accepted it.

Suddenly a sheet of white paper fell, in which there were some writings, the paper fell on Dipta's lap exactly.

"Eh, this... (Dipta starts reading the title of a sheet of paper that falls on him lap) This is a Marriage Contract..." Dipta said softly, staring at the paper that he now held in his hand.

After that Dipta then folded the paper, and would put the paper in his pocket.

"I still have this hope to live. Why was I so easy to give up?!" Decisively Dipta, who was talking to himself very softly, while putting the paper that he had folded into his shirt pocket.

"Brak... brak..." The sound of the glass, being tidied up to be broken.

"Come on... come on out! Hurry up!" Said someone who shouted from outside telling Dipta to quickly get out of the car through the broken window glass.

"Yes..." replied Dipta who shouted in agreement, from within.

Dipta then straightened his body, and got up. He would try to get out through the windshield of his car door, assisted by several residents who were there to help him.

"Is there a cushion inside? To cover the bottom so that the glass doesn't stick." Exclaimed a resident who asked Dipta.

Dipta then turned to the back of his car. He seems to have 1 pillow in the back seat of his car.

"Oh, there is... There is..." replied Dipta who informed him.

"Take it fast!" Shouts of several residents who were very anxious.

The hood of the car was still puffing out of smoke, and the smoke was now getting darker and darker. Some of them have started to keep their distance from the location, and are only watching from a distance. Because they were afraid that the car would explode, and it would surely blow a few meters away.

Dipta is currently trying to get the pillow from the back seat of his car, to put it on the door window.

** To be continued...

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