
Chapter 167: The Authentic Works of Wu Daozi

Yang Guo slowly put the Yitian sword back into the scabbard.

Slowly walking towards them, Lue looked at Yang Guo proudly.

The merchant master hurriedly took his daughter to Yang Guo to thank him.

"Thank you chivalrous man for saving us, otherwise we might be out of money today."

"Don't be too polite, didn't you just give me a hundred taels of gold for my help."

"That's right, I'll withdraw the money for you."

The merchant returned to the carriage, took out a small wooden box from the carriage, and took out a few pieces of gold from the wooden box.

After coming back, he handed over the gold to Yang Guo with a respectful attitude. The heavy gold really makes people feel at ease.

If you have this one hundred taels of gold in reality, you should be rich.

One tael of gold is fifty grams, and one hundred taels equals five kilograms. When Yang Guo was reborn, one gram of gold was 387 yuan, and that one hundred taels of gold can be exchanged for more than 1.9 million. If you live frugally, rely on bank interest Barely enough.

But coming to this world, money is just a number to him.

Now what he pursues is martial arts longevity.

Although the lady with the veil has a nice voice, Yang Guo suspects that she is ugly, only those who are ugly or overwhelmed are afraid of others staring at his face.

"Hero, I have an unfeeling request. I want to ask the knight to escort us all the way back. After we go back, we will be well paid.

" "

"We are going to Dali, Yunnan, may I ask the chivalrous man?"

"It happens that we are going to the same place."

"Then please leave it to the knights . The road is very high and the road is far away. It's not safe!


throw away.

At this time, the merchant master and lady got into the carriage again, and with the protection of a peerless master like Yang Guo, they could sit back and relax on the journey.

Yang Guo turned on his horse, and naturally hugged Lue with both hands.

"Sir, do we really want to escort them?"

"Of course, this escort is on the way, and there is a lot of reward why not do it."

"Won't it waste your time?"

"The most important thing I need is time "The

group of people straightened up and continued on the road, Yang Guo and the others followed slowly behind on horseback.

Stopped walking until noon.

The merchant and the lady came out to get some fresh air, and then began to eat.

Yang Guo and the others also took out dry food and started eating.

"Hero, I have a collection of fine wine here. Would you like to have a few drinks with the old man."

"Then I'm not welcome."

"Can you tell what kind of wine this is."

"Sorry, I'm not very good at wine Research."

"This is the famous wine Qionghua dew. Qionghua is famous all over the world for its luxuriant leaves and flowers, white and flawless. Since ancient times, it has the reputation of "a flower in Weiyang, there is no similar flower in the world"..."

Yangzhou Qionghua is known as a wonderful flower in the sky. It is only because of a chance that a seed in the fairy world sprinkled in Yangzhou. Therefore, during the flowering season, one after another, the fairy flowers that are different from the ordinary world and glacial and jade-clean shine in the world, and their fragrance floats thousands of miles away.

The dew drops from Qionghua are used as the liquid, and the spring water of Daming Temple in Pingshan Hall is used to make wine, so it is named "Qionghualu", which is very delicious and very famous at that time.

Yang Guo looked at the fine wine in the glass and took a sip.

The color of the wine is like amber, crystal clear and transparent, the wine is mellow, the taste is long and sweet, and the fragrance is pleasant.

"Sure enough, it's good wine. After drinking this wine today, other wines will be tasteless in the future."

"When I arrive in Dali, I will give a jar to the knight."

"I see that your security is strict. The things on the carriage must be very valuable."

" Indeed, I have been doing business in Henan before. Due to the war, my family moved to my hometown in Yunnan. On the carriage are all the wealth I have accumulated all my life. Not to mention gold, silver and jewelry, there are calligraphy and paintings of the holy Wu Daozi, and calligraphy by Wang Xizhi , there are all kinds of ancient antiques with a long history..."

Yang Guo was stunned when he heard this, this merchant was not an ordinary merchant, but a wealthy merchant, no wonder he bought a hundred taels of gold.

It can be said that the value of these carriages is immeasurable.

"If it weren't for the turmoil in the north,

We won't go to war either. "

Master Qian, you have been operating in the north for so many years, why are there only you and your daughter now?" "

We went back to Dali in two batches. The first batch was led by my eldest son. They went back a month in advance, while I stayed and sold the property." My daughter is good at numeracy, so stayed to help me. "

"Your daughter is really capable." "

"She is indeed very capable and has a high talent for doing business. If it weren't for my daughter's help, I wouldn't be able to accumulate huge wealth. "

Now that he knows Master Qian's wealth, Yang Guo feels that his security level is not enough.

"The appearance of the horse thieves like Master Qian has already shown that the news has been leaked, and the road will not be peaceful. "

"Yes, originally we wanted to travel low-key, so we only invited the Wang's Escort Agency, but we didn't expect to meet a vicious horse thief. If it weren't for the knights, we would be finished." "

Xiaoxue, you also offer a glass of wine to the young master." "

"Young master and little girl toast you." She gently opened a corner of the curtain, lowered her head slightly and drank the wine.

Yang Guo didn't ask her why she didn't take off the curtain.

Next, Yang Guo and Mr. Qian were drinking and chatting. Mr. Qian is a well-informed businessman , Yang Guo is also well-read and memorized, and coupled with his two lives, the two chatted very happily.

"Young master's business philosophy is really fresh and ingenious, and he has gained a lot of knowledge. If you do business, you must be a genius. "

Yang Guo just brought up the marketing methods of doing business in later generations, but he didn't expect Mr. Qian to be shocked.

He continued on his way in the afternoon.

He didn't see the inn in the evening, so he could only sleep outside at night.

After getting along in the afternoon, Lue and the girl named Xueer were whispering at this moment, and the two seemed to have a lot to say while talking and laughing.

"Master Qian, can I appreciate Wu Daozi's original work?"

"Of course."

Master Qian took out Wu Daozi's painting, to be honest, Yang Guo didn't see Wu Daozi's original work, UUReading www. uukanshu.com So he couldn't tell whether the painting was an authentic painting by Wu Daozi.

But he has some sketches in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so you can tell whether it is a good painting or not.

Master Qian took off the lid of the painting barrel, put scrolls of calligraphy and paintings everywhere, and opened it carefully.

This is a "Picture of Sending the Son of the Heavenly King".

Although Yang Guo has never seen Wu Daozi's original painting, the painting skill is superb and the artistic conception is profound.

Master Qian explained to Yang Guo.

Wu Daozi is good at absorbing the essence from the complex shapes of objects, summarizing the concave-convex surface and the yin-yang surface into irreducible "lines", combining the internal movement of objects to form the organizational law of lines, such as the height, side, and depth of clothing lines The postures of , slanting, rolling, folding, floating, and lifting are completely based on the organization of lines to describe the character of the object.

The requirements for this kind of thread are strict, each thread meets the requirement of expressive modeling, and each thread is full of rhythmic beauty.