
Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies

In the myriad realms, legends rise and fall in the countless eras. Yan Zaizen, a frail youth with an unfortunate history, meets one of these legends. Will this change his common destiny to something greater? The story of a boy that just wants a peacefully lavish life with money, amazing food, and a beautiful woman to love. The story of the heavens that laughs at this.

KevinAscending · Eastern
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448 Chs

Chapter 657: Only Reason You're Alive

"This shouldn't be possible!" 

"He's at the second stage, not the third!"


The trio reacted to Wu Yu's actions with abject shock and awe, the fear in their eyes was seeded, festering with each passing microsecond with disbelief and uncertainty. And if there were others at the Second Stage of the Mystic Ascendant Realm, the Soul of Mysticism, present here, they too would feel a wave of absurdity from what they were seeing.

Wu Yu's entire aura started to drastically change, and the strange glowing imagery of the boundless night sky emerging from his glabella started to grow. It expanded from his glabella outwards into the world like a rushing wave of water engulfing the senses.