
Conqueror's Quest

In my entire life, I never knew what it was like to be a family, My parents didn't care about me nor did they let me get closer with my siblings. Even when I was diagnosed with cancer, they didn't care about me and left me to die alone in the hospital's bedroom. The only thing that kept me going was [Second life] but sadly all things must end and [Second life] had came to an end, too. [The Server will shut down in 10..] [...6] [...3] [...0] As the Server Shut Down, I was prepared to get kicked out but I wasn't. It's seems I got transmigrated inside the game [Second Life].

Just_A_Devil · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

1 Prologue.

"Hah, So this is the end..." I muttered, looking at red countdown in the sky.

[The Server will shut down in 10.]





"..." As the Counter hit zero, I held my breath read to get kicked out but nothing happened.

"Huh..? Why am I still here..? Shouldn't I get kicked out automatically since the server shut down? Is it a bug?" I exclaimed, turned around to see if I was the only one but a lot of other players were still here, too.

"Status Window"

[Name: Ed Knightford (19)]






Clicking on menu, I scrolled down to manually log out, but the log out option was gone...

I'm Just A Devil

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