

Zieglind Reysh, corporate slave. Spent all his years studying materials he didn't need. Graduated college with a Historian diploma. But all of that were useless since he got a desk job selling stocks. Then one day, he heard a voice that no one can hear. The voice promises him a restart on his life. The conditions is, DEATH. He knew he was talking to a god of death. Will Zieglind accept this offer? Maybe yes, maybe no. But he realized that he accomplished nothing in the span of 20 years of his life. If he can be a new person then he'll choose one thing more than anything. A conqueror of the new world.

Yrythaela · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Giant Serpent

I covered my mouth as soon as I mouthed those words. The serpent was sleeping in its lake. As expected. Its poison.

"Abyssal Enhancement, Rize's Bow and my Greatsword."

"What do we do now Zieg?"

"I'm going to climb the serpent. Use your full strength to snipe his eye. We won't be able to kill the serpent with one hit." This was no ordinary serpent. It was huge. 50 gold isn't enough for this. "System, Analyze."

[??? Level 30]

So the system doesn't know the serpent either.

I climbed up its back and I could feel the serpent breath. It has a hard scale. I'm so unsure if my blade can pierce through this.

I can't reach the serpent's other eye. "Damn. This would be easier if I can reach that." I looked at Rize at the distance and signalled her that she should shoot now.

I usedy greatsword to plant my sword in the serpent's brain. Its body was so thick, my greatsword pierced really deep through its head. Rize's aim was amazing and she blinded the serpent's right eye. The serpent woke up and moved around aggressively.

"Damn. This is a rough ride." I clung onto my greatsword that was stuck im his head.

"Sir Zieg!!"

"Don't worry about me! Just go shoot all your arrows!"

Rize's arrows pierced through the serpent's skin but it isn't enough to kill it.

I grabbed the greatsword while the serpent was flailing around his body and I tried to pull myself down so that the momentum of the serpent's flailing would slice through his body.

"AHHHH!" The serpent shouted in a cry then I fell off the serpent's back. I didn't understand how I fell off. But when I looked at the Serpent it has all of its scales standing up. It enhanced its body armor.

"Crap. It can enhance its body?" Rize kept shooting but to no avail. It didn't pierce through the serpent's thick scales. But for about 10 seconds after the serpent's scales slowly go down.

"Rize, attack now!"

"Okay!" Rize kept firing barrages of arrows to the serpent.

I charged to the serpent and stabbed its body. "It worked!" The serpent's head slowly goes down due to the damage it took. I went around its head and stabbed its left eye. Due to the serpent's rage, it released a green gas.

"Zieg! Get out of there now!" Rize shouted in the distance.

I didn't hear Rize but my whole body feels weak.

[Gain debuff Poison and Weaken]

I've been poisoned? I quickly retreated and used heal on myself.

"System what is this?"

[The poison eliminates 0.50% of your HP per second. It isn't much but the rate increases by 0.10% per second. Around... 50 seconds.]

"Are you oka-?"

"Don't touch me. There's a chance you'll be poisoned too." My limbs feel weaker and my sense of balance is getting distorted. "I'm going to charge in there, back me up"

"But Zieg-"

"No buts. This is the start of our glory. There will always be obstacles. And this serpent is one of them. Now. Will you help me?"

"Yes." She had a brave face and her eyes shows that she's serious.

"Let's go."

I went near the serpent and tried to feint attack the serpent. It used its hardening again. It released it poison again on me.

[Poison duration reset and speed rate reset.]


"Don't worry. Poison effects don't stack if its the same skill." But it does reset the timer. "Crap. 30% HP. Heal!" I recovered and I have 50% HP left.

Me and Rize waited for the Serpent to lose his hardening skill again. "Rize!"

Rize nods in agreement and shot a barrage of arrows through the serpent.

With the last of my strength I used everything I had to slice its body. And when the serpent's head touched the lake I gave it a swift heavy blow that sliced his head.

<You gained 6000 EXP!>

<You leveled up to Level 11>

<Rize gained 2000 EXP!>

<Rize leveled up to Level 7!>

<You can claim the Level 10 reward. Do you want to?>

"Not now. After we come back from the guild then I'll claim it."

"Zieg! We did it!" Rize went down from her sniping point and got near me. She did a lot of damage I'll give her that.

"I had 10% HP left. That was close. Heal! Great heal!" I only recovered 40% of HP from that. The poison's duration finally ended and I was free from the poison and weaken debuff. I waited for sometime and healed myself back up to full.

"You did a great job Rize." I gave her a pat on the head.

"Hehe, thanks!" And gave me a hug.

I stood up and went to the serpent. "Devour."

[You killed a boss monster. You can choose two skills from here. And here's two eyes of the serpent.]

[Poison Mist]

Deals 0.5% HP per second. Damage per second increases by 0.1% per second. Duration, 40 seconds.

[Beast Instincts]

Even if blind, impaired hearing, you can still sense people with bloodlust towards someone.

[Beast Armor]

Increases armor's durability and defense by 100 for 10 seconds.

"I'll get the Poison Mist and Beast Armor." Beast instinct might be the reason why the serpent hardened itself when I feinted an attack. Its pretty useless right now.

[Gained skill Poison Mist]

[Gained skill Beast Armor]

[Adjusting to Abyss class...]

[Renamed to Dark Armor]

"So that was my skill when I started out as an abyss. Good thing I didn't pick that."

"Harvest Serpent."

[You got Serpent's Flesh x500]

I put the serpent's head, eye and flesh in my inventory. "Rize let's go back."
