
Chapter 7: I informed you!


Chapter: 7

Title: I informed you!


Thales was in a lot of pain.

The more he looked at the heartless man in front of him, the pain quadrupled.

Now the clothes he was wearing matched him.

"It's very nice when a person messes something up and has the funds to organize what they messed up," said the director as he handed the phone back to Thales.

Thales saw his remaining balance and almost passed out. "Where will I find a kind person who will give me funds?"

"I always give funds to that laboratory," said the director.

"Yes, you give me funds, but that won't last long," Thales thought bitterly.

If the woman who was always by the director's side came back and told him what Thales was saying behind his back, he would cut the funds. No, he always wanted to do that, but never had reasons, now he would.

"Money is good when you can spend it."

"What does that mean?" Thales asked at the director's sudden statement.

"What do you mean, what I want to say? If you keep walking around provoking people, you won't become famous," the director had a good memory.

"They asked me for help and then threatened me. I don't think I did anything wrong, but in the end, the blame fell on me," he seemed very sad.

"Many times, to stay alive, it doesn't depend on whether you are right or not. And also, you started provoking them too early."

"Too early?" Thales didn't remember what he had done.

"You were seducing a woman you knew nothing about."

"I knew something!" He replied convincingly.

"What?" Asked the director.

"She was incredibly beautiful," the director fell silent, Thales continued to speak.

"That's not what I-----"


A scream came from outside, the director recognized the voice. "Can you go see what's happening?"

As director, he was responsible for ensuring the safety of his students, and there was no lunatic who would dare to harm anyone within that school, so he was relaxed.

"Why should I go? A defenseless person like me can't do anything against something dangerous," Thales said.

"It could be a corpse found because of a stray bullet," the director tried to scare Thales into taking responsibility for the people he supposedly provoked.

Still, Thales was not willing to expose himself to something that was not his doing.

"I heard you became a student of Ber." Thales was paralyzed when he heard that name. He didn't stay in the principal's office any longer; he ran as fast as he could to see what had happened.

"Ber is scary." The director lamented.

Ber is the name of the medicine teacher.

The director was also one of the people who feared her.


Thales arrived where the scream came from, it was in the schoolyard. Many students had already left; so, there was only one person sitting on the ground, with no one around.

Thales went to the person on the ground and soon recognized the face, it was a face he had just met.

Blood was dripping from the victim's right arm, and some drops of blood ran down their face. Fortunately, it didn't seem to be a deep wound. Thales looked at them and said, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Aura replied.

"What happened? Where is Vorgill?" Thales asked, concerned, as if he didn't know what was going on.

°°° https://drive.google.com/file/d/12fbK0sY5-W33_ClW_q2m-C2-0ZD-QYYa/view?usp=drivesdk ••••

Aura remained silent.

"What happened?" He was even more worried.

"Where is the incarnation of justice? Where is the 'at your service' that comes above your safety... is that correct?"

Thales felt like he had reversed the sentence.

Aura, seeing that he had no intention of mocking her, decided to respond. "He stabbed me and stole the cube."

He turned his face.

"I informed you." A smile appeared on Thales's face.

Aura felt discouraged and lowered her head.

"The good thing is that Vorgill is an idiot. How could he harm a gem like you?" Thales was thinking of replacing Virgill; finding a good sponsor wasn't easy.

'We must seize the opportunities life gives us,' he thought.

Aura gave her hand to Thales, and he helped her up. "We have a hospital here."

Thales began to imagine how handsome he would look in Virgil's uniform.

How rich he would be.

"Alright, this will heal soon. I need to go after Virgill." He regained composure and began to recite something, but Thales stopped him.

"Wait, if you do that, only the wound will disappear, but the scar will remain."

"As I said, I need to go after Virgil. He stole the glove from me, and a scar is nothing." He was disappointed with what Thales thought about scars.

"I don't think scars are something to be ashamed of." Thales spoke abruptly.

'He read my mind,' thought Aura.

"But, I think your skin doesn't deserve a scar." And especially not from someone I'm going to kill for betraying you, Thales was serious about replacing Virgill.

Aura had never seen people as courageous as Thales. 'Maybe it's because he doesn't know who I am!'

The courage she felt was not based on his promise to kill Virgill.

"Alright!" Aura gave up going after Virgil. There wasn't much she could do to stop him, so she followed Thales to the hospital.

When they arrived there, Thales used hospital equipment, and Aura didn't realize what was happening.

"I'll take care of your arm," he said.

"Alright!" Thales was glad she caught on quickly; he liked smart people.

He rolled up her shirt sleeve and washed the wound. Aura said nothing throughout the procedure. In the end, he applied an ointment to the sword cut made by Virgill.

When the ointment touched Aura's blood, it turned red. He did an excellent job and removed all his equipment.

He was very happy to be himself.

"I didn't know being an unlicensed doctor was exciting," he said loudly. Aura just looked at him with mixed feelings.

"Thank you very much, now I must go after Virgill," he stood up.

"Why do you want to go after Vorgill?"

"I told you, he stole the cube. That was something very important; I can't go back home like this."

"What do you want to use the cube for?" Thales didn't understand why he should risk his life going after a scary person like Virgill, especially for a cube.

Aura decided to honestly answer Thales's question. "As you know, the cube is a key that leads to a great treasure, and we found the location the cube opens."

"And you activated it; we must go before it's too late."

"I don't understand!?"

"What are you not getting? Weren't you explaining about the cube a few minutes ago? Do you have two personalities by any chance?" He took the opportunity to get back at Thales.

"Sorry, I misunderstood. It wasn't me who didn't understand, it was you who didn't understand. Your misunderstanding just made me misunderstand."

"What did I not understand?" Asked Aura.

"That glove is nothing! It's like a keychain; a keychain will never open a door." Thales also stood up.

"I'll see you around. Oh, after a day, you can take that off." He left the room, leaving Aura sitting there.

Aura was left speechless by Thales's penultimate sentence.

Thales noticed that Aura wanted to do something very dangerous, so he gave up the position of bodyguard.

Next chapter