
Where Am I


Chapter: 16

Title: Where Am I

The hair that was previously cut grew back to its original length; Aura was happy about it.

Bird number 2 fully regained consciousness. He looked at Aura, who was in front of him. Then, something caught his attention, and he looked.

Aura carried a huge heart with a large hole in the middle; he soon realized what it was.

He sadly looked at his chest, "I saved your life, now you are mine."

Words without compassion came out of Aura's mouth.

Bird number 2 nodded. Aura was even happier; "maybe taming these things won't be difficult!"

"No, I am already a tamer." Aura began to imagine what her days would be like.

"I should leave this place." She still felt insecure, like a thief stealing for the first time.

The bird was huge, but in a very deplorable state.

It not only had enough to be called a bird, it was severely injured, and it was not high-level like bird 1. "Ah," Aura sighed and walked away with the bird.



Aura left the forest and was now in the bushes in front of the white castle.

The pursuers were all gathered there, the three rats. "Betrayal, pay close attention, you must distract the three while I go to that place."

Aura pointed to the safe area.

The bird didn't seem very intelligent, but knew what was being suggested; he refused.

"Betrayal, don't worry. Those rats can beat you until you lose consciousness, but they are not crazy enough to end your life." Aura spoke convincingly.

Still, the bird refused. "Then I will climb on your back, and you must run as fast as possible." This time, he did not refuse.

Aura climbed on the bird's back; he resisted the pain he felt because of the wounds on him.

"Sorry, if we get to that place, there is a better way for me to treat your wounds."

The bird was happy, so he ran off. He was at the peak of level 3, so he was very fast, even in a weakened state.

The rats noticed Aura's arrival; they were very happy, thinking they had lost the person responsible for killing their relatives and could now have their revenge.

Holden and Dominic's group noticed their boss's arrival; they were also very happy.

All the rats attacked simultaneously; they did not care about bird number 2. "Aren't you afraid?" Aura was surprised by the rats' reaction.

She expected them to be afraid of Betrayal's relatives.

She drew the red sword that was at her waist and pointed it at one of the rats; the bird dodged most of the attacks, but she was not efficient; he was severely hit.

Aura jumped; before Betrayal fell, the rats went after Aura. She managed to dodge the rats' attacks, but she was being pushed.

Wounds began to appear on her body; one of the rats caused a large lightning bolt to fall. Aura tried to dodge, but was hit; her hair started to catch fire, she cut it.

Next, the red hair grew back; her wounds began to regenerate, but she started to feel tired.

One of the rats opened a gap and attacked her from behind; he struck her with his left paw on Aura's head. Aura, as she was thrown away, threw her sword with full force at the rat.

The sword cut off the rat's right arm; everyone when they saw this became enraged. Aura's body collided with a stone behind her; she broke a large number of ribs.

She began to vomit large amounts of blood. In an instant, the internal wounds stopped bleeding; she stopped vomiting blood.

She began to feel dizzy; she started to take deep breaths, her unarmed hands were trembling, bird 2 was unconscious.

Her heart kept pounding in uncoordinated rhythms; her feet began to shake, her whole body.

What is this? She wondered.

Is it fear? She wondered.

Am I, afraid? She wondered.

Why am I calm if I'm afraid? She wondered.

The rats made a circus with her in the center; Aura's head turned to the side in a strange way.

Where am I? Aura asked, but it wasn't her who spoke.

A miracle happened!

Something blocked the sunlight; everyone in that place without execution looked up at the sky.

There was a gigantic spaceship, moving slowly.

Six lights came out of the ship towards the ground; three of the same color and the rest of different colors.

When Aura realized it, in front of her were a man and a woman. Both were at level 2.

The man was standing while looking at her face, the woman had bent her knees and was also staring at her fixedly.

Who are you? The two asked simultaneously.

Aura's body stopped trembling; she felt relieved. In front of each rat, there was a person, not letting the bird go.

Everyone had weapons of a transcendental appearance.

A lot happened, don't kill these rats. Aura replied to the two's question.

What should we do with them besides that? The two asked simultaneously.

Nothing. Aura replied.

Nothing? The six people who had arrived were surprised.

The man next to the woman gave the order, and everyone let the rats go free.

The rats realized they wouldn't survive if they stayed too long in that place.

They ran out.

The men in the safe area, when they saw this, became furious; steam started coming out of Aura's body. Aura leaned her body on the woman next to her.

What is this steam? She asked, confused.

It's nothing much. Aura replied; the more her wounds healed, the more tired she felt

•••• https://drive.google.com/file/d/13fwHRt0hE8fx0Z-yI6FjmWzAvbeNlUoD/view?usp=drivesdk


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