


Chapter: 14

Title: Little.

It was natural!

When the two marks in their hands encountered a grotesque scene that could not be described as beautiful, it happened.

Thales, who was lying on the ground, began to disintegrate, literally. He was surprised by what was happening to his body, feeling as if he had been struck by lightning. He began to scream, while Aura stood still, unable to move an inch of her body.

He remembered that this was what happened when two genetically incompatible people tried to exert the power known as cogovernance. Unlike Thales, who seemed to be experiencing great pain, Aura was feeling very well. She would describe the sensation as a sanction of peace, as if she were the happiest person in the universe.

It was as if the universe existed for her existence; everything revolved around her.

It was a weird sensation.

All the particles that came out of Thales' body were sucked in by the mark on the back of Aura's hand.

Tears streamed from Thales' eyes. He couldn't believe he was dying in a way he didn't even understand. His life, which he valued most, was about to fade away.

Aura began to grow stronger in real time.

The rats didn't like what was happening and decided to intervene. The disintegration process was quick and painful.

Thales' entire body was sucked in by the mark on Aura's hand, leaving a large pool of blood where Thales' body had been. Aura's body showed changes; the mark on the back of her hand disappeared, remaining only on the other hand. Aura realized what had happened...

It was as if she could perceive anything.

It was as if she were the number one in the universe.

It was as if the junction of all constellations formed her name.

It was as if there was nothing above her.

Then, in a majestic way, she opened her eyes.

Her appearance became even more angelic.

Her golden pupils turned red, her blonde hair turned red and reached the ground. Furthermore, nothing else changed in her appearance; her height remained the same. She opened her mouth and spoke.

Nível 3!?"

She didn't have time to think about what had happened to her hair; then she turned around. At that moment, a rat came at her with great speed.

She threw the sword that was in her hand, previously transparent, now all red. However, the rat dodged the sword.

Everyone watching that scene didn't know how to react; it was all very surreal. The men inside the safe area couldn't even blink.

Why did the rat dodge the sword? That was the question everyone asked themselves.

At the same moment, Aura jumped as far as possible into the safe area. Suddenly, a wound appeared on her left arm; it was very deep. She held the bleeding spot.

She looked and saw that one of the rats was behind her. She didn't pay attention to the rat; she ran as fast as she could. When she had a few meters left to reach her destination, she was struck by two tails.

She began to bleed heavily; the rats were not relaxed. Now, they were not playing around, Aura realized that. She gritted her teeth, threw a large stone at the rats.

However, the stone posed no threat to the rats. One of the rats caused a large, frightening lightning bolt to strike the stone.

They decided to attack at the same time. They wanted nothing more than their revenge, no matter how weak their opponent was. They would obliterate him with their full power, giving up on attracting more people who were in the safe area.

They began to emanate a frightening aura; their fur became more tickets. Then, they looked to where their opponent was, but no one was there. Aura had already entered the forest; she had fled from them.

Three rats became furious. No one expected that. Then, they became happy; the forest was their territory. Then, Aura was heading towards certain death.

They were happy; it was more fun to hunt prey on the run than one that was cornered. They followed their instincts, and one of them kept an eye on the people in the safe area.

Everyone was perplexed by what was happening; it was too much information to process.

How could a single person survive a confrontation with three level 4 monsters for a few seconds and manage to escape?


Aura ran and made many maneuvers. However, she couldn't shake off her pursuers.

The wound on her left arm began to regenerate; she was amazed.

It was strange to see the regeneration; a tissue that didn't look human was filling her wound and turning into muscle, another part into epithelium.

However, she didn't have time to observe such an event. Even though she was very curious, her priority now was to shake off the rats.

The three rats were right behind her with great anger; they deduced that Aura must have been the one who killed their relatives.

Aura began to study the power she had in her hands, then she began to reflect on the most basic.

The difference between a being of a certain level and another of another level was not something comparable or meaningful.

If a person at level 1 could lift a maximum of 1kg, a person at level 2 could carry a maximum of 100 kg, a person at level 3 could carry a maximum of 1000 kg, and one at level 4 could carry a maximum of something like 100,000 kg.

This was an analogy used to explain the difference between levels. There was no possibility of a level 1 person winning a race against a level 2 person, even if they were tied up.

However, Aura couldn't believe what she was doing at that moment. After she underwent the transformation and rose to level 3, she shouldn't be able to cause any kind of damage to monsters at a higher level.

But the monsters were afraid of her attacks, and even using all their strength, they couldn't reach her. It was a story that no one would believe.

She was super happy; who wouldn't be happy knowing they had become stronger? A big smile appeared on her face; her heart was beating fast.

"Is this the feeling of becoming another being?"

After running so much, she could no longer see the rats. It had been 5 hours of running. "I have become powerful!" The woman was very happy, but when she realized where she was, her happiness disappeared.

Being with the rats was 1000x better than where she was currently. The rats were afraid of the creatures in front of them. That's why they returned.

"Holy shit!" She uttered a curse word she never thought she would ever say.

•••• https://drive.google.com/file/d/13aA-iORBYRi3wCkrCwtX3q8qY5_XXgMj/view?usp=drivesdk


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