
112. Start brushing, start brushing_5

Translator: 549690339

If the Golden Commerce Guild knew that they had a wizard who was willing to clean up aberrations among their ranks, they'd laugh in their sleep.

Businessmen, after all, always put profits first, and they would never refuse an opportunity for gain.

Moreover, within the territory of the Golden Federation, wizards other than those specifically declared illegal were not considered criminals, they just couldn't openly come to the forefront. This was much better than the ghostly situation in the Tatis Empire.

By turning a blind eye to Noland Lee's existence, the Golden Commerce Guild didn't break any of the laws and rules set by the Alchemy Cathedral, and could not be accused of harboring illegal forces.

As long as Noland didn't do anything excessive, this tacit agreement could be maintained.

Once he understood this, Noland became more measured in his actions.

In the dim tunnel, he activated "Tracking the Living", cast a "Magic Shield", and took a revolver in each hand.