
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 13

Tul was up air. But then Ares jumped, with both his hand raised he smashed him. He whimpered, followed by loud crash on the ground.

If it's someone else they would have fainted but the Red Lion Tigers were blessed with sturdy physique, nonetheless Tul still felt the excruciating pain from that two attacks.

"I'm not one to not return a favor."

His tone changed. Unlike before, his voice turned cold, deep and condescending. Just like his father when he was disciplining him in the past. This voice always followed with terror was something he can't forget.

"Pain is always the best teacher."

Following that Tul realized that among humans there are also monsters.

Hours passed and only sounds of whimpering or cries were heard.

How many times has it been…?

Hundreds? Thousands?

If only he did not do that ambush…

He want to cry but tears won't come out…

He slowly touched his body if everything was intact…

It felt like a dream, and he hoped it was just a dream…

But the atrocities that the monster did was definitely real.

Ares stepped forward, Tul immediately retreated back shaking excessively from fear now his head bowed, he swallowed hard.

"Just like a mutt."

Ares looked at him and Tul won't even try to dare to look at him on the eyes now.

'Why is this happening to me?'

He threw the small vial at his feet landing beside his claws and said, "There are about ten drops of special liquid in there. If you want more then find me on Cloud Peak of the Supreme Sect, in exchange give me few leaves.".

The Wild Vine Nectar worth isn't only limited to its flower's special drops of liquid but also to its leaves that can raise chance of success to make a pill that's rare on the market.

Ares suddenly burst into run leaving the beast, dumbfounded, but then he glanced back again. Tul flinched.

That wasn't even an negotiation but an order.

That last glance definitely says, "You know what would happen if you don't obey me, right?"

Tul collapsed on the ground and wondered if he could turn back time he definitely would never try to attack that person.

Few hours after Ares' disappearance, his body twisted and shifted until he had a humanoid figure. He looked like a man on his thirties and had a sharp jaw line with fierce looking red eyes, having a dishevelled long wavy blond hair swaying back and forth.

He furrowed his brows, and raised his feet to destroy the vial along its content but he couldn't. He was curious but at the same time dubious on what's in it. Finally, he hesitantly picked up the bottle then walked deep to his cave.

Tul was unsure of what to do with it, he just put it beside the glowing Light Stone on the corner, staring at it intently.

Should he open it or not?

Can he really achieve things he had promised… to reach Beast Emperor or Mythical Beast rank?

This is a matter of trust.

A trust to a human, whom he doesn't know.

'Trusting a human… really?'

Humans… beings who have the so-called conscience yet ignore it in critical times and they are also the most ruthless creatures he knew.

He detested them – they, who, offered assistance to their archenemy that massacred their kind – but he detested their archenemy more who were the same as them – spirit beasts – but conspired against them all.

They were not the only clan living in vengeance. Of all spirit beast clans, the Nether Wolf Clan hold the greatest grudge as they were also the first to know how terrifying what a human and a fellow spirit beast clan could do.

One day, that clan would know their pent up wrath, and so the rotten humans who caused their suffering.

But, then he immediately remembered those things that happened to him for two days. And he shook in fear once more.

'No. That one is NOT a human!'

'I don't even have a choice, do I?!'

Now he really wanted to cry…

He resigned…

Maybe because being stupid that lead to him being tortured miserably. Or because of being so arrogant that he thought no one could defeat him and ended up by him attacking that human.

He doesn't know.

Right now all he could do was to follow that human's order and hope for the best.

The Sparrow, a group composed of three people. Receiving an amount of 2000 gold coins as advance payment, they accepted the tasks.


The time they were observing the situation, they dared not to use their Divine Sense because it might make the beast to become aware of them and even it was, it would at least know they doesn't intend to take its plant.

Even if they were 500 meters away, they knew they were not safe, but already made their decision to retreat once something happens. That kind of thinking made them survive for many years in the business.

Know yourself and your opponent. And as assassins the motto was one hit one kill, if failed retreat immediately.

Then the moment came…




Kara and Lily immediately turned their back and Mira followed seconds late…

But, in those seconds, the leader's eyes was glued to Ares… the impossible happened.

A god-like evasion outdid an attack impossible to see in naked eyes. Mira was stunned, unable to comply even her own order for her companions.


Ares who was supposed to die was alive, standing still few meters away but then the dust engulfed him covering his figure.

The only thing Mira knew was that the Red Lion Tiger attacked in lightning speed leaving a shock wave that crushed several trees arriving before him… the next thing she knew was that there was a crater next to Ares.

Did the beast miss?


In the first place, how can a beast in that state miss, moreover it was an attack with intent to kill.

The only possibility was…

'…He dodged…? He managed to dodge… that attack…? Impossible…'

""Sister Mira…?""

"Sister Mira, we need to go," said Kara pulling Mira back to her wits.

"It's a pity," Lily said.


They asked again.


"… Are you fine?" asked Kara, concerned.

"Eh…? I-I'm fine… don't worry."

"Sister Mira, we should immediately retreat…" and Lily looked at the direction of Ares and shook her head, but because the dust covered him, Ares wasn't spotted by her.

"… Ah…? Er… En."

Nodding, the three went away, as Mira took a last glimpse of him, then at that moment Ares' eyes also meet hers.

12th day, 1st month, 1200th year, Sage Calendar

Meanwhile, in the Saint Peak where the Commandment Hall was located there was a path on its either side were pool of water with beautiful Rainbow Lotus floating on its surface.

This pathway leads to a simple yet well-decorated pavilion. Spiralling pillars with golden patterns, roof with dragon eaves, the chairs and table made from the Black Dragon Wood looking strong and solid with precious plants surrounding it, giving off comfortable fragrance and cooling sensation, finally the scenery of nature while they are on top.

A place where you would want to spend the rest of your time when you have lot of problems and wanted to be at least relieved from it, even if, in a second.

The tea untouched with two pair of eyes watching the birds killing each other mid-air with the beak hitting the wings and the claws striking the neck, both fell while still struggling to survive from their enemy's attack.

"How pitiful," he said and made a slashing motion.



The birds continued to fall with their blood staining the air.

"Are you sure Brother Lou?" A man in white robe with golden embroidery, grabbed his cup.

"En. With him in our hands, we can revive our prestige… Heh, our rise would soon be a matter of years," Master Lou smirked and smiled. "If everything goes well, we can expect him to reach Saint Level in two to three years, but we need to guide him and prepare the best we have."

"This is indeed good news, but…" He wore a grim expression turning to him.

"I know, that's why I only told you about it… Moreover, in order to hide him I would adopt him as my son," he said, and wanted to monitor his growth as well. It would be better if someone would oversee him, and if word got out, that he was receiving a special attention while having unknown background it would surely raise suspicion and inadvertently, lead to investigation by their enemies. The only possible solution was to say that he as a child of someone, at least, having some sort of powerful backing to make people believe, and Master Lou was up to the task since he was also one of the people he first met. He can shrug off questions easily since he journeyed around the world and had meet many women whom had taken interest to him. He can also tell to the people he just hidden him from the society up until now because of one fervent admirer of his – who already considered herself as his wife.

Thinking of this Master Lou could already hear her frightening voice in his head, "Louu Ryynceee!"


It sent him cold shivers.