
Conqueror Of Nothingness: a journey of harem

In this world where bloodlines are everything, Avian is a waste. His fate in this world is already sealed; that's what his enemies thought. But he doesn't remember anything about where he came from or who he is, so there are many people trying to kill him. The only thing he remembers is his name. But a moment changes everything for people; that's what happened with Avian.  Read to learn how he changes his destiny against fate as the conquering journey continues.  There will be harems, not like Pokemon, where this happens. catch-and-forget.    There will be romance. Mc is a possessive guy.  Milfs? yes! Fox girls and Elves? yes! Dragon mommy? yes! dryads , vampires, fairy , demons? yes! Extra tags: #overpowered, #antihero, #cold MC, #magic,#smut, #world exploration. The book cover doesn't belong to me .let me know if you want to remove it. Also i don't know the original creator of the image on the cover, otherwise i would have credited I'm a beginner author hope you will guide me and forgive me if i make any mistakes. Hope you will read and like it.

darknesemperyan · Fantasy
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7 Chs

First time -2( R18**)

"Sunshine, we're in for a very rough night. I will ensure that every part of your body is addicted to my touch."

She smiled with eagerness, wanting to experience that heavenly feeling once more.

Despite her advanced age, she is older than the world's oldest powerhouse. She never considered committing such a thing.

Although she had heard numerous stories from her fellow kinswomen about how they felt fantastic performing this deed with their partners, they always advised her to find a man for herself and enjoy her life. She never listened to them and committed her entire life to training to reach the pinnacle of power. Although she had other reasons, the most crucial secret in her life is known only to her closest friends and family.

He kissed her forehead; he needed to let her know that he actually felt something about her, something he had never felt in his entire life, a connection that transcends this infinite cosmos.

 He licked her lips again, this time for a five-minute kiss, saliva lingering in their mouth, his hands kneading, pinching her boobs, with her bra on and making her wallow in bliss.


Now as his right arm is nibbling her pink nipple, his left hand has moved on to the most significant area of her body. He touched his panty there and felt surprised at how much wetter it was. He slips is hand into his panty inserted his two fingers into her sacred cave.


He didn't forget to do his other duties, which was to kiss her and give her boobs the attention they required, and he moved his fingers firmly within her cave.

All of this is happening at the same moment, giving her a sensation she never expected. "More, more , don't stop there , I'm going to cum again, ohnnn~"

He heard her and began doing his work more brutally.

Grabbing his hair she let out a moment of ecstatic roaring.

"It's coming again,I'm Cumming , I'm Cumming, ahmnnnmmm~, ohnnnnnnn~"

'Haah..., haahh...., hufff, fuck, this is pure bliss.'

He proceeded deeper into her body, kissed her waist, blew air into her navel, shivered her body, unfastened her red bra, and saw her round naked boobs, just one word could escape his smooth lips.

"Beautiful, fuck this is extraordinary, the softness, those pink nipples, a mole under her right boob nipple making it more sexier , those perfect curves how can something so perfect exist?."

He rubbed his face into her boobs.

'You truly adore boobs, you look like a child, I guess from your age you really are a child in front of me.'

"I love boobs, every size has their own unique attraction, but yours are the pinnacle of perfection. It's like these are born from the deepest desire of mine."

'hahahaha, what kind of answer is that —

"And this man gonna destroy something precious of yours, then you can think I'm a man or a child."


He pulled off her silk gown, exposing her sexy figure. She had on matching red underwear to her bra. He massaged her inner thighs, giving a smooch to them,licked her toe, flipped her, kissed her lower back, and slapped those snow-capped mountains.


He licked her hips, kneading her round huge ass, staring at this gorgeous panorama, he couldn't help himself from delivering a bite to her snowy mountains.

'Ahnnnnn~~, don't bite that part.'

He ignored her, biting both asses, licking the back of her thigh and calves, and gave those sexy asses another firm smack.


He removed her undergarments and flipped her over to look at the most valuable portion of her body. It's like a pink petal, her labia is thick, clitoris needs attention, everything is clean in that spot, and he was stunned by the gorgeous view in front of him.

She hugged his thighs to cover her holy place as she saw him staring at it, she was very embarrassed.

'Do not stare at it too long.'

He didn't respond, instead giving her a slick smile and pressing his palm against her labia, giving it a light slap.

He moved his face to her sacred cave and sniffed; even the scent of that place is heavenly. He licked her in that spot, his other hand pinching her nipples and squeezing her bossom. He initially entered with one finger, exploring the cave, licking the clitoris and lightly biting it. He then entered with two more fingers, speeding up the process and giving her a nice smack on her left boob.

"Ahnnn~~, there boy , lick me there , don't stop , ohhnnnnn~ , that's it the place."

"Ohnnnnnn, so good, it's so good."

All of this pleasure at the same time was too much for her, so she squirted again, and some juices entered his mouth, which he gratefully swallowed.

He didn't stop there, he slid his moist finger to her lips, rubbed it against them, she is now in pure lust, didn't consider what's right or wrong, she swallowed his fingers, washing them through her tongue.

Her euphoric expression, her cave pouring so many juices, and her sensual moan made his dragon feel like he could no longer handle it and that he would explode if he didn't relieve his dragon.He didn't even need to consider what he would do next.

He kissed her inner thighs once more, squeezing them, giving her a light slap in her sacred area, and rubbing his dragon in her precious spot. Using the juice that had previously leaked as lubricant, he slowly pushed his 9-inch thick warrior into the wet battlefield, only entering his front part completely.

"Her mouth released a sweet, ecstatic moan."


His front area pushing and pulling and then rubbing in the outer battlefield,as his hands continued there, caressing the blooming pink petal with his left index finger and his right hand delighting in the soft sensation of her sensual, fluffy ass.

"Ohhhhhh~~~, Ahnnnnnnnn~"

He tormented her in this ecstasy for a few minutes; initially, she was shocked by his behavior since it was obvious he was struggling with self-control.

However, she later wondered why he hadn't put the entire length . His cunning smile lets her understand why he's doing it.

She refused to give in to his demands for those three ecstatic words. She is a fierce warrior with pride.

But when she saw a genuine concern in those possessive eyes,she remembered something and in that moment, she discovered the answer to the most important question she had been searching for her entire life.

Her lips formed a gorgeous smile. She said these words.

"Fuck me harder"

He pushed his entire dragon onto the battlefield after hearing those words.


"fuck again why everything in her soft , but mainly this tightness , it's perfect for my dragon, this softness , the moistness  it's like she is destined for me."

He jerked his hips back and forth, slapping those enormous bossoms, pinching and tugging her nipples. The sounds of body smashing could be heard.

"Pah! , pah! , pah!

"Ahnn~~, Ahnnn~, Ahnnn~,Ahnnn~"

She rolled her eyes back, grasped the sheets, and opened her mouth to receive a kiss from him that left her looking like a ravenous animal discovering nourishment. She also made marks on his back and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Fuck, I'm close , I'm gonna cum inside"

' me too, I'm Cumming also , do it mark my inside as yours. Let's cum together.'

After that she arched her back and he pushed his dragon deeper into the cave, a mixed fountain could be heard spilling out of the cave in an instant.

" I'm Cumming sunshine."

'Ahnnnnnn~ , me too , I'm Cumming, nnhhhhhhhh~~"

Also my name is Ellara Itharaus, but I'll allow you to call me "Ella".'

"It appears that you now consider me to be a worthy man, haha."

'Well, you have proven that you're mine, you are now my man, so congratulations.'

" I absolutely love it, hearing the term your man, especially coming from your lips."

"But don't think this is the end, sunshine. I have got the duty to make you fly in pleasure."

'It would have disappointed me greatly if this was our first and last act  you had with me tonight.'

"Don't worry, that's the last thing you need be worried about."

'Let's see how long that obnoxious smirk of yours will stay.'

He turned her, elevated her hips to the size of his waist, crushed her face to the bed, squeezing her fluffy ass, and rubbed his weapon at the entrance to the cave.

This position was too much for her, but she didn't stop him, deep down she was awaiting what he was going to do.

She felt some pain when he slammed his sword with full force into her cave .


He moved his hips aggressively, and the sound of flesh hitting could be heard.He tugged her hair, his fingers massaging her delicate lips, which she happily began to lick.

'mhnnnnm~~, ahnnnnnn~~~'

He slowed his movements when he thought he was going to release, and repeated this deed in the same pattern.

His right hand began stroking her boobs, while his left hand left red markings on her lovely ass. He slid his face closer to her head, biting the back of her ear and then her collarbone.

'eeehnnnnn~, ahnn~, ahnn~, ahnn~'

He knew she was almost here when he felt his dragon being pinched by her smooth inside walls, so he started to move his hips quickly.

'yes, fuck yes, don't stop, fuck me harder baby, hit my naughty ass.'

'ahnnn~, ahnnnm~~~~, ahmmnm~'

With saliva trailing from her mouth, she turned to face him. She kissed him, sucking his lips she entered her tongue in his mouth, making the kiss euphoric.

With one hand focused on her breast, pulling her nipples, and the other stroking her firm ass, he moved his hips quickly.Both of them are submerged in their world of passion.

They both eventually reached their breaking point. She gave an ecstatic yell.

' I'm coming baby, do it faster, hit me harder.'

"Me to Ella, I'm reaching my limit"

'Give it me baby, give me all of it'

With one final push, he unloaded everything inside her without wasting a single drop.




[ Everlasting companion detected]

[ Adding Ellara Itharaus as a lifelong partner]

He ignored the buzzing sound.His head was saturated with this woman's satisfied expression.

They resumed their lusty behavior without waiting a single second.

A/n-Thank you for reading. I hope you are enjoying it. This concludes the prelude to the story. Those who are reading or who will read, if you have any complaints about this sudden scene or why the female character is acting this way, please know that it's something I've planned for the future. I have some big plans for this novel. So please help this novel with your collection and power stones.

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