
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1



4th day, 1st month, 1200th year, Sage Calendar

On the Border Road of the Ankara Region

A carriage trudges along the bumpy road, occasionally wobbling but without causing any disturbance to the people inside. The carriage bears a lotus insignia on its back and is adorned with golden paintings and embroidery on either side, indicating that the occupants must come from prominent backgrounds.

Eight burly men guard the carriage, four at the back and another four at the front, with their swords hanging from their waists.

The interior is exquisitely decorated with chairs adorned with silk pillows filled with feathers. Above the chairs, a gold flag hangs, displaying paintings of weapons and phoenixes. Three individuals sit in front of a sturdy black table.

Inside the carriage, there are two young women and one man. The two young women sit across from the man, silently enjoying their tea. One of the young women, visibly perturbed by their situation, occasionally casts a bored gaze to the side. Despite sensing this, the person sitting beside her ignores it. Unable to contain her boredom any longer, she suddenly pleads in a sweet and pleading manner.

"Elder Sister, the Supreme Sect is only three days away. Can we...?"

"No," comes the firm reply.

The young girl dressed in pale blue remains undeterred by the flat and outright response. She puts on a gentle smile and looks to the girl next to her, who has her face covered by a veil. The girl with the veil recognizes this tactic immediately, having encountered it countless times before. It's clear that this is her way of convincing people or obtaining things she desires.

She lets out a sigh.

The girl sitting next to the pleading one exudes an aloof and refined demeanor. Clad in red with a veil concealing her face, she still can't hide her exquisite figure. Her starry eyes meet the little girl's gaze, and the little girl blinks conspicuously, trying to convey something to her.

"Shina, I know you're bored, but you need to endure it for three days. It's for your own safety," she says in a soft, comforting voice.

The girl reaches out suddenly, clasping her big sister's hand.

"Sister Eara, please, just this once," she pleads, wearing a pitiful expression. "We've been traveling for many days, and we haven't even had a chance to go outside and enjoy the scenery." She scoots closer and tightens her grasp on her sister's hand.

"Sister Eara" slowly removes her hand from Shina's, doing so gracefully.

"It's not possible," the princess says firmly.

"But... But Master Lou is here. We can ask him to protect us," the girl turns to a man silently sipping his tea.

The man opens his eyes, and his meaningful gaze turns to the princess, suggesting that it's indeed possible.

However, Princess Eara can't help but refute it nonetheless.

In truth, Master Lou is also bored, confined to the carriage with nothing to do, much like the elder princess who is merely restraining herself. The options for amusement are extremely limited; it's not much different from being in jail.

"Furthermore, since we started our journey, we haven't encountered any danger," the little princess justifies her request.

"Not encountering danger before doesn't mean it will never happen," the red-clad princess rebuts.

The little princess's words hold some truth. They haven't faced any danger since they set out, and now that she thinks about it, she almost wishes that some beasts would cause trouble for them.

This dangerous thought stems from boredom and inactivity. However, what the other princess said also carries weight. It's better to be cautious than to face danger.

Shina falls silent, lost in deep thought as she tries to find a way to convince her elder sister. Meanwhile, Master Lou telepathically sends a message to Eara, stating that there's a very low chance of encountering any danger along their route due to the presence of various forces. Even if they were to encounter danger, he believes it wouldn't pose much of a threat.

"But still..."

"I understand, princess. But whatever will happen, will happen. If we always make things easier for her, it will only hinder her growth."

Master Lou concludes his message using Divine Sense.

Eara is still hesitant, but she understands the situation well. There are many forces seeking to eliminate both her and her little sister, some of them incredibly powerful. However, if they wish to kill them, they must do so in the shadows; otherwise, it would provide their enemies with ammunition to use against them.

That's why they chose to travel by land instead of by air—to prevent their enemies from acting recklessly. Additionally, if they were to travel by air, the forces whose territories they would pass through might perceive it as a lack of respect for their sovereignty. While some would understand, others may use it as a pretext to initiate conflicts or make demands. There's also the risk of accidentally activating Guardian Arrays of organizations or nations, which has happened in the past, resulting in deaths and severe consequences for the activating party.

By traveling on land, they can follow the roads, which also serve as boundaries, to demonstrate respect. They can seek help from patrolling disciples if enemies approach.

While it's true that they can sometimes bypass these rules in times of crisis, they must provide valid reasons for doing so.


The princess sighs, feeling defeated. However, as she sees her little sister punching the air and rejoicing, that feeling dissipates. Boredom transforms into excitement.

"There's a river ahead, and we'll probably reach it by tomorrow. We'll stop there and explore," the man says. Although he appears to be in his thirties based on his appearance, he's actually over eighty years old. Shina's excitement intensifies as she contemplates the possibility of swimming in the river and starts planning what she'll do the next day. Eara rolls her eyes, clearly displaying her indignation.

The girl is caught up in her excitement when a guard outside suddenly shouts. The carriage comes to a halt, and the horses neigh.

"What's going on?" the little princess asks. "Don't worry, I'll go take a look," Master Lou replies, setting his tea cup down and stepping outside. Little Shina is also curious and follows suit.

"Sister Eara, we should go see too."

The elder sister is about to call her back, but her feet have already touched the ground. Helpless, she can only follow.


A few minutes earlier, as they continued their journey, the guards noticed something on the road. As they approached, their guard went up, suspecting it might be a trap. The four guards at the front exchange glances and decide to halt.

Such actions are common for bandits and mercenaries, especially in unclaimed territories like this. It's an ideal location for such activities, as they can avoid incurring the wrath of powerful forces.

"What's wrong?" a man asks as he steps down to the ground.

The leader of the guards dismounts and bows respectfully, cupping his fists. "Master Lou, there's someone lying on the road."

Master Lou's gaze falls upon the person lying a few meters away. The person is dressed in tattered clothes and appears to be badly injured, with bloodstains all over their body.

Without hesitation, Master Lou walks toward the injured person, followed closely by the guards.

Master Lou approaches the unconscious figure lying on the ground, his eyes assessing the situation. Through his Divine Sense, he confirms that there are no immediate threats or enemies lurking nearby. However, he remains cautious, aware that appearances can be deceiving.

"Princess Eara, it's dangerous outside. Please return to the carriage," the leader of the guards pleads, bowing deeply.

"It's fine," Master Lou interjects, signaling that he has assessed the situation and deemed it safe enough to proceed.

With a wave of his hand, the injured boy levitates in the air, turning over as his cloak flutters in the breeze. The guards and the two young misses move closer, their curiosity piqued.

"I don't know the exact details, but it seems this young boy has been attacked by someone or something. He's in need of our help," Master Lou explains, his voice calm and composed.

He extends his hand, a tangible light enveloping the injured boy. The light acts as a healing force, halting the blood loss and gradually mending the bruises, cuts, and dirt covering his body. The boy's clothes regain a semblance of cleanliness.

"Let's return to the carriage," Master Lou suggests, his tone indicating that there's more to discuss.


Back inside the carriage, Master Lou lays the unconscious boy on a bed and places his forefinger and middle finger on the boy's pulse. He delves into his profound cultivation, analyzing the boy's condition.

As he delves deeper, his emotions fluctuate, ranging from energy to sourness before finally settling into a contemplative state. After a few minutes, he withdraws his fingers and takes a moment to collect his thoughts. With a wry smile and a shake of his head, he returns to his seat, sipping his tea.

The interior of the carriage appears much larger than its exterior dimensions, a spatial anomaly created to ensure privacy and protection. Master Lou's decision to bring the unconscious boy aboard the carriage goes unquestioned by the two young misses. The spacious interior comfortably accommodates the four occupants.

The two young misses exchange glances, their eyes reflecting concern as they turn their attention to Master Lou.

"Master Lou, is there something wrong?" Princess Eara inquires, her voice filled with genuine worry.

"Hmm?" Master Lou responds, momentarily lost in thought. He takes a sip of tea, buying himself a moment to organize his ideas. With his True Ki, he subtly extends a protective barrier within the carriage, ensuring their conversation remains private.

Princess Eara keenly observes Master Lou's demeanor, noticing the way he carried himself while examining the injured stranger. Sensing that something unusual may be at play, she decides to seek clarification.

"Master Lou, is there something about this boy that concerns you?" she asks, her voice laced with curiosity.

Master Lou chuckles softly, appreciating Princess Eara's perceptiveness. He sets his teacup down and leans forward, meeting her gaze.

"Indeed, there is something intriguing about this young boy. The scars, bites, and injuries on his arms suggest a peculiar origin. It appears that both humans and beasts have left their mark on him, which is quite unusual. I believe there's more to his story than meets the eye," Master Lou explains, his voice filled with a mixture of intrigue and contemplation.

Princess Eara absorbs his words, her curiosity intensifying. The unconscious boy has become a mysterious enigma, awakening her desire to unravel the secrets that lie within him.

Meanwhile, outside the carriage, the journey continues along the bumpy road. The lotus-insignia-adorned carriage moves steadily, guarded by burly men who remain vigilant and alert to any potential threats that may lurk in the vicinity. Unbeknownst to them, their fateful encounter with the unconscious boy marks the beginning of a remarkable journey, where destinies intertwine and secrets unfold.