
Chapter 10: I informed him.


Chapter: 10

Title: I informed him.

Everyone had just finished eating, Aura changed into more durable clothing, as they were going to a place where danger lurked everywhere.

We must do everything quickly, before nightfall we must return. Arto organized the men, he had great leadership skills.

A massive map was on the table, everyone was listening to every word Arto spoke with great attention.

Thales was amazed by the leadership skills he possessed, he was certainly a remarkable man of great value.


What is this? One of the people asked.

What is this?! Everyone echoed the same question.

Something abnormal had infiltrated the room.

A blue orb was coming towards them, the orb was the size of a fist.


Thales saw the orb, he looked where the orb had come from, he noticed the orb had made a hole in the ship a few meters away from where he was.

The self-repair function sealed the hole with glass, it was so quick that there was no strange phenomenon.

Even though he was close, he did not notice quickly.

The orb was very fast, Thales had a bad impression about the orb, everyone in that room had a bad impression.

Let me take care of it, said Arto. He did not think an orb could be a threat, he took the orb with his bare hands and destroyed it.

Thales was impressed, everyone was impressed, no one in that place could do such a thing.

It was noticeable that the orb had a high concentration of mana.

Thales wanted to know where the orb came from, he looked at the hole in the wall, he was shocked.

WE MUST JUMP. He shouted and then opened the door and waited for the others to follow.

He was so alarmed that he could not form a correct sentence or describe what he saw.

Everyone thought he was crazy, why should they jump? With a strong person like Arto and them being strong, nothing could threaten them.

And they knew that place.

Aura approached Thales to see what had alarmed him, but it was too late.


The entire aircraft exploded, Thales jumped before the explosion, leaving everyone behind.

Now it was just a matter of figuring out how to land safely.

Different lights emerged from the explosion. Many were saved.

As Thales was free-falling, he saw something shocking.

There was a red bird in his field of vision, it had a majestic appearance, blue feathers, red scales, a large red horn in the middle of its forehead, four karnezis eyes, a huge tail.

The explosion injured many people, Arto was not removed from the list, his right arm was bleeding as he floated in the sky and looked at the bird with great anger.

HOW DARE YOU hurt me, I, the GREAT Arto who has reached level 4? You will pay dearly. After shouting these words, a huge transparent sword appeared in his left hand.

It was a weapon of terrifying appearance, the sword seemed like it could cut through space, it was not an exaggeration to say that.

Thales was impressed by everything that was happening in moments.

Arto approached the bird at a speed that Thales' eyes could not keep up with, when he realized that his sword was aimed at the bird's horn.

Arto judged that to be its weak point, when Thales saw the bird, he thought the same, he began to admire Arto.

The bird seemed not to have noticed the sword, when it was very close to cutting the horn, the bird was no longer where Arto thought it was, as if it had never been there.

When Arto realized where the bird was, it was too late.


The bird devoured him as if he were devouring an insect, Thales was perplexed.

The strongest person in the group had such a quick and simple death, Thales began to nurture the belief that he could escape from the bird's gizzard.

That didn't happen.

•••• https://drive.google.com/file/d/12he_CpAMPacA_H3w_8STb9Y3D74gCaPX/view?usp=drivesdk °°°

He remembered he was in free fall and was a few hundred meters from the ground; he would meet Arto very soon.

He decided to forget what he had just seen, he looked around for something to cushion his fall, unfortunately, there was nothing of that kind in that ship because no one needed it.

He became very desperate, "Am I also going to die in a ridiculous way?" When he said that, he saw Aura's body also falling in free fall, she was unconscious.

Thales tried to approach her, he had an idea, he reached out his arms to meet her, but the air was getting in the way, he tried, tried, and when he realized it, the ground was a few meters below.

He lost his vision, it seemed like he was unconscious, he couldn't even think, just knew that he was something.

It was all very strange because he was desperately reaching out his arm to Aura? Why did it seem like he died before reaching the ground completely?


Aura opened her eyes, "Where is everyone?" She asked the boy in front of her.

The boy gestured with his fingers as if telling her to be silent.

Aura remained silent, she looked around, saw that she was in a forest, looked up and saw five huge birds, she understood why the boy told her to be quiet.

She approached the boy and asked, "Where did the people go? Where is Arto?"

Arto was the key to survival, Aura quickly judged, that didn't seem like a normal sighting.

The boy put his finger to his neck and gestured as if cutting his throat. Aura was shocked.


"What happened?" She sat down next to the boy.

Thales replied, "A few things in a very short time."

He was scared.

Aura didn't want to hear what Thales saw, she was afraid, but it was her duty as the one who brought them all to that place to know what was happening.

"Did Arto and the others die fighting those birds?" It was scary to know that five birds had wiped out their elite unit composed of fifty level 3 people and one level 4 person.

Thales shook his head.

"What happened?"

"Everyone was drawn by gravity, just like you and me, Arto was left to face those birds." His look was grim.

"Now it makes sense to say that he perished fighting those monsters." Aura was sad, she was shaken.

"What are you saying?" Thales asked.

"Arto isn't dead?" He hoped he had made a mistake.

"Arto was killed, in an instant, he didn't even realize what happened, and it wasn't in a fight with five monsters, it was just one." Thales raised his finger and pointed to the smallest bird in the group, which seemed to be the weakest, it seemed like a chick, and the rest were adults.

And among the adults, the one that seemed to be the Alpha male had four wings.



After some time, Aura managed to predict what was happening, and it didn't take long for some people to come to her.

"Miss, are you okay?" Everyone seemed very happy to know that Aura was okay.

"Yes, unfortunately Arto and the others were not as lucky." She lamented, now it seemed that there were thirty people left.

"I think we should go back!" A man asserted.

"I agree."

"Me too."

Many agreed, they looked at Aura waiting for a response, Aura looked at Thales who was sitting deeply contemplating.

Thales noticed everyone was looking at him. "Democracy." He said and returned to his thoughts.

"I want to hear your opinion, what would be the best path." Aura insisted.

"What can a level 1 do?" He didn't want to speak much.

"Many things, I think in this kind of situation the best thing to do is to act with more intelligence than force, wasn't that what you said?"

Thales was impressed by what he just heard, so he stood up. "The last time you came here, did you meet those birds?"

"If we knew of their existence, do you think we would have come?" One of the men replied ironically.

Theles just wanted someone to confirm his hypothesis, "as I thought, I should stay at home."

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