
What Would You Do?


Chapter: 30

Title: What Would You Do?

"I repeat. Nothing has changed every time I've gone back in time."

"...." Thales remained silent.

"If you were in my position, what would you do?" Alezia looked deeply at Thales.

She seemed like a person desperate for a solution to an unsolvable problem.

"...." Thales stayed quiet.

He was sure his response on the matter wouldn't be well received by the girl in front of him.

"What would you do if you were in my position?" Alezia prompted the question.

"I can't say. I think that question is too difficult." Thales was afraid to reveal his true thoughts.

She could stick a fork in his throat and say that when she comes back again, he'll be alive. She had definitely lost the concept of the importance of life.

What he thought about the situation Alezia lived in was not something she would want to hear.

Alezia spoke. "You seem like someone who listens to others and knows the right path to take."

"You must have come back with me from that point; it's not even been thirty days since you're here, but now you seem like a native."

"Thank you." Thales thanked her.

"It wasn't a compliment; I was still formulating the sentence."

"Then you can continue." Thales felt a bit of displeasure in the way the girl in front of him looked at him.

"I don't know where you came from; I will tell you everything I have experienced, and in the end, I want your humble opinion." Thales didn't like the proposal; the displeasure deepened.

The way she looked at Thales was a bit odd, and he felt it.

She spoke to Thales without any concern, revealing intimate things without excitement, as if she were talking to someone whose time was counted.

That's what Thales didn't like.

'Nobody in this universe can predict when I'll die.' Thales said to himself.

In summary, she had deduced that Thales would die in the next attack of the statues, so she spoke without restrictions.

"Do you want to tell me all this because you think I'm going to die?" He asked.

"Yes, and no." Alezia replied.

"I think you might die; you're strong enough to survive that?"


"How can an outsider who seems to know so much opine so much about things I can't theorize about?"

She spoke about death so casually.

"And also as someone who experienced a little of what I lived."

"I also think you might survive; maybe you can come back 29 days like me or simply your memory will be reset."

'This girl doesn't have much time,' Thales thought.

Alezia's mental state didn't seem to be the best, so some parts of what she said didn't seem to make sense.

'Would I be able to keep my mental state healthy if I went through what she went through?' Thales asked himself.

"I just want to make something very clear." Thales placed a drink on the table; Alezia picked up the glass.

She drank the juice, in the middle of the process Thales looked at her and said. "My life is just my life; nobody in this universe can dictate when I will die!"

Alezia just drank the punch and looked at Thales; she didn't say anything about it.

"We're back to square one; I'll ask the same question for the third time: if you were in my position, what would you do?"

Thales had an opinion on what she thought was best to do in this kind of situation; he didn't feel comfortable giving his opinion.

He was absolutely sure that if he gave his humble opinion, the girl in front of him would break down completely, and he didn't know if he would be safe at that moment.

"If you insist, I will say what I could do if I were in the same position as you."

"I'm all ears."

"First, before anything else, above all else, I would ensure to maintain my mental health." Thales touched his head as he spoke.

"Mental health?"

Since entering, Alezia showed no surprise or excitement about anything, as if she already expected the answers or as if she were a person who had seen it all, so what Thales said surprised her.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

She expected Thales to say that he would ask for help from others or try to find a way to get stronger to fight against adversaries, but he would ensure mental health? How could mental health solve a problem that required brute force?

Thales answered Alezia's question. "Yes, mental health; with an orderly mental health, I would try to understand the why of the whys."

"The why of the whys?" Alezia began to like where the conversation was going.

Thales replied. "A clearer explanation... Let me see... ah... I'll give an example."

"Once a hunter went hunting, and on the way, he found a beast similar to a wounded wolf, and-"

"What is a wolf?" Alezia interrupted him.

"It's a creature very abundant where I come from; the important thing is not the characteristic of the animal, the important thing is the moral of the story."

Thales liked to hear stories from others, and on the other hand, he hated being interrupted during the explanation of a good narrative.

He continued. "The cub was injured; he took care of the cub's wound, because of his charisma, the cub ended up liking him."

"He walked every day with the cub; after three days when the cub was completely healed, something unexpected happened."

"Out of nowhere, a huge bird appeared and tried to abduct the cub; the hunter did his best to help the cub, and he succeeded." Alezia was happy; one could say that by looking at her eyebrows.

"I'm glad he succeeded." She loved stories.

"It's still too early to be happy." Thales continued to narrate.

"The bird had large, very sharp claws, during the fight, the bird ended up taking off the cub's right paw, the hunter, seeing this, rushed to stop the bleeding, and something very unexpected happened at that moment."

"The cub's mother appeared. She knew he was a hunter." Thales continued to narrate.

"The cub's mother had been awake all this time looking for her cub; her anger multiplied with each passing day, and right in front of her was her beloved son with a severed paw next to a hunter, the obvious conclusion."

"With all the strength in the world, she went after the hunter; the hunter also had a family to take care of; he tried to make the situation clear to the wolf, but the wolf was consumed with rage."

He shrugged. "A frantic animal is a frantic animal."

"The hunter was the strongest; he couldn't give his life with open hands, so he killed her, the cub seeing this was shocked; it was his mother who was being killed, afraid that any day the cub would come after him, the hunter ended the whole family."

"See, the importance of mental health! If the she-wolf had tried to look at the situation in front of her from another perspective, she and her son wouldn't have met such an end so soon." Alezia looked at Thales; she seemed disturbed by the story Thales had just told.

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