

PREVIEW: "I would back up if I were you...as to not ruin that pretty little night gown", I warned while the barrel of my pistol looked down at her husband's head. She glanced at me and fearfully looked down at her naked feet. "Now which one of you hit Max?" They remained silent and that pissed me off even more. "Since everyone appears to be mute and useless, I might as well kill you both; pick who goes first or I will." I quickly pulled out my knife and threw it towards the woman using my left hand; it missed her head by a mere two inches. From where I stood, I could almost taste the fear that radiated from her. "Now that I've demonstrated my seriousness, I expect some answers in a timely manner." I was very rational when need be. "I...I didn't mean to hit hi-", Darrel began, But I had already made my choice; therefore he was useless to me and regardless of how he would plead for his life, one of us wasn't going to make it out alive. "Well that's a nice sentiment but you won't be around to touch any one anymore, not even that beautiful wife of yours". An evil smirk plastered on my face. Without restraint I pulled the trigger, the weapon adjusted in my hand. Power coursed through my veins as I felt no remorse as usual. Specks of blood covered my face and shirt. Witnessing the assassination of her husband, the wife began to weep; "you'll pay for this", she whispered through gritted teeth. SUMMARY: Zena Carter has always been a troubled soul. Born and raised with a desperate need for all the wrong kinds of love. Her past is far too murky and her secrets are locked deep within her heart. After finding out that she was expecting; she had a choice to make. After all, having a baby by a man ten years her senior was not ideal considering that she was an assassin for hire. To add insult to injury, she discovered that her supposed lover is also a... FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY (18+ advised)

1800GOTMILK · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Once we'd arrived at the place, I turned the car off and faced Max.

"Look, when we get in there I want you to stay close and sit wherever I point to, give me some time to talk to your father".

We exited the car and walked into the diner. I used to work there before my life went off the rails. I knew that we would be safe there because Jeremy's father owns it.

When I opened the door, there was no staff or customers; no children running around without parental supervision. I figured he was smart enough to send everyone home since I was coming to meet him.Once inside, I flipped the open sign and locked the door.

"Zena I'm in the office!" I heard coming from the back room.

I went up to Max and told him, "sit over there, I'll come get you in a few minutes". I pointed to a couch in the employee room; Jeremy's office and the break area were connected.

"Did ya miss me?" I asked, winking at him as I lightly pushed the door enough so we would have some privacy.

"Zena please", he begged, shaking his head and raising his hands in surrender.

He stood from his chair and placed his hands on the desk. "What must I do for you my queen?"

"Oh stop, you're gonna make me blush...no but seriously I got into some deep trouble and I don't know how I'm gonna get out...not alive anyway."

I could see the worry in his eyes, he came closer to me and took my face in his hands."What's going on Zena talk to me?"

My eyes twitched as I looked away, averting his pitiful gaze.

"Some powerful people are after us after a bad business deal. I wanted to warn you before I tried anything; these people are ruthless and will stop at nothing so watch your back."

Puzzled and a bit confused, he grabbed a hold of my shoulders and asked, "wait a minute who's after you? If someone threatened you we can go down to the station, I can file a report and get one of my buddies on the case. Just take breath and tell me everything".

Frustrated, I stepped out of his reach and repeated, "Stop...stop...please stop...stop asking me questions...j-just do me this one favor and keep him safe for me".

His hands slid through his freshly cut hair and down to his beard in confusion, "Who's HIM"?

Suddenly, I remembered that Max was still sitting out there waiting for his dad. I needed to come clean. I walked towards the office chair, sat down, and swung around so that my back was facing him.

"Jeremy, do you remember the first time we slept together?"

"How could I not? that was a good night", he acknowledged. He dug inside his shirt pocket and took out a cigarette.

"Yeah and then we broke up only a week after", I added, remembering how I felt about finding out that he was engaged.

"I'm sorry about that", he apologized. As soon as he was about to light the cigarette, I snatched it from his mouth.

"A terrible habit you got there."I never liked it when he smoked; though he did it often.

"You never seemed to have a problem with it before", he reached for another one and lit it up before I could snatch it from his lips.

He laughed and joked, "you're fast but not fast enough...what favor are you calling in now my queen?"

"I always hated when you called me that."

A puff of smoke left his lips and entered his nose. "Never had a problem with that either."

This cat and mouse game needed a conclusion so I ripped off the band aid.

"We have a son and his name is...Max", I revealed.

Jeremy stepped away from me and a look of disbelief followed.

"I...I have a son, and you kept him from me all this time? You looked me in the eyes every time we're together, you've been messing around with me for FIVE years and now you tell me that we have a son. You must be joking."

He had every right to be angry with me. I lowered my head and sat back down, waiting for him to cool off.

"Where is he now, is he okay?"

Jeremy gripped the arms of the chair, our eyes connected while my anxiety grew. He's the only man who could intimidate me like that.

"He's here...sitting on the couch, said that he wanted to meet you."

"Is he in danger, I know you probably wouldn't be here telling me this unless-"

I interrupted him saying, "there is a bounty on his head, one of the guys I worked for was not too pleased with my services. They're trying to neutralize anyone who could jeopardize their business. There is a case currently open, that could cause them to lose more than some merchandise".

He shook his head dissaprovingly and asked, "dead or alive?"

"They want him alive. From what I've gathered, this is a plot to get back at me."

He stared deep within my eyes, it felt as if he was reading my soul. The sadness in his eyes were apparent.

"What exactly do you do? I mean you're never in town and somehow always in trouble. Don't lie to me this time."

I managed to hide the fact that I was a trained killer from my child's father...among other things.

Moment of truth.

"Well when rich and powerful men need someone gone permanently, they contact me", I clarified.

"So you're an assassin?"

"Rogue...as of recent events."

"What are you gonna arrest me now, detective?" I asked.

"Maybe later, for now, I want to meet my son", he turned and opened the door to the break room.

He froze as he stared a Max.

"He looks just like you", I whispered behind him.

"Max, say hello to your father."

He turned towards us and ran to Jeremy.

I immediately felt extremely guilty.