
Chapter 8: Books

  Introductory disciples of Quanzhen Sect have to get up for morning class at 10 o'clock. The so-called class is to sit in the main hall and chant sutras.

  The brothers who cook have to get up earlier, and they have to be in charge of teaching so many people to eat.

  Generally, newcomers like Yang Guo have a period of probation, and only after passing the probation can they truly become Quanzhen sect disciples.

  Those who just come in are usually assigned to do some chores, such as cooking, chopping firewood, carrying water to grow vegetables, cleaning the sanitation of the temple, etc...

  Of course, a period of time is enough to teach superficial martial arts.

  There is a saying that the person who bullies you will not be grateful because you helped him.

  After Lu Qingdu recovered, he started to bully him again.

  "Yang Guo, don't go to the firewood room, you go to Guanghe Hall to clean up, wipe clean the god statues, desks, and every place, as well as cat droppings and bird droppings, oh yes, you have to add Oil, lighting, and incense, except for the day of Xu, the lamps of all halls cannot be extinguished, and the incense cannot be broken, do you understand?"

  "Understood, brother."

  Seeing Lu Qingdu swaggering away, I really wanted to kick him from behind.

  When he came to the hall in charge, Jiang Chen took a cloth and began to wipe every place.

  The sycamore leaves outside were actually blown into the inside, and there was really bird droppings on the ground, Jiang Chen could only hold his nose and shovel it off after seeing it.

  Cleaning the palace is no easier than chopping firewood.

  It's finally done.

  He twisted his lower body and walked towards the fasting room.

  I can't think that after cleaning the hall, I can arrange my time freely. I didn't expect to meet Zhao Zhijing.

  "Meet the master."

  "Yang Guo, you are very free, what are you doing when you have nothing to do?"

  "Back to Master, I cleaned the hall in the morning, and I just started to rest now."

  "You are obviously sophistry. If you are lazy, you will be lazy. You will find a lot of reasons. You go to [Dao Zang Pavilion] and take out all the books. Do you understand?"


  Seeing Zhao Zhijing leave with a serious face, Jiang Chen really wanted to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors.

  Zhao Zhijing One day, I will make you kneel down and call me Lord.

  Is my vengeance too strong? I remember that I was not like this before, maybe I was influenced by the original owner.

  There were a lot of books in ancient times, usually stacked together, and the quality of the paper at that time was very poor, and it was still written in ink, and there was no way to protect the books at that time. In order to leave books for future generations, the only way to preserve them Drying books is a good way to kill insects that grow in paper and rely on paper and ink.

  In ancient China, there was a custom of literati drying books. There are many legends about literati drying books. It is a way of cultural life for literati and bureaucrats. There is also a folk saying that "the long summer and July are busy with reading books". On the one hand, it is because scholars want to show themselves. The family has culture, and there is another more important reason, that is, the climate is too humid at this time, and the books will get moldy if they are not dried.

  When they came to the "Dao Zang Pavilion", Jiang Chen explained to the steward here, and then went in to move the books.

  All the collections here are Taoist classics and some miscellaneous books. As for the martial arts secrets, how could they be placed in it.

  There are quite a lot of books here, fortunately there is another senior brother to help.

  Move out all the books and spread them out one by one.

  After finishing his work, Jiang Chen sat down on the ground, picked up a book and read it.

  This is the "South China Scripture".

  "Zhuangzi" is a Taoist classic, co-authored by Zhuang Zhou and his disciples in the middle of the Warring States period. After the Han Dynasty, it was honored as the "Nanhua Jing" and Zhuangzi was named "Nanhua Zhenren". "Zhuangzi", "Laozi" and "Zhouyi" are collectively called "Sanxuan".

  It is divided into three parts: seven inner chapters, fifteen outer chapters, and eleven miscellaneous chapters. The book contains more than 200 fables, big and small, covering everything, including philosophy, politics, the relationship between man and nature, and the value of life. "Zhuangzi" is an extremely important work embodying Taoism after "Laozi". It stands side by side with "Laozi" and is called "Laozi".

  Laozi is mentioned many times in the book "Zhuangzi". He talks about the theory of inaction and selflessness, as well as Confucius and Yan Yuan. He develops Confucianism and combines it with Taoism. It is unique among prose, and it is a collection of prose full of romanticism.

  Originally, Jiang Chen thought that he would not be able to watch it anymore, but he didn't expect this to be quite interesting.

  I still want to thank Huang Rong for not teaching him martial arts in Peach Blossom Island, but for teaching him culture, otherwise Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to understand even if he graduated from a bachelor's degree in his previous life.

  Just looking at it, I forgot the time, and before I knew it, it was afternoon.

  No one came to ask him to eat, he was a little dizzy, and then he woke up.

  My stomach was rumbling, and I looked up at the sun, which was westward. I didn't expect that I wasted time reading this book.

  I hurriedly moved the book back, and then went to eat in a hurry.

  Fortunately, the food in this Zhaitang has not been dumped, and after he was full, he wandered leisurely in Chongyang Palace.

  Chongyang Palace, a famous Taoist temple in China, the ancestral court of Quanzhen Taoism, also known as Chongyang Longevity Palace and Zu'an, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is located in SX Province, the hometown of Zhong Kui and Liu Hai.

  Come to the Lingguan Hall to enshrine the God Palace of the Taoist Dharma Protector Temple. It looks majestic and ferocious, with a fiery red face, wide-open eyes, another eye on the forehead, jagged fangs, furious beard, a golden whip in one hand, and a gold brick in the other. , murderous, enough to subdue demons.

  After visiting Lingguan Hall, we came to Wenchang Pavilion again.

  The first floor is dedicated to Emperor Wenchang. Wenchang is also known as Emperor Zitong or Wenquxing. He is the god of the ancient Chinese leader's fame, knowledge, articles and protection of imperial examination scholars. He has a high status among the Taoist gods.

  "Wenchang" was originally the collective name of the six stars above the "Doukui" star in ancient Chinese astronomy, and was interpreted by ancient astrologers as an auspicious star that can bring people a noble status, so it has become a popular belief. star officer.

  Taoism followed the people's worship of the stars. After the 6th century AD, the feudal dynasty of China used the imperial examination to select talents. The imperial examination became the main way for intellectuals to enter official careers, and the worship of "Wenchang Xingjun" gradually flourished. "Wenchang Xingjun" became the main patron saint of Chinese intellectuals in their studies and official promotion, and was conferred the title of "Wenchang Emperor" by successive emperors.

  In the old days, civil and military officials, poets and celebrities all paid homage to Emperor Wenchang in Wenchang Pavilion, hoping to get his blessing in terms of imperial examination achievements. Every year, the third day of the second lunar month is the birthday of Emperor Wenchang.

  The two boys enshrined on both sides of the main god, Emperor Wenchang, are deaf and dumb. Next to the god who is in charge of the official career of literati, two deaf-mute people are specially arranged to prevent the secrets of the examination room from being revealed to ordinary people.

  Then I visited the "Two Holy Temples", "Taiqing Courtyard" and "Gate of Seeing Stars"...

  This Chongyang Palace is really grand, no wonder it can become the number one sect in the world.