
Chapter 52: The Little Dragon Girl Expresses Her Heart

  After more than a month, their pickled sauerkraut is ready to eat.

  This sauerkraut can be used to make noodles or rice, and it tastes very good.

  For the next period of time, sauerkraut is indispensable for every meal.

  It is estimated that these jars of sauerkraut can be eaten by Li Mochou's master and apprentice coming to the ancient tomb.

  The life of the two is flat and peaceful.

  The tomb of the living dead in Zhongnan Mountain is rarely visited by people, so I occasionally see the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, and I can't see outsiders at other times.

  This kind of secluded life is very suitable for old men and old ladies, but it is not suitable for Yang Guo.

  Although it is the soul of an uncle, his body is still a teenager.

  This restless heart always wants to see the outside world.

  Although his martial arts is not the best in the world now, it is more than enough to break through the rivers and lakes, and it is generally rare to meet an opponent.

  Time is like a rusty axe, clumsily carving the world, leaving traces of deja vu for people to remember. Only the dead still remember the place where the moonlight withered, and the sultry love affair bloomed in full bloom. Those who were born have long been far away from this place.

  It is the Spring Festival of the year again.

  This year's Spring Festival has a lot of cooking. Yesterday Yang Guo went down the mountain to buy new year's goods, and bought them new clothes, new clothes, rouge and gouache.

  The ancient tomb is lifeless, dark and weird, and it is rare to paste Spring Festival couplets to make it more lively.

  Yang Guo also bought firecrackers, which can be set off on the day of the Spring Festival.

  Only the two of them are eating the rich New Year's Eve dinner, and this New Year's Eve dinner is made by the two of them together.

  Xiao Longnv took a piece of fish for Yang Guo.

  "Sister Long, you eat too."

  Xiao Longnv just picks up those vegetables to eat, and those vegetables are also made with meat, which shows that she has gradually accepted eating meat.

  Those who practice martial arts cultivate their minds but not their speech.

  People cannot follow the rules of nature, but deliberately abstain from sexual intercourse, which is against human nature.

  Under Yang Guo's subtle influence, Xiao Longnu has gradually liberated her nature.

  If Grandma Sun is still alive, she will be surprised how much Xiaolongnu has changed.

  After the Chinese New Year, Yang Guo was seventeen years old, and Xiao Longnv was twenty-one years old.

  At this time, Yang Guo's height was almost the same as that of Xiaolongnv, but he grew a lot this year.

  Xiaolongnv is also becoming more and more feminine, it is a kind between the immaturity of a girl and the charm of a young woman, which makes people suddenly fascinated by it.

  Of course, Yang Guo also became more handsome and handsome.

  It would be a pity if the golden boy and jade girl were not together.

  Xiao Longnv looked at Yang Guo's handsome appearance, recalling the past few years, she couldn't hide her love in her eyes.

  But Yang Guo behaved the same as before, neither getting too close nor staying away deliberately.

  It wasn't deliberate, but I just felt that it was still early and I didn't want to take down Xiaolongnv so soon.

  This little dragon girl's possessiveness is too strong, if the two of them confirm their relationship, how can they chase other girls in the future.

  I believe that all the friends on the earth hope that he will take down those beauties of the God Condor.

  After the new year, life returns to the way it was before.

  With the passage of time, Yang Guo's internal strength has now surpassed that of Xiaolongnv.

  As for the specific combat effectiveness, it is not very clear without comparison.

  But now he can easily defeat Xiaolongnv.

  It has been a long time since the full level of comprehension has been triggered, probably because I haven't learned new martial arts.

  Accumulate enough, and the effect can be maximized with the assistance of the full level of comprehension.

  Like the original Yang Guo, he accumulated more than 20 years before he finally created "Happy Palm".

  And as long as there is a certain amount of accumulation at the full level of comprehension, the accumulation can be infinitely magnified.

  "It's been a year, and the open space is still deserted. What are you going to plant?"

  "How about growing watermelons?"


  Yang Guo went down the mountain to buy watermelon vines and asked for advice on how to grow them.

  After returning to the ancient tomb, they began to plant watermelons that afternoon.

  Watermelons are not demanding on the soil and can grow normally in clay, sand, red loam and paddy soil.

  However, its root system has obvious air permeability and is suitable for growing in deep, soft, fertile and well-drained sandy loam or loam soil. In such a soil environment, its growth will be better and the usual management will also save A lot of hearts. In addition, be careful not to tolerate salt and alkali, if the salt content is higher than 0.2%, it will hinder the growth.

  From noon to evening, the melons and vines were finally planted.

  Watermelons have high requirements on soil moisture and need to be watered once every three days. If there is rainfall within 24 hours, watering should be suspended. If there is heavy rain, it is necessary to dredge the drains in time to avoid water accumulation.

  He does the watering and fertilizing work, and Xiaolongnv is in charge of cooking and washing his clothes.

  "How long will it take for this watermelon to ripen?"

  "About ninety to a hundred days."

  "Then we've planted so many, won't we be able to sell them and eat them all?"

  "Let's talk about it then,

If you can't finish it, you and I will pick it up and sell it in the town. "

  Xiao Longnv didn't want to contact the outside world again, but this time she didn't directly refuse.

  It has been more than three years since Yang came to Zhongnanshan to study art, but Guo Jing didn't have a single letter, let alone come to see him.

  Uncle Guo said he loves him, but Yang Guo didn't believe it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

  At this time, Yang Guo only thought of it by accident, and he didn't hold out hope for Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

  Now Yang Guo's martial arts are much higher than when Yang Guo met Hong Qigong on the top of Huashan Mountain.

  Yang Guo wanted to guess that after Yang Guo met his natal eagle after he broke his arm, he was trained by the eagle for a period of time. When he came out, his martial arts were similar to his now.

  Now Yang Guo seldom practiced swordsmanship, but more on comprehension.

  And spend more time on practicing internal strength.

  At night Yang Guo was lying on the cold jade bed, when the little dragon girl came gracefully like a fairy.

  Yang Guo couldn't help but look distracted.

  "Auntie, you sleep on the cold jade bed at night, and I sleep on the rope. I don't believe that I can't sleep on the rope."

  "When sleeping on the rope, you must be calm. If you are not calm, you will not be able to sleep well."

  "I will try again."

  Xiao Longnv slept on the cold jade bed, Yang Guofei lay on his side on the rope.

  Looking at the graceful figure lying on the cold jade bed, and the white air-conditioning emanating from the cold jade bed, she is like a fairy sleeping on the ice.

  "Why have you been staring at me all this time?"

  "Sister Long, you are so beautiful."

  "You seldom praised me for being beautiful in the past, what happened tonight."

  "I'm telling the truth. If any man can be with Sister Long in the future, he will be very happy."

  Xiao Longnv's expression changed suddenly, and she sat up from the cold jade bed.

  "Don't you want to be with Sister Long later?"

  "Of course I thought about it, but we are like siblings."

  "Ask you one thing, would you like to be with me?"

  "Of course I would."

  "You don't understand me, I mean like a couple."