
Chapter 3: Complicated secondary mission.

The message of the system was still right there in front of my eyes.

It was already very difficult for me to start a conversation with someone, and now, this damn system, not only wants me to say some words, but is asking me to accompany her home? Isn't this developing way too fast? She would think I'm weird or something like I have feelings toward her if I suddenly offer to do something like that.

I buried my head in my arms again. I wanted to disappear and not have to continue anymore with these missions.

'What am I supposed to do now?' I lamented in silence.

The next second.


"Activating user support system."

"Why don't you try? If you do not take risks you will never reap rewards"

'Now this? Just leave me alone! Damn system, nobody asked for your opinion.' I aimed all my frustration against the poor system who just tried to help me.

'Okay, I'll try, but I'm not promising anything…' After all, the system had a point.

I never liked being this way and if I do not try to change with newfound help, I will never succeed.'

Determined to do it, I waited until the classes were over and the rest to went home, to get closer to Julia once more when we were alone.

'And now what do I tell her? Oh, I know, I'll talk about that, come on Alex, you can't be a coward forever.' I gave myself a few words of encouragement to build up my courage.

"Hey Julia, thanks for the notes, you really saved me." It wasn't all too bad to begin with.

"Alex? Wow, pigs are going to start flying haha." She began to laugh.

"Eh? What do you mean?" I didn't understand what she was saying, so I interpreted that she was making fun of me.

"Haha, it's nothing, it's because this is the second time you talked to me. And on the same Day!" That smile again. I wish she wasn't so pretty, maybe this way, it wouldn't be so hard to talk her. "Tell me, what can I do for you this time?" She questioned.

"Huh?" I was stunned looking at her face so I had completely missed what she had said.

"Are you okay?" She get closer as she inspected me with her eyes, hoping to find what was wrong with my behavior.

'I'm sorry but my problem can not be seen simply with your eyes, because it's in my head' I thought.

"Yes, yes, I am fine. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your help today, is there anything I can do for you?" I released all the words together without taking a breath in between.

"Seriously? How nice of you Alex." This time her reaction was that of surprise, but she quickly returned to her usual smile. "Now that I think about it, there is something you can do for me. But I'm afraid that maybe you can't help, because it will take a lot of your time, and I know that you always run away from school, so I guess you'll have things to do or someone waiting for you."

"It's fine, just tell me, I will do what I can, to return the favor." I felt a little more at ease talking to her when I saw that she was also a little nervous when she started talking about the favor she needed.

"Look, now I have to go to rhythmic gymnastics classes in a gym near the school, I was wondering if you could wait for it to end and then accompany me to my house… It's not what you think, it's just that the class ends a little late and recently I'm a bit afraid to go back alone." Her face reddened a bit as she said those words.

'What a coincidence. Her request was the same as the mission. 'It was just coincidence, right?'

Once again, I was stunned. Her embarrassed expression was also very beautiful.

"Sure, count on me," I said and retreated my gaze because I already felt my cheeks turning red again.

"Okay, then let's go" Julia exclaimed and started walking in front, guiding me to the exit of the gymnasium.

By this time there was almost nobody left, but you could still see a few students around.

We walk to the exit and then continue the journey for a few minutes until we arrive at the gym.

Once we entered, the first thing that caught my attention was the size of the place. It looked much bigger than from the outside and there were all kinds of equipment and typical gym stuff.

To the right, a volleyball court was extended occupying a very wide area. In the background you could see a boxing arena. On the left, there were several people gathered, mostly women. That was Julia's club.

A little further back was another arena, but this time it was for Tae Kwon Do.

Julia went back to where I had been standing to tell me that I could wait there if I wanted to, or I could come back later when the class was over.

I was indecisive for a second but in the end I decided to stay. There were many people here and I could try to sell them some crafts and, if someone asked me what I was doing in the gym, I could just say that I was waiting for Julia.

I searched for the bathroom, got into an empty cubicle and took my basket of handicrafts from the storage space that the system had given me.

Despite having spent the whole morning playing with the storage space, putting and taking things in and out, the effect of seeing something appear out of nowhere and then seeing it disappear again, was truly impressive.

When I left the bathroom and went back to the gym, I approached the stands at the side of the gym, where a few people were sitting watching the practice. I assumed that they would be relatives or acquaintances of the other athletes, and that they were probably like me, waiting for someone.

I had brought 7 crafts with me. Each one very elaborated and with a value between $90 and $150 each. But to my surprise, in less than 1 hour I had already sold them all. 'I guess my luck returning to its original value has something to do with this.' I remembered how my luck was represented by a negative number before.


"The main mission has been completed, Reward = Exp +5."

"You have raised one Level"

"You have received 10 points as a reward for your Lvl Up."

"Updated main mission."

A notification window appeared in front of me showing the new mission. The moment I read the contents, my jaw almost hit the floor.

'Not again please.'

Hello everyone.

I hope you like this new story and enjoy it as much as I do when writing it.

If you have any suggestions or want to share your opinion, I'll read them in the comments.

I want to thank Mala, Steve and Potato for the support they give me.

Thanks =)

Chapter 1/1

LordSalemcreators' thoughts