
Chapter 76: There is a way to steal

Although Yang Guo is familiar with the plot, he is still uncertain about Li Mochou's psychology.

A woman's heart needle, when you think you know a woman, she sometimes does things that are unexpected.

The brain structure of women and men should be different.

With Li Mochou, Yang Guo felt like he was walking on thin ice.

The three of them were eating the noodles cooked by this family, when they suddenly heard the sound of dense and rapid horseshoes running outside, and dozens of horses were running towards this side.

When they heard the sound of hooves, it meant that the people coming were very close.

I only heard someone outside yelling that the bandits are coming.

There was a sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping outside.

Yang Lai came to this world and hadn't met bandits, but killed a group of Mongolian soldiers!

The owner of the house was trembling with fright, and the adults and children hugged each other helplessly.

Punishing evil and promoting good is what my warrior should do.

Yang Guo picked up the long sword and walked out, Hong Lingbo followed, only Li Mochou sat still.

Li Mochou is obviously not as rich and righteous as Yang Guo.

These bandits surrounded the entire village on horseback, and there were only dozens of families in this village.


The sound of horses barking, children crying, adults begging for mercy, and bandits laughing wildly all mixed together.

The bandit headed by them had a hulking back and a mountain axe in his hand, which was very similar to the one Cheng Yaojin used to chop firewood.

"All the young women were taken away, and all the others were killed."

"Daddy help me..."

A dozen girls and young women cried for help, hiding behind their family members.

Seeing the bandits approaching every step of the way, one of the young and strong men couldn't bear the bullying, and shouted: "I will fight with you!"

He rushed forward with bare hands, one of the bandits laughed disdainfully, and slashed the long knife in his hand, only to see a shocking bloodstain on the man's face.

"The Ronin From Douluo"


An old woman tremblingly came to the man's side, hugging the dead body in grief!

Yang Guo just came out to see this scene, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.

A group of livestock living in the world is a waste of food.

Yang Guo flew up into the air and landed in front of the bandits.

There are many dynasties in ancient my country, and each dynasty will face the hidden dangers of that dynasty. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, since the "Anshi Rebellion", the problem of eunuchs has not been well resolved.

For example, in the Song Dynasty, the hidden danger of war has not been eliminated.

Then in the Ming Dynasty, in the later period, it can be said that there were internal and external troubles, and it was hard to return.

Therefore, different dynasties have the question of which dynasty they belong to.

However, there is a problem that almost every dynasty has, that is banditry. There are many reasons for banditry, and this contradiction cannot be eliminated in the short term.

In some places, the mountains are dangerous and the environment is complicated. In such places, there is soil for bandits to breed. Because in such places, affected by ancient technology, it is very difficult for the officers and soldiers to go in and exterminate them. Fleeing around there, I am too familiar with the local geographical conditions, so even if the imperial court sends troops to suppress it, it can only take care of it for a period of time.

Speaking of this, this is actually a very serious problem. At that time, it was mainly fighting with cold weapons. Even if the government and the army fought bandits and bandits, it might not be possible to take advantage of it. Some folk masters, affected by the times, They were forced to become bandits, and became bandits who robbed houses. Some of them often had special skills. It can be said that even if they fought head-on with the officers and soldiers, they would not be able to take advantage of them in the short term.

In short, there are some objective reasons why bandits exist in every dynasty.

"Who are you!"

Seeing Yang Guo leaping forward, holding a long sword, he looked like Lian Jiazi, so he first asked where he came from.

"I'm your grandpa. If you see grandpa, you won't come down and bow down."

At this time, Hong Lingbo also ran to Yang Guo's side, seeing the greedy expressions of Hong Lingbo and the group of idiots.

"Brother, that woman looks very exciting."

"Bastard, you dare to talk to me in such a tone, if you don't want to die, get out, but the woman next to you must stay."

"You toad want to eat swan meat. It's a beautiful idea. As the saying goes, there is a way for thieves. You unruly bandits are killing innocent people and robbing women. It's heinous."

In ancient times, the bandits didn't rob those scholars who were rushing to take the exam, why?

It is said that "everything is inferior, only reading is high." In ancient times, the status of scholars was very high. Even in poor families, if there is a scholar in the family, the neighbors and villagers will look at him differently. Fame, getting a scholar or something, it is even more a matter of honoring the ancestors and the lintel.

Every industry has its own rules, even bandits are no exception.

Whether it is the robbers who roar in the mountains and forests,

Even the bandits who rob houses have their own rules. Once the rules are broken, it will be difficult for these robbers or bandits to survive.

Generally speaking, not killing women and children, not robbing the poor, and not embarrassing scholars are their bottom line, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also the foundation for them to gain a foothold. If they fail to do these things, it will arouse public anger. Once public anger is aroused, in order to appease people's hearts, the government will intensify the crackdown, so that these bandits or bandits will either be killed or have to go to other places.


There are other reasons as well.

The bandits also pay attention to not grabbing seven or eight!

For example, bandits would never rob people who practiced medicine, nor would they meddle in other people's weddings and weddings, nor would they rob people who played money and gambled.

Bandits would never touch postmen, nor would they rob ferrymen of their money, let alone monks, priests, carriage shops, and lonely old people without offspring.

The reason why Beard doesn't rob these people is because firstly, their money is hard-earned money, and secondly, sometimes they have to ask for something.

If a person wants to "enter the mountain as a bandit", he needs to go through four stages: "starting the game", "occupying the mountain", "making regulations", and "building a lock". From then on, he can live a "rich" career like a bandit .

At this time, the bandits saw that Yang Guo ignored them so much, they were so angry that they wanted to chop him off.

"Let me ask again who you are."

"You are deaf, I said I am your grandfather."

"kill him!"

All of a sudden, these bandits got off their horses one after another, with various weapons in their hands, and rushed over aggressively.

The faces of the villagers changed with fright, while the corners of Yang Guo's mouth lightly lifted, showing disdain.

If this group of bandits in the game are mobs, they are purely for gaining experience.

"Stand back, Bobo, I'll clean up this bunch of rubbish."


Yang Guo turned the long sword, and with a flick of his hand, the long sword flew out. He quickly grabbed the hilt with his right hand, and threw the scabbard directly on the ground.

The sword in Yang Guo's hand is very strange, because it is a broken sword.