
Conquering the World Out of Boredom

After finishing the last book within his great library, Farhein Von Tarnhail, a mage who stayed within his tower for 232 years, one day decided he wanted to be a king just because he got nothing else to do. I'll upload 2-3 chapters per week, please know that I'm just making this novel out of fun so if you notice any mistakes In my writing, let me know. I very much would appreciate your feedback and suggestions, thank you :)

IWannaRead · Fantasy
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Clearing Out a Goblin Nest


As I utter the self-descriptive spell for flying, I gained the ability to soar through the sky and fly towards the location of the goblin nest I got form the clubbed goblin's memories.

The cool air hitting my face as I race through the air is still undoubtedly one of the greatest feelings ever. The view from up in the sky as I look at the ever-expanding horizon will always give me a sense of freedom and excitement no matter how many times I do it.

"Enjoying your flight for the first time in two centuries master?"

I'm not a reactive person on the outside by any means but flying after a long while may have given me more enjoyment than I thought.

"Yeah, but not as much joy as what I'm gonna do to those goblins."

A telepathic sigh was the only response Serine can give me as she'd always label me too much of a sadist when it comes to killing monsters.

I mean, they're pieces of turds that everybody would be glad if they never existed in the first place. I'm doing mankind a service for exterminating this vile, disgusting pieces of dangerous walking trash.

After a few minutes up north, we've reached our destination.

The nest was covered from the air by the thicket of trees, but using 'Sense Lifeform' I could see the dozens of goblins running about and minding their own business.

"I would recommend a small explosion spell for a quick and efficient execution for this problem master."

Serine's right, I could just blow the place up and be done with, but that wouldn't be any fun now would it?

"The trees Serine, the trees. You know I'm a bit of a nature loving man myself right?"

"No, not at all."

"Just let me handle this. I'll be as quick as I can."

"I highly doubt that master."

Let's ignore Serine for a bit and take a more 'strategic approach' to this, I don't want to be harming the beautiful fauna around me now would I?

I looked around and determined there are 84 goblins in the nest, 15 of which are considered goblin younglings while the rest are adults. Some of the younglings are playing with each other while some are sleeping in the cave which they made their nest in.

I decided what spell I wanted to cast and whipped up a quick and easy advance-tier mind control spell.

"Mass Manipulator."

I targeted the more vulnerable young rather that the adults as a target for my spell, though I could target the adults and nothing would change, they're still just goblins after all, trash is trash no matter how you put it.

The fifteen kids, including the sleeping ones exhibited the same conditions as the clubbed goblin from before, a sudden jerk and a quick stop in motion.

The older goblins looked curiously but payed no attention to the younglings actions. The goblins headed at the edge of their nest and picked up rocks and thick branches to arm their little hands.

They then slowly walked as group towards another trio of sleeping goblins under a tree. Raising their weapons in unison, they all swung at the three goblins, ensuring that they would never wake up ever again.

This shocked the rest of the nest, with the closest goblin rushing over to take the weapons away from the kids.

Unfortunately, he suffered a terrible fate for his actions. A goblin which picked a considerably sharp branch stabbed the older goblin in the leg, causing him to kneel down in shock and pain.

As he screeched in anger, a fellow goblin now with the exposed head in range, bashed it in with the rock she was holding with her two hands. The rest quickly followed suit, hitting the poor gob with their makeshift weapons.

Now the nest, fully aware of what's happening tried to intervene.

But the 15 mind controlled young goblins charged at them with the ferocity of a wild beast, hitting, bitting scratching, doing anything to kill the enemies in front of them.

A few bloody minutes later 8 goblins were laying dead on the ground. Their already disgusting forms now unrecognizable at the sheer brutality of the attacks.

Just then, an older looking goblin with a wooden staff in hand appeared out of the cave to asses the situation.

He looked at the unsure goblins around him and the young goblins ahead, stopping just to stand still and stare at him curiously.

This one's a mage huh? I can sense his mana pool matches that of a monster that regularly cast wild magic.

He closed his aged eyes and casted a spell of his own.

By using 'Sense Mana', I saw the mana in his body circulating in his eyes. My guess is the thing was probably trying to figure out what's wrong with the kids by using the wild magic equivalent of the spell I'm using right now.

Though he could probably sense the foreign mana on the children's brains, I'm not so sure he's skilled enough to figure out which kind of spell it is and how to counteract it.

After inspecting them for a bit, the old goblin raised his staff and a magic circle appeared on the tip of it.

White balls of light then shot out of his staff towards the children's head to try and dispell the thing afflicting them.

The spell reverberated back to me, alerting me of the attempt to get rid of my spell. Nice try old turd but that's MY spell your tryin to have a crack at.

He noticed the failure of his magic and shook his head in disapproval to his fellow goblins.

Their reaction of despair almost wanted me to just mercy kill them, but just almost.

I ordered the goblins to resume their attack now that my curiosity has been satiated. But of course, a bunch of armed goblins stepped up front to fight back, knowing that there's nothing that they can do now that the goblin I assume to be their leader failed to do anything.

As expected, my group of mind controlled young goblins didn't even stand a chance against the fully grown armed gobs.

They decimated my group, with only one of the opposition being slightly injured when he hesitated to strike the kid before him.

Some older goblins were even being held back as they try and stop the slaughter of their young. Those were probably their mothers or something, I don't know, these monsters look the same to me with their disgusting little faces anyways.

Silence filled the nest as the normally unthinkable slaughtering of younglings were committed by their hands.

Hahaha, for stupid little monsters, they do act like people on occasion, sorry but your little sad act won't work on me, time for part 2.

"Raise Undead."

The 15 younglings and the 7 beat up corpses of the goblins slowly stood up, one corpse was unusable as his head was literally caved in. Letting out pained groans, they slowly moved forward as the rest of the nest step back out of fear.

I was given another telepathic sigh by Serine as she saw me using another high-tier spell for a bunch of goblins when there are plenty of other way more efficient ways to deal with these kind of pests.

"Hey let me have my fun, been in the tower for so long I almost forgot the fun of toyi- dealing with goblins."

"I once again master, highly doubt that."

The scene from below shows the gruesome sight of undying corpses with varying degrees of damage, brutally gnawing, punching, kicking on the goblins left alive.

The armed gobs up front tried to hit a bunch of undead off when one of their companions got surrounded but to no avail.

The only way to kill off an undead is through holy magic, fire, or by simply destroying the head, doing anything else would just incapacitate them.

In their panic, the goblins method of attack is to randomly hit parts of the zombies body. The older mage goblin also helped out, shooting bursts of mana towards the zombies, incapacitating or even killing off some when he gets a lucky head shot here and then.

Slowly but surely they got picked off one by one, showing a brutal scene similar to those depicted in one of my books, yuck.

By the time 10 of the goblins had died, I casted 'Raise Undead' once more to replenish my little zombie army.

This only added fuel to the fire as some goblins began to run for their lives. Something I put a stop at by generating another high-tier invisible field around their nest after I took control of the 15 goblins earlier.

The fighting raged on, goblins fighting their once close companions as their allies die and revive around them.

When only half the goblins were still alive and fighting, the mage goblin finally figured out that fire is a weakness to my undead.

But sadly for them, at this point, it was already too late, they were spread around with no coherency whatsoever, most of them were injured and panicking, some not even willing to fight at all. Even the mage goblin was already running on fumes as he kept churning out what looks like the wild magic form of the low-tier spell, 'Fire Shot' over and over again.

Surprisingly, as the battle died down, 6 goblins were left standing, with no suitable corpses left to turn back as the rest is either incapacitated, burnt to a crisp, or had their head smashed in.

"It looks like you've gotten a bit rusty master."

"I'm afraid so, this has admittedly dragged on long enough, do you mind handing me my sword Serine?"

"Of course master."

a small portal appeared out of my right hand. There, I stuck my hand in to grab my prized sword from inside the tower.

I pulled out my sword, made from pure mythril, it's hilt obtained from the wood of an ancient elven Ourbos tree, and a legendary-grade magic gem embedded within it's pommel to improve magic conductivity.

Now I'm not really that much of a swordsman. My knowledge of swords being limited to the 'just swing hard enough and slice the thing in front of me technique'.

Most swordsmen I faced I could just easily blow away from a distance, unless they're like really good like the hero I killed from that scholar nation to even stand a chance against me.

This sword of mine was originally form a magic swordsman I absolutely demolished. I first took it cause it looked cool, only to later realize that I sucked ass at swordfighting.

I flew down towards the remaining goblins to finish them off and boy were the sight and smell disgusting.

The mangled up corpses laying all around, the blood, sweat, and... feces, were so disgusting I can barely wait to get out.

"Hey green-turdalings, you peeps enjoyed the little party I made?"

The 6 goblins were first startled at my sudden entrance from the sky, but probably realizing I was the cause of this due to my smug attitude, enraged the little fucks.

They charged at me with anger and hate, befitting of creatures like them. Well I did massacre their whole group, can't really blame them for that.

I could only stifle a laugh as one of the goblins charging at me has one arm barely hanging by a ligament. Don't worry, I'll end it soon enough.

I imbued my mana into the sword, not really a spell or anything just pure mana, and slashed diagonally, ending 5 out of 6 immediately. That's as near as you'll get to me ya filthy animals.

The only remaining left was the mage goblin. I can barely sense any mana left, he has bite marks all around him and a nasty looking injury in his leg.

Hey now, don't look at me like I just killed your whole family, oh wait, I actually just did haha, doesn't feel good huh? Don't worry, you'll all meet in hell soon enough.


I don't know if it was just too tired or having a pride unlikely for his kind, but through the burning black flames, the goblin did not eek out a single scream but just stared at me with hate filled eyes until he collapsed in the flames.

I flew upwards as the hellfire continue to spread across the jungle at a rapid pace, alerting the monsters around to flee in panic.

"What was that about 'being a nature person'?"

"I changed my mind, besides, I thought of a plan to make my rise to king hood easier."

From a distance I can see some bird like monsters using wild magic to put out the flames in order to protect their nest, failing and opting to pack up and evacuate north.

"Hey you said this jungle is filled with all sorts of dangerous monsters that's why either Dragoon or Wenelyn haven't fully committed to this part much right?"

"That is correct master."


Time to head north and claim my title, wait for me Dragoon, I'm coming for ya.