
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

Now, just after three days it's posted again — then was taken…

"But, that task is classified as General Rank mission?

How could you give it to someone so easily?!"

The youth roared making the guards standing on the corners to frown.

There were three types of contribution missions going from the easy to hard; Guardian Rank, General Rank, Lord Rank, King Rank, Emperor Rank and Spirit Rank.

In particular, the General Rank was out of reach for someone in Warrior Level, they must be at least on Elite Level to succeed but it isn't guaranteed either.

The General Rank task, Ares took, was very tricky one since the beast protecting the plant was very powerful and had high intelligence.

"Are you questioning my authority?!"

Elder Kiel's face turned black and releasing his bloodlust over the youth.

The hall started creaking; the thunderous cheers were non-existent, as though – he alone – shunned by the world.

His sworn brothers grit their teeth, unable to go by his side, pressured and frozen.

"N-N-No," Darin subconsciously took a step back, remembering that he was talking someone on higher realm and authority.

He shrunk.

"I-I-It's not like that…

P-please forgive me, Elder Kiel."

He bowed with hand clasped, cold sweat forming, knees met the ground.

Elder Kiel sighed.

"I know what you mean but don't worry that person could probably find a way to take it," he told them making his cup be emptied, as if everything that transpired was mere illusion.

He was good at managing things the higher ups would usually gave him the most difficult task and when he asked for replacement in the Resource Hall, instead he was sent in the Cloud Peak where he needs to oversee the outsiders who wanted to enter inside the sect.

Being unable to sleep for a few days was not detrimental for cultivators, however in months it would be a huge risk. Meditating and staying awake was not the same thing for a cultivator. In meditative state was like half-awake and half-asleep and the person's perception on time would either be slow or fast depending from person to person.

Even though Elder Kiel was sleep deprived by few months by now – which he resented – he had still kept his sharp eyes into work.

Ares who entered when he was dozing off was particularly eye catching for him.

How he walks, how he talks and his movement had subtle meanings, as if he was ready to combat at any moment, like soldiers battered up to have iron blood and body, who went into countless battles and faced life and death situations.

Moreover, even though Ares kept in check his aura, Elder Kiel had managed to catch it.

Bloodlust and ruthlessness instilled into the depths of his humanity, something that someone on his age shouldn't have.

It was really revelation for Elder Kiel, if someone would tell something like this to him, he would just laugh it off and finish his tea. But, hearing and seeing is different.

He sighed heavily once again.

'He must have a very rough and tough life, ah…'


The three breathed in worry.

Ares went and found himself in a place where a stomach should be satisfied.

A restaurant.

He raised his hand just as he sat down. Later on, a waiter came to get his order.

"What do you want sir?" The waiter politely asked.

"Give me your specialty."

"Eh? … Specialty…?"

"Yes, your restaurant's specialty. Is there any problem?"

"Well… this specialty… I…"

'Mm? Is the concept of having a specialty for restaurants doesn't apply in here?'

"I mean, the best meal you could offer, but limit as one could eat."

"…Ohhh, I see." The man received enlightenment.

"But… Um…" the waiter sized him up as if saying, 'Could you afford it?'

He was hesitant, then –

"Would have I enter in here if I can't?"

–Ares said in cold tone, glaring the waiter, standing silly.


What about the soup?"

"I'll leave that to you," Ares responded with the waiter timidly nodding, "Also do you have fruits?"

"…F-Fruits? Yes, we have–"

"Then give me best one and bring me a cup of cold water," he ended.

The waiter went to relay his order in the kitchen and as Ares waited, people started to flow in.

He sighed in relief.

Back together with that old man was like inside a den of a tiger.

He had his sense of security being compromise at every passing minute. Even though that old man was acting normal, he could feel a piercing gaze trying to penetrate his soul.

It was uncomfortable.

So, within that period of time, he stayed passively, keeping quiet and telling what is only necessary.

"Ha…" One sat down and fanning himself fervently. His companions took their seats and ordered.

"Ai," the fat man breathed. "Luckily, I didn't bet all my money."

"Hahaha, what did I tell you, Celes is a tough woman after all," he said slapping his thigh. "The Warrior's Arena was going to be hers until she can enter."

This time his food at last arrived but his ears were on another table.

"If Ziler hadn't entered so soon this place would always be his backyard. So, at least we should be happy," one said drinking his water that just had arrived.

"Luckily for me, I went again in the first trial and didn't see that bastard's face," the other resented, gritting his teeth reminiscing those times that he needed to pay up for so called 'protection fee.'

"Well, he's stronger than us after all. I bet he could even defeat those in the early stage of Elite Level," the fat one said gulping, in one move, his water.

The person sitting on the left side, suddenly remarked, "Did I tell you that Princess Eara just came back together with her sister?"

"No," the two answered, they looked at him with rather intense look as if saying, 'You bastard, spill everything you know.'

"Then have you seen her face?"

Apparently, this topic was normal for the most part, simply put they were curious.

"No, but if were talking about her beautiful body who cares if her face is ugly! Moreover, she was a princess and have you heard a princess who was not beautiful?!"

He rebuked, fantasizing of he just witnessed in the morning.

"Ha, even if I didn't see her face, Princess Shina's small and innocent face was already quiet a view," he added, making the fat boy and the red robed boy's face to twitch from time to time, filled with envy.

"…He he he"

This brown robed young man was actually one of the people who was sent again in Cloud Step Trial so he know about Ares, but failed to mention him for he was caught inside his fantasy.

Ares took his time to eat and continued to eavesdrop, but he cannot catch any valuable information.

The trio went on their meal and chatted about useless things.

Time went by.

Four young men then also started chatting behind him after they eat.

"You know what, it seems that Princess Eara had a fiancée."

"What?!" The three jumped from their seats, catching the attention of almost everyone in the place.

"Sit down, I'll tell you," the young man said gesturing them to calm down.

"Who's the bastard trying to defile my goddess?!"

One young man, steams coming out from his nose, uttered.

"Actually I'm not sure either, but I saw her this morning letting a man go near her," he explained, going to the details of seeing her sister, too.

"But, you said he also took the Cloud Step Trial. If he was her fiancée, then he should have some sort of high background, so why?"

The four was puzzled.

"All I know is that he was up here. If we want to know more then we need to find him."

He whispered.

In reality even if they wanted to find Ares they really can't find him because he disguised using a mask sticking to his face like a real one back at the first trial.

"Yeah, for my goddess!!" the other replied.

'Goddess, huh?' Ares drank his water and went to the counter.

"Have you heard that something happened outside?" A waiter talked to his colleague. "Hmm?" The cashier asked.

"There's seems to be a movement of the Mara Continent, I hear."

"Not that," another waiter chimed in. "If it is the westerners then it should have been known by the Supreme Council and crushed them immediately. But, what I heard is concerning the Guardian Alliance."

"The Guardian Alliance, huh? That means it concerns us too. But, I don't think there are any problem in the organization," the cashier mumbled.

"It was an organization with many jurisdictions after all, so we can't easily guess the problem," the waiter, who initiated the conversation, said.

Ares – who was leaving the counter after paying up – heard this and etched this "Guardian Alliance" in his mind.

'Guardian Alliance?'

In the corner, three cloaked people stood up and smiled.

Cooked up by the heat, the person carefully checking how many went out for mission and those who entered saw a square face young man with freckles below his cold eyes went to his view.

"On mission?" The Head Guardian asked flipping the paper and stretching out his hand. The young man give him the token and then he put a round stone – or rather an emerald gem – on the groove located in the center and returned it.

"Keep that stone there," he reminded before leading him to the side with clouds floating and blocking one's sight after a certain distance.

The Head Guardian went near to a small pillar just about a meter and pressed the center.

The clouds, agitated.

The clouds then made a spiral motion converging at some point.