
Chapter 2: The mission

Ariana Walked inside her dad's room without knocking, this had been her way of entering his room no matter his caution to her

"Ariana! I have told you times over times, you should always…."

"Knock before you come in" She interrupted her father, Mr Jeffrey

"I know Dad, but I love badging into your room this way"

She moved away from the door and removed her mask, Nobody has ever seen her face except from her father and Justin.

"Come sit here" Mr Jeffrey said, patting the sit next to him, Ariana wasted no time sitting next to him

"What's your reason for seeing me Ariana?" Mr Jeffrey asked

"You asked me to prepare our warriors for an unexpected battle, which I have done, and you also said that, the clan we are fighting against is the stongest clan and also our superior, I need you to explain more details to me about them" 

"The times you asked me how your mom died, I told you she died trying to save me, I wanted to revenge her death, but I had to look after you First, this Clan we are fighting against is the same clan that caused the death of your mother"

"Now you have grown,I want you to revenge your mother" Mr Jeffrey explained

"Why did they attack?" Ariana asked with both her brows joined together

"They were eager to be the head among all clan, they wanted to be called the best, that was why they attacked us, and now, there are only two clan in New York now"

"Which is?"

"Our clan and the enemy clan" Mr Jeffrey answered

"I need to know more about the clan, so as to know their weaken point and strong point, I don't want to put the members of our clan in danger" Ariana suggested

"So what do you want to do now?" 

"After this, I will be going to the lushes for training, and I will be going back to my house, I would ask around to see if I can get information about the clan" Ariana looked into her father's eyes intensively

"What you are trying to do is dangerous Ariana!!" Mr Jeffrey almost yelled. Even though Mr Jeffrey needs to revenge his wife death, putting his daughter life was the least thing he will do, Everyone in the clan knows how much he loves his daughter and how she is the only weak point he has

"You don't have to worry about me father, this isn't the first time am living alone" Ariana said, with a bit of smile

"I know, but investigating in the enemy's clan is dangerous"


"How about you go with Justin, since he is the only friend you have and am sure with you two together I don't have to worry about anything" Mr Jeffrey spoke with command

"Okay dad" Ariana smiled, she stood up and gave her dad a light kiss on his cheek, picked up and mask and went out

She headed to her room, and saw Justin coming out of his room, she walked close to him and was about speaking when he opened his mouth first to speak

"Done with your dad?" He asked and she nodded

"Dad gave us an assignment, you are to follow me back to the City, we will live at my house there, but our main reason is to Know more about the enemy's Clan" Ariana said

"It isn't easy to know about them, How are we going to do this?" Justin asked

"I have few friends in the city, and am sure they will help me find out about them, I will give you the address to my home, but I won't be heading home, am going somewhere to check out something but I will meet you home" She said

"Is the place really important?"

"Really important"  She answered

"How about you drive me there first, before going to the place which is important" Justin suggested

"Nice idea, Let's go" Ariana commanded

"Won't I pack my clothes?"

"You don't have to worry about that, my boys would do that" Ariana said

"You have warriors there?" Justin surprisingly asked

"Am a Mafia girl, and am well known, I have my own clan in the City, I only come back here because of you and father, you have been my best friend since I was little, I went to the city when I have come up age and established a clan there" Ariana explained

"Does your father knows about it?"

"He doesn't and I want you to keep it a secret from him, until I settle Everything and bring to him victory" 

"I will Clan princess" Justin assured, and they both laughed

Ariana and Justin set out for New York City, in her car, she drove him to her clan

"Ariel!" Ariana called her personal assistant, who is also as tough as she is in the mafia world

"This is Justin, and Justin this is Ariel, she is my most trusted mate" she introduced

"He will be staying with us Now, show him around, I will be going out now" she gave orders to her personal assistant.

"When would you be coming back?" Justin asked

"I won't stay long, when I get back we will talk about how to begin the mission, and Ariel would be among us too, I need you to give father a call that we are home now" Ariana ordered

"Ariel, Thank you for taking care of my Clan for me, I will take up from now on, but I still need your assistance" She said and got a nodded from Ariel. she removed her mask from her face

"Aren't you wearing it?" Justin asked when he noticed what she was doing

"She doesn't wear it when she is actually going out in the city" Ariel answered and got a surprise look from Justin

"Don't be surprised, am lucky to have seen the magnificent look under that mask"

"I need to get going" Ariana said and left