


Chapter: 24

Title: Massacre!


Thales was happy.

When he passed through the fissure, he left the apocalyptic world and was now in a place with a lot of vegetation.

He looked like a sinner who escaped from hell.

Now he just had to look for people and somehow he would manage to get back home...

And he should also remember to avoid contact with a girl named Aura, nothing good would come out of deepening relations with her.

"This must be a foreign country." He believed the fissure had taken him far away.

"It must be." The environment dictated that, besides Thales had never heard of many creatures that were in his field of view.

And he had never heard of creatures that looked like statues and had saws on their backs, in addition to dozens of needles scattered on their bodies.

He looked around and was impressed with the statues. "How can these things do that?" He wondered.

The statues he followed were now hovering over the waters of a river.

It was very beautiful and scary to see that.

Something caught Thales' attention.

On the other bank of the river there was a hill, and houses could be seen inside the hill.

It was a city, the statues headed towards the city.

"That doesn't look like the home of those things." Thales didn't like the scenario.

Could there be a city that could withstand a surprise attack like that? Unless there were leaders inside the city, then the story would be different.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!!!" A female voice came from inside the hills.

When the voice announced the attack, nothing happened. The statues hovered over the river waters and reached the large wall surrounding the city.

Suddenly they organized themselves in a long row, the motor coordination of the statues was something out of the ordinary, it was very perfect.

Thales was quiet, watching everything.

The saws on their bodies started spinning at high frequency. When they reached the walls, nothing resisted, they passed through easily.

"Why must there be such different things in this world? Isn't that unfair?" Compared to humans, the statues seemed to be much superior.

"What would become of me if I had one of those saws on my body?"

They cut through everything in front of them.

Even with attacks of that magnitude, the people inside the hill made little noise. Thales didn't know what to do, he was terrified.

It was all so surreal. He had spent years studying, he thought he understood a lot about this world, but he saw that he was still a child.

He tried to avoid thinking about what might be happening inside the hill, but he couldn't.

Sounds of rumbling and saws cutting through walls and metal inside the city were very disturbing.

He lost track of time.

Thales decided to hide, as in the sky there were frightening monsters looking for something, and Thales didn't want to be that thing to be sought.

Thirty minutes passed, the statues returned to the fissure, the fissure closed, the birds that were in the place disappeared.

It took only thirty minutes to devastate an entire city.

The city inside the wall had disappeared.

Thales turned pale, it was better to leave, nothing good would happen if he stayed too long in that place.

There was a road that led to the city, he just had to go in the opposite direction.

"It's better if I don't realize what happened here." Sometimes being ignorant was the best choice.

Thales gave up the memories he had just acquired, literally.

When he was about to leave, he heard a baby crying coming from the city.

It was shocking. Could a child have survived something of that magnitude? It was unbelievable.

It was more plausible to say that it could be a trap.

He stopped, he looked at the city, then without much thought, he jumped into the river and swam to the other side.

Debris was everywhere, it was not a scenario that a person would want to experience. He tried as much as possible to ignore the environment around him.

Besides the debris, there was something else that couldn't be described around him. Thales felt that he would not be the same after leaving that place.

The smell of soot in the air, the smell of concrete cut by saws, the smell of grilled meat that was everywhere, the smell of metal, the blood that was everywhere he went.

He felt sensations of coming and going, he vomited all the gastric juice that was in his stomach.

Everything around him was very fast.

He didn't know anyone in that city, yet he cried.

That was a terrifying place.

How painful was the death of the inhabitants of that city? What had they done to deserve a death like that?

He reached where the baby's crying was coming from.

The tears that came out of his face intensified.

He took the baby that was protected by many people.

He moved away the sliced bodies and took the baby out of the pool of blood, luckily the blood had not entered the baby's nostrils or eyes.

The baby had red hair, it was a very small child.

The baby had features that Thales had never seen before. He looked at the corpses around him, they had a pair of horns.

He hadn't paid attention initially, but it seemed that all the people in the city had horns on their heads.

And also no one had the circular mark on the back of the hand, as far as Thales knew, the mark was something that every human had.

In the whole city there was no dead statue, which indicated that a massacre had occurred in that place.


A wall collapsed, a person still alive was there, Thales ran towards her.

Inside the rubble was a woman, she seemed to be a warrior, she had orange hair.

Even though she had survived, it didn't seem like it would last long, death was inevitable for the woman.

When the woman saw Thales and the baby, she was happy, as happy as if nothing had happened.

It was very strange, from a different perspective, it seemed like she was the mother and was relieved to know that her child was alive.

"Destiny, I changed this time." The woman's pupils began to lose color.

Thales was impressed. How could a person who was in the state the woman was in still be conscious and even able to speak?

Practically half of her had disappeared.

She was sitting, her body had been crushed by a wall, she was wearing black clothes and a red armor.

She held a broken bow, next to her was a green dagger, something very unusual. Thales clenched his teeth, looked away, and then fixed his gaze on her.


He couldn't speak.

There was a huge hole in the woman's stomach, her left arm had been severed.

The woman's eyes became dull.

A smile appeared on her face.

"I...I.." she died.

Even in the face of all that, she seemed to have died happy and without regret.


Thales remained silent, he didn't know what to think about that situation.

When Thales turned around, something caught his attention, and he looked back, the body began to emanate large amounts of light.


It was very sudden, Thales didn't know what was causing such a phenomenon.

Everything around Thales went through the same process, the baby that was in his hands disappeared.


When he realized it, he was inside a building that looked like a restaurant.

Teleportation!? An unknown voice asked.

It doesn't seem like it. Another person replied.

Look how weak he is, it seems like he could break at any moment. Another person spoke.

Thales was speechless, he didn't know what to say at that moment.

He looked at his body, the scar that was on his right arm had disappeared.

The wall he had seen before was standing, and most frightening of all, his level had regressed and he was now at level 1.

All that grotesque scenario had disappeared.

Next chapter