
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 15

"Boom!" cracks resounded once more, but before he could strike again, the fractures swiftly sealed themselves, vexing him to no end. Meanwhile, the eight elders had been engaged in pleasant conversation, sipping tea and discussing their disciples, when the thunderous sound shattered their tranquility, plunging all eight islands into chaos.

"Hmm… It's even mightier than the Crow Beast Emperor," muttered an elderly man, his voice a mere whisper.

The man in the white robe stood up, fixing his gaze toward the west, where the relentless fissures continually emerged. His facial features suggested he was in his forties or fifties, though his true age numbered in the hundreds.

"More powerful, you say? The disparity between this beast and the Crow Beast Emperor is like that between heaven and earth. Are you revealing your age, Old Jin?" another man quipped, casting a knowing look toward his target, who responded with an indignant snort. However, Old Jin was preoccupied with more pressing matters, so he chose to ignore the jibe.

As the winds gathered momentum, Old Jin took flight toward the North West Island. The other seven elders dispersed to their respective islands, immediately taking charge of the chaotic situations unfolding.

""Elder Jin!"" cried Jurik and Hun in unison, their hands clasped in a gesture of deference as they awaited orders.

"Elder Jin!" Another group of disciples arrived, appearing flustered as their leader stepped forward.

"Welmar," Old Jin began, his tone commanding. "Order the disciples to steer clear of that area at all costs. If need be, you are authorized to apprehend them. Do not attempt to absorb the impact; utilize the spirit stones in the vault to maintain the pillar's full capacity."

"Understood!" Welmar bellowed, joining his comrades as they dispersed to relay and implement the instructions.

Old Jin turned his attention to Jurik and Hun, who had been awaiting his next command.


Amidst the tumultuous scene, seven individuals stood atop their respective pillars. These obsidian monoliths served as the primary power source for the Golden Scale Barrier, and standing upon them augmented the combat prowess of those atop. If the barrier were to fail, the Eight Sealing Dome Formation—its final line of defense—would come into play, erecting a third layer of protection.

For the Pandora Island, three layers of barriers existed. The first was the Tortoise Array, which had been shattered within a matter of minutes. This array featured eight central nodes, likely overwhelmed by the incredible force and subsequently collapsing.

The second, the Golden Scale Barrier, represented an enhanced version of the Tortoise Array. Finally, the third, known as the Eight Sealing Dome Formation or the Heaven Restricting Array, was designed to weaken enemies while bolstering the spiritual strength of those connected to it.

As the sun's zenith approached, ominous dark clouds amassed, veiling the nine islands in shadow. A tempestuous gale stirred, and the waters beneath began to ripple. The clouds swept toward the ocean in a mesmerizing spiral, greeted by the eagerly awaiting waters below.

One by one, water spouts emerged, encircling a central floating object accompanied by the crackling resonance of lightning—a harbinger of its approach.

Winds tousled their robes as another figure ascended to claim his designated position.

"You're tardy," a chilly voice greeted him, even though several hundred meters spanned the distance between them, the words resonated as if whispered directly into his ear.

"My, my, must we begin with this again? Perhaps after all this—" The speaker, a young man, lifted a fan to his chin, "...if we survive, that is."

His words prompted several pairs of eyes to fixate on him, only to shift gravely toward a certain direction.

"A Beast Emperor, it seems."

Almost as if in response to those words, the cracks expanded from their origin, resembling the branching roots of an upturned tree, causing widespread devastation.

Jurik's task was to oversee the island in Elder Jin's absence and ensure his siblings remained clear of the imminent conflict. In his possession lay an artifact boasting exceptional defensive capabilities, alongside another harnessing spatial powers.

The former artifact, shaped like a serpent with a glowing golden orb within its mouth, had been crafted from the corpse of a Beast King serpent. However, its use required a significant accumulation of spiritual energy. Upon activation, it conjured a barrier spanning a hundred-radius and, when breached, adorned the ensnared individuals with scales akin to a serpent's.

The latter was a metallic staff forged from the Hollow Tree and Lightning-Stricken Stone—a spirit tree and stone, respectively. The tree naturally possessed spatial powers, while the stone enhanced one's speed. This combination allowed for teleportation within a ten-kilometer range, followed by heightened speed for escape.

Sweat trickled from his palms, dampening the potent artifacts. He had yet to activate them, reserving their use for when the situation truly demanded it. Given the high likelihood of them being drawn into battle, it was imperative to preserve the artifacts' limited duration.

As the Beast Emperor's chosen escape route lay close to two islands—one of which was theirs—the threat to their safety was pronounced.


"Don't panic! Stay close!" Despite his attempt at calmness, Jurik's legs felt as sturdy as noodles, trembling beneath him. In a gesture of reassurance, Hun laid a hand on his shoulder, communicating that things would eventually be fine. In response, Jurik whispered, "Indeed," his gaze fixated on the direction of Elder Jin, "it must be."

With an intense vibration, the air quaked, transmitting tremors to the farthest island, causing buildings to crumble and devolve into debris. The impact was even more severe on the nearest islands.

"How terrifying," observed a man garbed in a crimson robe. His tone remained remarkably composed, devoid of fear or emotion. His eyes were as profound as a lake, yet harbored an inner inferno ready to consume and annihilate everything in its path.

However, his words contrasted with his demeanor, for beneath the calm exterior, a burgeoning sense of excitement surged. No wrinkles marred his face; his eyes gleamed sharply with unwavering focus, while his lips curled into a slight smile. His happiness was palpable.

Despite his seemingly nonchalant remark, an air of excitement was unmistakable. His companions exchanged knowing glances, attuned to his thoughts.

"It appears you are quite pleased, Master Fred," a young man quipped, his fan dancing playfully between his fingers.

"Drop the 'master.' I'm not your master," came Fred's curt response.

"But of course, considering I am almost thrice your age, should I address you as 'elder'?"

"Stick to 'master.'"

The unexpected retort prompted laughter from their companions. However, the levity did little to alleviate the tension, as the barrier continued to display signs of imminent collapse.

The young man was known as the 'Crimson Prince,' a title earned through his princely lineage and his tendency to leave adversaries in a bloodied state. Hailing from the Orion Land, his country—the Maisler Kingdom—shared a connection with the land, which boasted superior martial domains. Thus, when facing a restriction on martial domain numbers, the Maisler Kingdom, recognized for its excellence, was selected.

The other figures included:

Elder Hale Panetos of the Black Dragon Sect, harboring animosity toward the Supreme Sect and hovering on the brink of 9th Level Ancestor ready for a major realm breakthrough.

Master Dias Lanceford of the Cloud Sky Sect, neutral toward the situation at hand, and positioned at the 8th Level Ancestor.

Zuren Halkin of the Ice Temple, a young man with an icy demeanor who bore the unique Ice Lotus Heart physique and possessed the Ice Seed.

Venerable Ken Kalika of the Sword Severing Manor, a sword art master who recently attained the 1st Level Venerable.

Lena Volmingard of the Art Exploration Manor, the sole woman among them, who activated the Heavenly Vortex Array, and was aligned with Prince Yurith and Zuren in terms of realm.

Cracks, reminiscent of the spreading roots of an upturned tree, gradually propagated through the air. Finally, the pillars began to dim before casting a gray radiance, as the Eight Sealing Dome Formation came into play. The water spouts and vortexes responded with increased ferocity, sensing a potent aura and awaiting their master's beckoning.

The eight masters' intense gazes converged on the anticipated direction of their potential adversary. A few breaths later, the Beast Emperor materialized before them, obscured by a mysterious black haze and adorned with an enigmatic mask.

"Master Fred, do you recognize that mask? It seems to exude an unusual energy," a companion queried.

Fred clenched his fist. Despite his seventy years, he remained trapped at the 9th Level Ancestor realm, his inability to advance to the Venerable Realm a source of profound frustration. Though his achievements were notable, they failed to meet the standards he set for himself.

Others like Prince Yurith, Ice Prince Zuren, and Phoenix Lena, all in their twenties, had ascended to impressive heights that Fred couldn't hope to attain at their age. Born into common origins, he had survived the massacre of his family at the hands of spirit beasts. A Martial had taken him under wing, instructing him in the ways of cultivation before succumbing to an injury and guiding Fred to a loose cultivation path.

Fred had devoted himself tirelessly, training ceaselessly. Days melded into weeks, months into years. Time flowed, yet his dissatisfaction with his progress intensified. While he had achieved much, how could he honor his master's wishes if he remained limited in his capabilities?

Talent-wise, he was average, at best. It was only through numerous perilous endeavors that he had managed to stand shoulder to shoulder with the realm's most prodigious talents. Experience became his hallmark.

However, for a decade, he had remained stuck at the 9th Level Ancestor. He was yearning for the right catalyst to propel him into a higher realm.

And now, the wait was over. The Beast Emperor represented a chance for Fred to break through into a major realm. For Martial practitioners, breakthroughs hinged on various factors: power, comprehension, and at times, an external driving force.

The nature of breakthroughs differed among individuals. Fred was confident in his power and comprehension of his Spirit Art, which stood at the Great Accomplishment Stage. What he required now was that crucial driving force.

When a Martial broke through, they often felt an urge to engage in destruction or combat, or alternatively, secluded themselves to gain insight. Fred, unmistakably, belonged to the former category—a battle enthusiast through and through