
A Soul's Past

The ant stood still. But if someone could somehow manage to see beyond what is physical, they'll see a large ball light above the ants head. This ball of light was shining white yet it's radiance was trapped in its confinement as it didn't shine outward but instead shone by itself.

This ball of light was connected to the tiny ant by a treadlike mass of similar light to the light that made up the ball of light.

Yet someone thoughts were in disarray.

I only remember leaving that mulky, wet and dark space. then it felt as though I lost my mind and my body moves on its own yet my vision is cloudy like I had taken to much high and drunk myself silly at same time....I can't remember..... What... Happe—

Suddenly the light globe rippled as though it was a ball of disturbed water.

And a small amount of information and data entered it/his mind.

—ha!I remember now, I was shot fourteen time then I activated and self-destructive the type 2.9Xxx reactor before dying at the center of the explosive reaction, while taking the central bureau's exterminators down with me. Me whom once hailed as the most unique minded individual on earth when I was going around helping the ecosystem and transforming the world into a better place.

Not only did I manage to transform half if not more than half of the lifeless Sahara desert into a great numbers habitable forest with 79.88% edible trees and vegetation. I also created the birth release plans and formulations which help the planet's dying animals and species to once more thrive.

I also alter the DNA of both the goats and cows whom a prime source of meat to help them increase their productivity while also birthing healthy kids.

Yet after the central government was established and they sent me Olive Branch and I rejected. They had started spoiling my name and tarnishing my reputation.

Original it didn't matter as I just took it like a man yet the burned down my facilities and my laboratory, spread a class two virus claiming I was the cause. forcing me to take blame as people whom lost loved ones to the virus came after my life as I ran an hide between sewers and different hidden places.

Yet I didn't retaliate, and that was my mistake. this fuckers somehow found my CAT, MY LORLA whom everyone knows is my only family. This bastards drowned her,they drown her alive. I could see their faces as they were cosplaying as terrorists to send me threats through my loves death, but one thing was for certain.

The monster the wanted, I gave it to them.

And in less than a year I had settled the world's problem of overpopulation. They no longer needed to worry about food to earth or water to drink.

Why you ask? Of the world population at that time had been reduced to a crawling ten percent and of all the water source in the world only a single lake was clean and still drinkable. As for the livestocks and plants? Minus the once hidden, non remains.

Yet not long after my grand accomplishments I was surrounded and shot around fourteen times, was it fourteen? I'm not so sure maybe more than that but definitely not less.

My dying self was desperate and immediately activated and self-destructed a energy reactor that has be praised as technology beyond our civilization.

as the central bureau had gotten what they desire. Complete rule over the world.....

Or what's left of it. The earth might as well have a black hole were the reactor original was.

So that basically my life story.

Who would have thought I would reincarnate,and as an ant no less. If it was some of those other old men at the laboratories and central science hall they would probably be confused and flustered over the reality of reincarnation. But not me whom wasted over half my childhood and teenage years and even a little of my adult year's entertaining myself with fictional stories and entertainments.

But the problem is... Couldn't it be something like a humanoid or any large bodied animal why an ant? Anything can kill an ant.

But somethings not right.

The ant thought as it look left and right, seemingly trying to look for something.

—I know this ant species, ant these honey ants. This are just normal ant nothing magical. And where is my system, SYSTEM? SYSTEM!

system active! system you there?

After a few minutes of pointless calling and waiting.

The ant decides to stop goofing around.

'Maybe it's because I've been too excited, I've forgotten that this is real life and not fiction. Let me rethink everything again' he thought as he stopped moving around again.

Slowly all the originally foggy memories of his ant life started adding together.

After being born, he had been mistaken for a forager ant and had survived till now somehow without the queen noticing and getting rid of him.

'After all ants are highly coordinated creatures, any and all disarraying ant's would not be tolerated and will be exterminated without second thoughts'

The ant looked towards the very center of nest, a large swarm of soldier were swarming and surrounding a large tower like structure.

At the very top of the structure were four abnormal large soldier ants with larger pincer and sturdier armored exoskeleton.

'eunuch daughters. Those are eunuch daughters,who would have thought something we only thought was theory has somehow been achieved' the ant thought.

eunuch daughter are not as your normal ants, this ants are Infact Queens by certain standards.

A study done by a young researcher of a small faculty of the Central science hall had caught the eyes of many scientifical big shots, including himself in the eras of peace.

The study wasn't too outstanding but for some reason unknown they were interested in it.

The study was about the possibility of they being ant queens that can't reproduce but can instead act as a form of high guard for the colony.

Maybe it was because everyone was bored badly then and wanted to take a Breathy from their own research but they listened carefully to the young researcher.

Later this hypothetical ant cast were classified by the name eunuch daughters. With other name like false queens sometimes used.

Looking straight at this false Queens he was truly amazed. Had he not already go out with the foragers and observed the surrounding during his unconscious state, he would have thought he was in some scientists lab or something.

quickly he looked towards the very center of four giant ants which are larger than normal queens. At the very center of the four large was a bed made of soft earth. A queen ant with a little honey like golden colored striped was quietly resting.

She looked surreal and beautiful. Looking at her peaceful and calm figure, one wouldn't even think that such an elegant noble being such as herself had killed her rivals queens in numbers beyond tens, massacred colonies in large tens, enslaved hundreds of thousands ants,lavae and pupae, plundered lands dry and even made lands baren death lands.

'a ruthless queen' the ant thought, as he look at the sides of the nest which where decorated with the heads of over twenty Queens.

'for such powerful queen,what would make her to forcefully altar and create this new cast of ants. I'm someone whom has experienced the intelligence of natures creatures first hand,so I believe they must be a reason as to why she'll make this false queens' the ant thought.


'what the fuck I'm I thinking about? I have much more important things to do... But first' the ant looked up, straight at the ball of light.

'is that what I think It is?'

Guys I'll like to hear your thoughts on the story flow. from chapter 3 though.

OceanStarcreators' thoughts