
Chapter 204: Vigorous and Resolute

"I am the Nine-Five Supreme Being. Are you not afraid of implicating the Nine Clans if you dare to make mistakes?"

"You are really not smart enough. Since I did it, are you afraid of implicating the Nine Clans? It seems that you will not be obedient unless you are taught a lesson."

He hit him with a palm, and he vomited blood directly.

At this time, he was not as stubborn as before.

"I'll ask you again whether to write the abdication edict." The

abdication edict is the abdication (Zen) edict for the feudal monarch to transfer power to the powerful minister in the feudal era, and the abdication edict for the feudal regime to transfer power to the bourgeois regime.

Historically, in the era when powerful ministers were in power and the royal family was weak, the weak king had no choice but to abdicate the throne to the ministers.

Generally, there should be three copies of the abdication edict. The first is the emperor's abdication edict before the Zen seat, blaming himself for his crimes and announcing his abdication. It is called a book, or a treasure book, etc.), and it is a necessary procedure.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, he issued another imperial edict announcing his ascension. The content was nothing more than grandiose self-humility, and then he canonized hundreds of officials to amnesty the world.

"I wrote it."

The emperor didn't have any backbone and it was easy to scare him.

Soon the edict of abdication was written and sealed with the Jade Seal of the State.

The next step is to renovate the palace, and replace all the guards with their own people.

It was already dawn, and all the officials began to go to court. They didn't know what happened last night.

It wasn't until I entered the hall that I saw that sitting on the dragon chair was not the emperor, but a young man.

All civil and military officials talked about it.

Seeing that the emperor is like a defeated rooster, they have already guessed

, "You must be very surprised what happened last night, so I will tell you that my people and I captured the palace last night, and now the palace is completely under my control, and The emperor also knows that he did too many ridiculous things when he was in power, so he has already written the abdication edict, and I will be the new emperor, whoever has an opinion will stand up."

Yang Guo looked at the civil and military officials, that is not true . The angry and prestige in his eyes made everyone lower their heads and dare not look directly.

"Since everyone has no objections, then prepare to announce to the world."

Then the abdication edict was issued.

In the next two days, I will not choose auspicious days, and go directly to the new emperor's enthronement ceremony.

Feng Chan, that is, offering sacrifices to heaven (Qin Shihuang held the Zen Zen Grand Ceremony, which is the most grand ceremony),

amnesty the world

and promulgated an edict to enthroned,

passed on to the state

. The official court congratulations, as well as the four party congratulations, sacrifices to the ancestral temple, the country and the people.

Complete this matter with lightning speed, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

After ascending the throne, the Song Dynasty remained the same as the Song Dynasty, and the reign name was "Yonghe".

The next step is to recall all the generals who hold military power. If you want to stabilize the regime, you must have military power.

After recalling all the generals, most of the generals were replaced by their own people.

Now I can't care about whether I can lead the army to fight. What I have to do now is to take back the military power.

Yang Guo did things simply and neatly, and did not give any reactionary forces an opportunity.

In just half a month, the entire Southern Song Dynasty was already under his control.

The Mongolian Tartars were also shocked when they received the news.

But Xiangyang is still as strong as before, and it is not the time for them to raise troops.

Solved, the issue of military power, Jiang Chen began to reorganize the harem, all the princes, grandsons, mothers of the emperor, and even the empress were all given money to be kicked out of the palace, they were not allowed to stay in Lin'an, they were sent directly to Lingnan.

There are still many concubines, court ladies and eunuchs left, and these are all left behind.

The looks of these concubines are not bad, Yang Guo is a little careless.

After renovating the harem, proceed to renovate the court.

All treacherous officials ransacked their homes and beheaded them, but they did not implicate the family, and their family members were removed from office and all were reduced to ordinary people.

After Yang Guo's iron and blood operation, the court now looks much cleaner.

Another half month passed, and Yang Guo had already settled down firmly.

Now he has the mind to deal with the Mongol Tartars.

Xiangyang City was the last barrier in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Once Xiangyang is broken, the Mongolian army will drive straight in.

At that time, the Southern Song Dynasty will be in danger.

However, it is not so easy for Mongolia to capture the Southern Song Dynasty for a while.

geographical factors. The Mongols swept across Eurasia mainly by strong cavalry. From Mongolia to Europe is the broad Eurasian prairie. The Mongolian cavalry can be said to be even more powerful, so it is unstoppable. However, the terrain in the Southern Song Dynasty was messy, with steep mountains and rivers and full of rivers and lakes. Whether climbing mountains or wading, the Mongols were not good at it and could not show their cavalry advantages.

In addition, the climate in the south is very hot and humid. The Mongolians living in the alpine region are very uncomfortable. Not easy.

national support. The Song Dynasty was the dynasty that treated the scholar-officials best in the history of our country, and it was also the dynasty that the old people were most satisfied with. Therefore, both the upper-level scholar-bureaucrats and the grassroots people supported the Song Dynasty very much.

This point Yang Guo could see from the faces of all civil and military officials, they disliked him as the emperor.

Material basis. The Song Dynasty is a well-known wealthy dynasty in the history of our country, and it can be said that it is not ordinary rich. There was no shortage of food or money in the Song Dynasty, the only thing that was lacking was horses.

Because of the lack of horses, the Song army was not good at field battles, but the lack of horses affected the development of the infantry and defense capabilities of the Song Dynasty. The defense capabilities of the Song Dynasty army were abnormal, and the navy had an overwhelming advantage. The Song Army, which is in a favorable position, naturally can't take advantage of it.

Anyway, the Song Dynasty had plenty of money, so they split their shoulders and spent money with the Mongols. After all, the Mongols lost their temper, and the two fought like this for decades.

And now that Yang Guo has become the emperor, how could he just sit and wait for death, and consume with Mongolia.

So he began to drill soldiers aggressively, giving the army a new look in a few months.

What the emperor wants to do is to help both kindness and might.

As time went by, civil and military officials also got to know the new emperor.

This emperor is not cruel. Judging from all his actions, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not kill members of the royal family, but reduced them to ordinary people.

And when the palace was captured, the casualties were very small.

However, he was straightforward and neat, so all civil and military officials were trembling during this period.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong over there already knew that Yang Guo had successfully become emperor.

Lu Wushuang and the others were very happy, they clamored to go to Lin'an to find their husband.

After some discussion, the women finally agreed to go to Lin'an.

And Yang Guo was very busy during this time, so he didn't think of picking them up.

Here Yang Guo has to be familiar with the emperor's daily work, learn the majesty of the emperor, and review memorials, which can be said to be very busy.

Yang Guo even regretted being the emperor.

Apart from the joy in the harem and the boudoir, there is no fun in pointing the country and berating Fang Qiu.