
Conquering The Naruto World

A man is reincarnated into Naruto after his death watch his growth as he conquers the Naruto world.

BlackKingJade · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Im not feeling well still but this is an attempt of trying to write once again please enjoy.


Opening the door Kuro was greeted to a completely empty classroom with a note on the chalkboard saying that the genjutsu classroom had been moved to the next room over.

`Strange, why would the school give us out datated information? It makes no sense and "students in the know" would have too much of an unfair advantage. '

Walking around the room he didn't really notice anything strange but his intuition guided him towards the answer.

The room was painted the standard yellow color he was used to seeing in his classroom and had many things inside as if it was a storage room. Mops, toy plushies like:,snakes,slugs,frogs and even some cup ramen. But out of everything the unmoving clock was unnatural since the school was the school for ninjas the konoha council invested a large amount of funds to make sure all equipment was working especially since students had to be the ones to clean after themselves so having a working clock in all rooms were needed.

'Could it be a genjutsu? It must be a genjutsu since in what realistic world do they have the lights on for the storage room and not label the doors properly here at school. Only a genjutsu can have this happen.'

Having only been a total of two seconds; Kuro performed the tiger seal and distirbed his chakra, getting rid of the genjutsu he awoke to the real classroom and sure enough there were a group of kids and a few teachers watching them make decisions in front of their eyes.

The entire classroom was painted in relaxing colors like blue,purple and green. The smell of the class was a mixed scent of lavender and vanilla, what made this classroom more unique was the mini pond that was built in alongside some live growing bamboo and a set of instruments and tools in a clear closet that was to the right of the teacher.

The teacher was on a podium in the middle of the room while student's chairs were placed strategically to be called upon at any time without bumping into each other.

"Good morning everyone it looks like we nearly have a record breaker here. Congratulations young boy, so far you are the only one who broke the genjutsu at the same speed as Itachi. Do you mind introducing yourself?"

Kuro in response modded himself to the podium and spoke a bit louder so his small voice could carry.

"Yes sir… Good morning classmates, my name is Raijin Kuro. Nice to meet you. I hope we can get along well."

"Thank you Rajin-kun now you can take a seat if you wish to stay, also address me as torasen-sensei."

"Thank you torasen-sensei, I wish to try out the medical examinations and a few others if that's okay?" Kuro asked, pretending to look like a polite child.

"Un go right ahead." Torasen-sensei said, pretending to look like a cool teacher.

As soon as he was given permission Kuro quickly walked out the classroom and headed to the medical examination room.Different from the genjutsu test, this one judged his theoretical knowledge and mental ability, testing him on not only memorization but also knowledge application.

During the studies with Naruto and Kai, Kuro would read up on medical knowledge and alongside the basics they taught in class got him a high score on the test but since scores don't release until the next day it left Kuro with more time to visit the other subjects.

It still took time to write, so when Naruto arrived for the ninjutsu class, so did Kuro and Kai who finished taking the test. There was no test for ninjutsu; instead it was an open class and an expected course for the average shinobi. The classroom was similar to the one they were used to after having attended school for a year.

Iruka was on stage and he has been at the school for about a year now as a teaching aid making around 132,000 yen a year.His goal was to become a teacher and not only spread the will of fire but also bump his salary up to 370,000 yen as a first time teacher.

"Transformation jutsu!"

In less than a second a cloud of smoke appeared and when it dissipated not long after you could see the appearance of the third hokage.

Eyes opened from kids all around with an excited glimpse surrounding iruka as students wanted to get intouch with this jutsu. Some of them wanted power, some wanted snacks, another didn't want to be recognized anymore so they could shop without being hit or yelled at.

`If i could make myself look like lord third I can tell everyone to stop messing with me!` Thought Naruto to himself but Kai on the other hand had much more nefarious use for the jutsu.

`With this jutsu the world will be mine to prank and blame on other muhahahah!!`

`This is my first time seeing a juice performed and despite seeing it already in the anime its still shocking that this can happen in real life and I am amazed that he really looks like the third hokage. The only weaknesses I could see against this impersonation are the hyuga clan's byakugan, the inuzuka clan's sense of smell and the small habits of the person being impersonated.`

As Kuro thought in his mind the class began to clapp and he proceeded to follow in turn before leaving and heading to bukijutsu classes alone to go learn and pick out the weapons he wanted to try.

Navigating his way through the mess hallway he slowly approached the classroom in a neat and file line due to the teachers finally putting a theoretical and society leash on the kids.

When he finally arrived with the rest of his grade group the teacher took them to an outside training feild and after showing a few shuriken tricks explained about safety and how that was paramount in the class before explaining the future content.

"For the first 8 weeks we will go through eight types of weapons between conventional and unconventional and each requires special skill to use masterfully. With permission from myself you are able to take wooden weapons home to practice, understood?"

"Yes Riuhara sensei!" The kids shouted in response before they all went off through the rest of their day.

Certain eligible students wrote a list before handing it in to their teacher to arrange their future classes. While others slept with their parents or in Naruto's case the hokage helped them out with the paperwork before the next day.