

Bianca stared at the midnight sky, bored. Asking how did she end up fucking such a boring guy. He didn't even know how to stimulate her and turn her on. He's handsome, she admitted that. But a handsome man with no skills in pleasuring women is a boring man, she thought.

An abrupt caressing from that man felt so disgusting to her that she almost cringed. The man felt sad and disappointed as he saw Bianca's cold glare.

"Let's break up."

A sudden sweet voice sounded throughout the four walls. Her voice so sweet yet so cold, he thought. But then, what she said made him get back from reverie.

"What? Why? We were doing just fine! We've been together for weeks. I love you. Don't you feel the same?" He sounded so hysterical as he forced Bianca to face him.

Bianca suddenly laughed, yet that very laugh made the atmosphere much more gloomy and tense. She stared at him mockingly and said,

"A guy with premature ejaculation doesn't have the luxury to be called my property. Let's break up. No hard feelings."

She stand up and pick her clothes as she quickly wore them. She looked back to say goodbye but the man was so shocked that he didn't even noticed her anymore.

'Oh well, you knew I'm like this yet you still played with me. Pathetic.'

Then, she walked out of the suite room and hurriedly went outside of the hotel to ride a cab.

'I should've just brought my car. Stupid.'

She hailed a cab and went home immediately.

'Dumping fuckers is one of the pleasures in life. Hell yeah!'

And that's just one of the men Bianca dumped in sheer impulse.