
Chapter 210: Special Operations

Yang Guo has been the emperor for three years. He really doesn't think it is good to be an emperor. He is scolded for being a foolish emperor, and he is too busy being a good emperor.

Yang Guo has now sent a teacher to teach the eldest son.

There are three positions for joining Donggong Jiao*, namely: Prince Taishi, Prince Taifu, and Prince Taibao, collectively known as the three prince princes, all of whom are subordinate to the first-rank official title.

Among them, the prince's Taishi is responsible for teaching poetry and etiquette; the prince's Taifu is responsible for teaching the prince's martial arts to strengthen his body, bow and arrow riding and shooting; the prince's Taibao is responsible for protecting the prince's safety.

Prince Shaoshi, Prince Shaofu, and Prince Shaobao are the assistants of Prince Taishi, Prince Taifu, and Prince Taibao respectively, assisting them to complete the prince's teaching with higher quality.

The eldest son appears to be very intelligent and has the ability of photographic memory, while Yang Guo focuses on cultivating his moral character.

The books in the Royal Library have been read.

Now Yang Guo is full of economics and knowledge.

Reading more books changes the temperament.

Now Yang Guo has the temperament of a great Confucian, just like a fairy descending from the sky.

When his son is a little older, he will give up the throne.

He wants to take the ladies to wander around and enjoy the world of mortals.

Although they are deep in the palace, they can go out of the palace to play at any time, and their personal freedom is not restricted at all.

And they won't be bored with kids.

Yang Guo will not let the affairs of the court affect the harem.

The training of special operations forces is also very hard, and now the training has some effect.

From time to time, Yang Guo would send some warriors to fight these children.

Their martial arts have been good for more than two years.

Now Yang Guo wants to implement another policy of benefiting the people.

That is to abolish taxes on farmers.

Everyone's taxes should be quite a lot, and the big one should be the tax on the land. After all, the land is what the ancient farmers lived and lived.

There should be many kinds of taxes that the common people want, but the most important thing should be land-related taxes.

Because ancient fields are very important to farmers, the government will naturally not let go of this great opportunity.

There were too many taxes to be paid in the Qing Dynasty, such as some salt taxes, land taxes, and taxes on houses. There were too many, and the lives of ordinary people were too hard.

However, Yang Guo wants to cancel the tax on farmers, but to increase the commercial tax.

Yang Guo's policy of benefiting the people encountered great difficulties.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty all said that this was a struggle with the people, which was the root of destroying the country.

Yang Guo had already thought of this.

The emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business in the Southern Song Dynasty was still very serious.

In the early days of the founding of the Southern Song Dynasty, various harsh and even illegal commercial taxes appeared. For example, for the goods that the merchants did not traffic, they fabricated the name and quantity of the goods out of thin air to order the merchants to pay taxes, which is called "false drinking".

Yang Guo sees through the essence of things with wise eyes.

Objections are all because of their own interests.

No matter how much they object to Yang Guo's direct implementation of the policy, it will be useless to force him to die.

The implementation of every policy is full of difficulties, and Yang Guo is going to implement this policy with destructive force.

As soon as this policy came out, countless people applauded it.

Any kind of business, as long as it is profitable, will be taken over by the government. This is the "prohibition of discussion" policy formed in the Han Dynasty. These commercial objects include salt, iron, wine, tea, copper, lead, tin, nitrate, sulfur, etc. If anyone dares to compete with the state for profit, the governments of successive dynasties will strike with iron fists.

And Yang Guo did not charge heavy taxes on business, but collected taxes reasonably.

In this way, the voice of opposition from businessmen will not be so loud.

There are many memorials of opposition every day, and there are also collective protests by ministers.

But with Yang Guo insisting on going his own way, they had no way out.

Two months passed, and they slowly admitted this fact.

Many things are not unacceptable but need time to adapt.

Now the business tax is not very heavy, which makes these officials not unacceptable.

With the abolition of farmers' taxes, the burden on farmers is much lighter. Everyone praised Yang Guo for that.

Yang Guo also dictated his own policies to benefit the people and the good things he had done in the past, and then printed them into books and distributed them to various schools to let students and the people know his achievements.

Be good at promoting yourself.

The effect of this is that everyone will support Yang Guo more in the future.

Xiaolongnv is finally pregnant with Liujia this month.

Long Er is very excited as a mother for the first time. Although she will not feel sad because she has no children, she is always envious in her heart.

Now she is finally pregnant with Liujia, exuding the brilliance of motherhood.

Besides Li Mochou, she is the oldest.

The battle in Xiangyang City is still tense, there are no large-scale battles, and there are small-scale battles from time to time.

It's time for Special Operations to join the fray.

This special force has undergone brutal training, and it will be time to test the results in more than two years.

Each of them has a shotgun, and each wears a long sword and a dagger.

There is also a second-level bag that contains dry food, water and other things needed for field operations.

From these children, the clever one was selected as the captain.

Take twenty people as a team.

They are then free to act, carry out assassinations, burn food, or assist in military operations.

Kublai Khan, the Mongol emperor, intended to annex the world. He changed the traditional strategy of taking Sichuan as the main battlefield on the west road, and decided to break through from Xiangyang on the middle road.

The Battle of Xiangyang was an important life-and-death battle between the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia. After the death of Meng Ge, Kublai Khan hurried north from Ez to seize the Khan throne.

That is, during this period, the offensive focus of the war against the Song Dynasty was changed to Xiangyang, realizing the transition from the Sichuan-Shu battlefield to the Jingxiang battlefield.

Xiangyang in the Southern Song Dynasty is located at the southern end of the Nanyang Basin. Xiangyang and Fancheng are interdependent with the Han River in the north and south. "Crossing Jingyu, controlling the north and south", the terrain is very dangerous. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. grand town.

All the current combat operations are around the battle of Xiangyang City, which is to cooperate with the battle of Xiangyang.

Time passed quickly and two months passed, and the results of the special forces team were not small.

In two months, more than 200 Mongolian Tartars were killed, three Mongolian soldiers were assassinated, food and grass were burned twice, and five times were fought in cooperation with Xiangyang.

The special operations performance is pretty good.

Huang Rong had guessed that this group of surprise soldiers was sent by Yang Guo.

The Mongolian military battalion is very troublesome to the combat method of the special forces. This kind of latent assassination and sneak attack has never been seen before.

The Mongolian military camp can only strengthen its defenses.

Since Yang Guo came to the throne, the Mongolian Tartars have felt more and more pressure.

Now it is becoming more and more difficult to siege the city, and the casualties are also increasing.

The Mongolian Khan also wanted to send masters to get rid of Yang Guo, but his martial arts were so unfathomable that the masters he sent never returned.

Now the little dragon girl has become a queen.

After all, she is the oldest, so the position of empress was originally reserved for Mo Chou.