
Chapter 5: Facing mistakes.

In the end i didn't reach any conclusion. So, in an effort to think about something else, I turned my attention to the other mission I had pending.

I opened the system store and look with hope to find items that allow me to create crafts.

A large window appeared, full of items of all kinds that could be bought very cheaply and would be perfect to do the 11 crafts that I needed to accomplish both missions.

I had decided to have Julia's gift prepared just to kept things ready to act at any moment, also, this time the mission did not have time limit so I could take it easy and see how things developed in school. Once i had everything, i created a kind of figurine that resembles a cat, using several cans and some wood.


"New blue print adhered to the skill Craft 'Tin Cat'. From this moment the host can create this figurine automatically with the help of the system. Requirements = Necessary materials "

'Great, finally something useful'

With all the materials at hand, I made use of the new function of the system and created another 10 'Tin Cats' which, together with the one I had previously created, became 11.

I determine a suitable price for them and then store them in the basket, which in turn is kept whitin my space in the system.

I went out to buy something for breakfast since I was dying of hunger. Having that solved I went directly to school.

I was never a believer but at that moment I mentally prayed to every deity I remembered, to help me endure the long day that was before me.

A few streets before arriving at my destination I ran into her. 'Thanks for nothing!' I cursed all those gods who ignored my prayers.

Julia seemed normal, as if nothing had happened.

I tried my best to quickly hide behind a tree to prevent her from seeing me, but it did not help, she was there in front of me again.

"Sorry!" We exclaimed at the same time.

We looked at each other and could not help but laugh at the strange situation.

"I'm sorry for what I said last night," I hurried to say. "I was not thinking clearly at that moment, it must have seemed weird"

"It's okay, do not worry about that," Julia answered. "I'm sorry I acted in that way at the last moment, but I honestly did not know what to say, it was all very sudden" ( this granny is watching you…better not do something stupid…)

"It's understandable, it was my fault for saying something like that out of nowhere, take this as an apology" i looked inside my backpack to get the "Tin Cat" that i had separated from the rest to give Julia and I extended it to her. It was the only one I made with my own hands, all the others were copies I had made with the help of the system.

"Wow, how cute!, thank you very much … It sure cost you a lot, it wasn't necessary …" she began to speak. But I interrupted her.

"Do not worry, I made it myself so it didn't cost much, I'm glad you liked it."

For some reason, I no longer felt so uncomfortable talking to her. I felt as if that were something natural, as if things should have been like that from the beginning.

"Thanks," she said and smiled shyly as she resumed her way to school. "Come on, or we'll be late" I turned after a few steps towards me and called for me to hurry.


"Complete secondary mission: Reward Exp +5, Points +1"

"You have raised one Level"

"You have received 10 points as a reward for your Lvl Up."


"New secondary mission: get closer to Julia. Reward = Exp +10, Points +5 "

I mentally checked my statistics to observe the changes.


Host: Alexander Nox.

Age: 14 years.

Current Level: 2.

Experience Points: 0/10.

Occupation: Traveling Salesman.

Money: $860.

Mission Points: 27.


Luck: 1.

Charm: 1.


Crafts Lvl 5 (Auxiliary Skill)

Street Fighting Lvl 2 (Combat Skill)

Memory Lvl 1 (Mental Ability)


That day did not seem that bad after having clarified the misunderstanding with Julia.

In the classroom we could not talk much, because she was quite popular and was always surrounded by friends, and I was afraid to join them.

But at lunchtime we both left the school grounds and headed to a nearby store to buy some food.

We talked all the way and we stopped at a park to eat.

Most of our topics were about school. I told her that i spent most of my time in the library when i am not in the classroom. I did my best to avoid anything that made reference to my personal life. I didn't know what Julia would think if she discovered that i was a homeless guy. I was not afraid of the fact that she stopped talking to me about it because I knew that she was not that kind of person. My biggest fear was that she would feel pity for me.

When we finished, we went back to school to continue with the rest of the classes.

At the end of the day, When I was about to gather everything and then go out to tour the city and complete my mission, Julia made a gesture for me to approach her.

"I have to ask you a favor," he said suddenly. "Could you accompany me one more time to my practices? There is a tournament nearby so the coach asked us to go every day during this week … If it is not too much trouble I would like you to come with me. You've seen how dark it is when I go out and I'm very afraid to walk home alone at that time "

The surprise was not reflected only in my face, but also in the rest of the boys and girls of the class that had not yet left.

(i smell trouble coming!)

"What has happened?"

"Is not that the boy who never speaks? What was his name again? "

"He is Alex" said a boy not far from the one who had asked the previous question. "He's always alone and does not talk to anyone, it's weird that Julia asks him for something like that so suddenly. Is it that they know each other? "

... ..

My ears were turning red from hearing so much others talking about me.

So I only managed to nod slightly, before taking my things and running out the door to wait for Julia at the exit of the school.

Hello everyone.

I hope you like this new story and enjoy it as much as I do when writing it.

If you have any suggestions or want to share your opinion, I'll read them in the comments.

I want to thank Granny mala, Steve and Potato for the support they give me in the chapters edition

Thanks =)

Chapter 1/1

LordSalemcreators' thoughts