
Continued Story (RI-Fanfic)

The MC wakes up in a strange place and in a different body! He gets reincarnated as Gu Yue Qing Shu in the world of Reverend Insanity and tries to come out with utmost benefits with every step he does. Another Fanfic about getting reincarnated in to the world of Reverend Insanity.

Akugyaku_kotei · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Continued Story ch. 3 Human Nature

Continued Story ch. 3 Human Nature

At that moment the all round became calm. Countless eyes were fixed on Qi Shan.

It got even more exciting, Qing Shu thought to himself with a laugh. Under the watchful eye of the crowd, he walked across the Chi Shan River and reached the opposite bank.

Few of the lights rose from the moonflowers under Chi Shan's feet. His entire body turned white before those lights finally entered him.

This is the Gu of Hope, Qing Shu knew about it from the main story and his studies prior to the Awakening Ceremony.

The person in charge didn't tell them, but he knew it quite clearly. Every speck of that light is the gu, specifically the gu of hope.

<This number of gu of hope is less than expected>. Many old people who watch Chi Shan in the dark think that they see the scene. The clan chief frowned as well. This is definitely not a sign of great talent!

Chi Shan resisted the pressure, and continued walking forward.

After walking 37 steps, Chi Shan stops for a while and takes his last step after that. He could not go further than that. Chi Shan turned, sighing, his face grim, as he walked back.

At this moment, the young teenagers started to respond. The crowd suddenly rose with chatter.

<what? Chi Shan walked only 38 steps?>

<So it was just a B grade talent?!>

<Unbelievable, only a B grade for such a genius?> A huge commotion erupted from the crowd.

Among them, Qing Shu watched the situation as he plotted and laughed secretly.

[Hehehe, yeah, people's nature doesn't change because they only look for benefits. And when you are useless to them, they simply abandon you and you just become like an abandoned dog.]

Chi Lian's face was grim as well, as he had expected it to be A-grade, not only him but a lot of people from the clan thought the same thing as well. But now, the result is unexpectedly the opposite!

<Damn, it was just a grade B!> Gu Yue clan head clenched his fists, and let out a deep breath and disappointment in his voice. The elders observing from the darkness had mixed reactions. Some were frowning, others raised their head to discuss, and others sighed happily.

The only consolation for old man Gu Yue Qi Lian was that he "tied" with his rival Gu Yue Mu Chen.

<Could the results be wrong?>

< How could that be? This method is accurate beyond reasoning, not to add that we have been watching the whole time, and even cheating is difficult. >

<But all his actions and intelligence in the past, how do you explain that?>

<Young men of higher quality than the primeval sea will already display characteristics superior to the normal man. Such as intelligence, cognition, memory, strength, agility, and others. On the other hand, these characteristics do not mean that primitive talent is certainly high. Everything will still be determined by the results.>

<haaah, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The Gu Yu clan's generation...now doesn't look like the first generation.>

<Ah>. The academy elder breathed deeply as he shouted, <Then, Gu Yue Qing Shu!>

But no answer came.

<Gu Yue Qing Shu>! The old man shouted again, his voice echoing within the cave.

That voice awakened Qing Shu from his planning and directed his attention to the sheikh, not replying but moving forward to the imam.

Immediately the entire cave was filled with grimaces, which they considered to be disrespectful to the Elder.

<What is that orphan bastard doing> The Gu Yue Clan head, Gu Yue Bo, frowned, feeling a kind of bored, disinterested and unconcerned attitude toward Qing Shu.

[Hmph] Qing Shu didn't care about what was around him and walked forward, confident in his footsteps, walking like a king.

<disrespectful> slam someone on the river bank. The criticism grew louder, yet the academy elder did not come out and stop them. He had frowned deeply, disappointment filled his heart.

[haaaah (sigh), the way to the future would be really interesting.] Then Qing Shu didn't say anything, then turned around and walked away. He wore a cold expression without any emotions as he walked toward the sea of ​​flowers. [Let's see if I can really change fate]

He raised his head, drew a deep breath, and began to walk forward confidently; Under the gaze of the bemused, dissatisfied, and jeered crowd, Qing Shu entered the river at a steady pace. He could feel a layer of pressure on him. This pressure came from the spirit of spring in the depths of the sea of ​​flowers. who produced the Qi of the primordial spirit spring; Because the Qi was so rich here, it caused stress.

A thick white light rose up from under his feet and began to wrap around him until it became invisible because of the brightness of the light.

With cold, icy waters from the river, and hail piercing his bones.

Qing Shu walked with the same emotional face [less than 10 steps], which means that there is no cultivation talent. 10-20 steps means D grade talent, 20-30 steps would be C grade talent, 30-40 steps would be grade B talent, and 40-50 steps would be grade A talent. So far, you've walked 33 steps.]

34, 35, 36, 37, 38, ...

Qing Shu counted the steps in his heart. When he reached 38 he had reached his limits but he gritted his teeth and took

One more step forward he could hear a bang between two kidneys, the ball of light reaching its farthest

But it did not explode. He was so excited by this, he rested his body, tilted it back, then forward, and finally took the 39th step.

That light ball didn't explode even though he pushed himself to its limits and was already a false A.

Because of his recent training before the Awakening Ceremony, Qing Shu built a good muscular build, which helped him withstand the tremendous pressure now, and it could be said that his training paid off.

However, he was not satisfied. Wanting to push himself further, he took another step, but he began to feel his bones creaking. He did not care about it and completed his step forward. Qing Shu's indifferent expression turned pain as his skin cracked causing him to bleed.

Even though he had reached the 40th step, Qing Shu wanted to be on the safe side and take the 41st step, but he had already reached his limit. He tilted his body back and threw his body forward with every drop of strength he had. His blood at that time covered him in his bones. It didn't stop squeaking an shaking.

With all that agony, Qing Shu reached the 41st step, but he wasn't on his feet but crawled. Then he sat cross-legged to rest his exhausted and bloodied body.

He felt an explosion, an explosion of energy just inside his body; Outsiders could not see it. Only Qing Shu could feel it at that moment, feeling an overwhelming reaction. Immediately the fine hairs on his body stood up, his pores closed, his mind becoming somewhat tense.

After a while, his mind went blank, and his whole body became smooth, as if he had fallen into some cloud. His heart relaxed and his fine hair flattened and his pores reopened. In a short while, his whole body was sweating.

He felt that this whole process had been for a long time, but it had already happened in such a short time. The former feeling went away as it came.

Qing Shu was strayed for a short while before he came to his senses. He secretly focused his attention on his body and found that under his navel and between his kidneys, a gap of thin air formed.

The Awakening Party was a success!

The gap was vague and unusual. Although it was located inside Qing Shu's body, at the same time, it did not share space with its internal organs.

You could say that it was infinitely huge, and at the same time infinitely small, and it could be said that it exists and does not exist at the same time.

It was spherical and its surface covered in flowing white light, like a thin layer of light paint. It was the layer of light from the atmosphere of hope that had exploded earlier. This thin membrane supported the hiatus so that it did not collapse, and within the hiatus was, of course, the primordial sea.

The sea water was smooth as a mirror, appearing a greenish-blue, but the water was thick and gave off a coppery luster. The first order of a Gu Master can form this green copper primeval element, otherwise known as the green copper sea.The height of the copper-green sea reached more than half, as it was only 80%. This was also the bottom line of A grade talent. Every drop of sea water was a pure primeval essence, representing the condensation of Qing Shu's vitality essence.

He has also accumulated his potential over the past 15 years. This primeval essence is used by the Gu Master to raise the power of the atmosphere. This also meant that from now on, Qing Shu had officially entered the path to the first rank of Gu Master.

Since the gap was opened, the hope Gu no longer entered Qing Shu's body. Cheng Shu gathered himself, as he had an invisible wall in front of him that prevented him from taking any further step forward. He didn't care much about it, he had a great success and he was happy with the current result, so he didn't care much. He was already standing at a distance no one had reached before.

41 steps!

<My God, A grade A talent!> The academy elder shouted, apparently losing his mind.

<A grade, really A grade!>

<It's been so many years, and a talented genius has finally appeared in the Gu Yue clan!>

The elders of the clans, who were watching in the dark, were screaming at the same time, losing control of their souls.

< Well, Qing Shu originated from our Qi lineage. So we Qi family will take this Gu Yue Qing Shu > proclaim Gu Yue Chi Lian at once.

< How is that possible? You old Chi Lian are really immoral, you are definitely good at misleading young boys. You'd better let this kid with me, Gu Yue Mo Chen, to raise his abilities!>

<Stop arguing. No one is more qualified to raise this child than the current clan leader. Whoever had an objection would be against me, Gu Yue bo!> The Gu Yue clan chief went crazy and his fiery red gaze swept over the others.

Qing Shu's heart was calm. He thought of the legends of Ren Zu: When the beasts of trouble come, give your heart to hope.

Today, this hope is within him. His qualifications were great and his future would be bright.

What does their false interest have to do with me? The most important thing is to carry hope inside my heart!

His previous life led him to realize that the interesting things that happen in a person's life, happen when one chases one's dreams. There is no need to ask others around you not to disappoint or make them like you.

Just walk your own way!

To be continued….

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