
Conquerer's Mind

MystakenSaiko · Fantasy
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4 Chs




What the hell? What was that voice? Saturu feels a great pressure keeping him from moving. I AM THE ONE WHO KEEPS EYE ON THE WORLD, I AM SYS. YOU ARE NOW MY MASTER. Master? What does that mean SYS? I AM NOT AN ALIVE BEING. I NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN WIELD THE POWER OF SYS. SYS IS SHORT FOR SYSTEM

What is this power? NO ANSWER. This is like a game. Can I open up a stat bar or something? ANSWER, YES. Oh I am never getting used to you. Anyways. "Stats." A screen appeared with Saturu Marcite as the name and a skill bar. Strength 10, Magic 0, Potential 100. What is potential?

ANSWER. POTENTIAL IS THE AMOUNT OF POWER YOU CAN OBTAIN. I see, thanks SYS. I should explore this mansion. Before dinner at least. Saturu gets up. He puts on the clothes left out for him. He opens the door to see a hallway with twenty doors. This is a long ass hallway.

Saturu walks down the hallway, twenty minutes in he stops to take a break. Is this a never ending hall or what? "No it isn't." Who is this woman? "I am Lord Levi's guard." Saturu looks at her all confused. "You can read my mind?" "I am known as Nira. The Fury of Fire. To answer your question yes." Her with that title, dang. She is pretty small for that though. She has pretty red hair and green eyes. "Have you seriously forgotten?" Nira grumbles. "Uhhh, I am sorry." Saturu looks away from her.

Nira giggles,  "You are one weird human."  Saturu looks down at her heels and looks up, scanning her whole body. "You have elf ears. You are an elf?" Nira starts walking down the hallway. "Yes I am an elf under the service of Lord Levi." "Who is Levi?" Saturu said with a curious tone. "You are not allowed address him that way. It is Lord Levi, or Demon Lord Levi."  Saturu backs off. "I see. I am sorry for my ill manners. I shall call him Lord Levi." 

"We have made it to the door." This door is so tall. It's fancy too. (The doors open.)  They walk in, maids bowed. There are about 20 maids, 10 on each side. A red carpet leading up to a throne. There he was sitting down.  Saturu and Nira walk on the red carpet following it to the throne. They bow. "At ease." Levi said with a almost menacing tone. Saturu and Nira got up. "Welcome human. I am Levi Reskhute, you shall address me by Demon Lord Levi." "Yes sir" Is this guy serious? I am never going to get used to this place. Saturu gets escorted to his room.

(The Next Day)

Nira knocks on the door. "Wait a minute." Saturu grumbles. Saturu gets up out of bed and opens the door. "Lets go time for training." Nira says with the utmost seriousness. "The sun has not risen yet." Saturu complains. He gets ready. They go outside to the yard Nira throws him a sword. "Get ready, this is not going to be easy." Saturu puts on a fighting stance. He puts his sword up and holds it as if he was going to thrust.

Nira attacks, Saturu dodges before she could cut him. This woman is fast am I even going to be able to lay a scratch on her? Saturu stabs the ground beneath him. He closes his eyes. I can sense her, "THERE!" Saturu yells. Saturu blocks her from attacking his right. "You got good reflexes." Nira says. He goes in for a stab to the chest, but misses leaving him in the air, vulnerable to an attack. WHOOSH. Nira cuts him on his back. "OWWW!" Saturu yells in pain. "You will be fine these are wooden swords." Nira says holding out a hand. "Oh thanks." Saturu accepts her hand and gets pulled up. 

"You are good, I suggest trying to learn how to use magic as well." Levi said his arms crossed, one leg up on the wall. "I can't" "Why not?" Saturu clenches his fists. "I have no aptitude towards any type of magic." Levi walks towards Saturu. He puts his hand on his head. Saturu feels a surge of power running through him. "This is called mana, it will help you figure out your aptitude for magic." Levi said.  Nira uses a spell and transported aptitude crystals to her hands. "Crystals help us know which aptitude you have or how strong it is." (Crystal Level 1 is a slight aptitude for that magic. Level 2 is when the mana user has a strong connection to that magic, level 3 is the strongest connection, meaning you have a connection to all of the beasts of that magic. That also means you will be able to control that magic a lot more as well as learn it faster.) Saturu gets handed the fire crystal. "Fire" A large beam of fire came out. "Level 3, wow."  Levi said with a smirk. "You will be able to take my place as Demon Lord." Saturu jumps. "WHAT!" Levi laughs. "forget it."

Water, Wind, Earth and Fire all were level 3. "Wow, child you are a God." Levi said. " N -No more than that." Nira stutters. "Lord Levi, can I train him in my ability of water." "Sure why not."

(Saturu begins his training, after a few months he learned how to use water magic better than Nira. Levi trains him in the art of sword fighting in which Saturu perfects.)