
Chapter 132: The Rules of the Yang Family

Also at the table were Wu Santong and his son, Lu Guanying and his wife, Zhu Zhiliu, Lu Youjiao and others.

"Brother Yang, thank you for helping me get back the antidote."

"Uncle Zhu, you are welcome. This is what I should do."

"Look at Yang Guo, you are about the same age, but your martial arts are so different. You know how to be lazy."

Da Wu and Xiao Wu lowered their heads and felt wronged without saying a word.

Huang Rong immediately opened her mouth to speak for their brothers when she saw it.

"Recently, the Mongolian army is about to make a move. There may be some military action recently, so we have to take precautions."

"Guoer, what do you think?"

Huang Rong saw Yang Guo coming over and didn't say a word other than greeting him.

Everyone is looking at Yang Guo, although Yang Guo is still young, but his martial arts is the best here, even Hong Qigong may not be his opponent here.

Every time I think of this kid's martial arts, I call out evildoers. I really don't know how he cultivated his martial arts.

"With all due respect, Xiangyang City is the last barrier of the Southern Song Dynasty. Once Xiangyang is broken, the Mongolian army will go straight into the land of no one, and the Southern Song Dynasty will perish soon.

" , but everyone is doing their best to protect Da Song.

More than a hundred years later, in 1276, the Mongolian army captured Lin'an, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty. At this time, the Southern Song Dynasty had no hope of salvation.

Until 1279, in the "Yamen Sea Battle", Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea with the last emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty who had just turned eight years old on his back, and the Southern Song Dynasty was completely subjugated. It can be said that among the many wars between the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia, the Battle of Xiangyang was the most critical one, which directly determined the life and death of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Xiangyang has two important cities, Xiangyang City and Fancheng. The two cities face each other across the river and are connected by floating bridges in the middle, forming a solid defense system.

From Xiangyang to the south, you can go directly to Jingzhou, and then control the Hanjiang Plain, and to the west, you can guard the main road out of Sichuan. This strategically important site was once an important military town in the Southern Song Dynasty. The terrain is dangerous and easy to defend but difficult to attack. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

The Battle of Xiangyang between Song and Meng began in 1267 when the Mongolian general Ashu attacked Xiangyang's Anyang Beach, and until 1273 when Xiangyang defender Lu Wenhuan surrendered. It took nearly 6 years. During this period, Lu Wenhuan experienced the anti-siege war , the battle of Zhang Gui and Zhang Shun aiding Xiangyang, the battle of Longweizhou and the battle of Fancheng, finally ended with the fall of Xiangyang. Since then, the Mongolian army swept across the south of the Yangtze River with a force like a broken bamboo, wiped out the Southern Song Dynasty, and unified the country.

In fact, as early as the Mongolian Great Khan Wokuotai, the invasion of the Southern Song Dynasty had already begun. Due to the desperate resistance of the soldiers and civilians of the Southern Song Dynasty, until 1271 when Kublai Khan established the country name "Dayuan", the Southern Song Dynasty regime was still there.

However, in the Southern Song Dynasty at this time, the emperor was fatuous, the treacherous officials were in power, the court was becoming increasingly corrupt, and when the officers and soldiers were fighting bloody battles, Lin'an was still singing and dancing, so the battle of Xiangyang accelerated the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Yang Guo was too lazy to save such a court.

If he wants to be saved, he might as well be the emperor himself.

If he wants to be emperor himself, he must have his own armed forces.

And the beggar gang is a good force. Now that he replaced Yeluqi as Guo Jing's son-in-law, he must be the leader of the beggar gang in the future. This is an opportunity.

After Yang Guo's analysis, the final result is that Song Dynasty will surely perish.

"No matter what the result is, I, Guo Jing, will live and die with Song Dynasty."

Guo Jing is indeed a great hero who serves the country and the people.

In comparison, Yang Guo does not have such a spirit.

Now, as the son-in-law of the Guo family, Guo Jing can do what he says, and he can't fight against him.

Guo Jing wanted Yang Guo to guard Xiangyang with him.

According to Guo Jing's meaning, the whole family must swear to the death to live and die with Song Dynasty, there is no second way to go.

There is still a long time to defend Xiangyang City. The most important thing for him now is to practice martial arts well, and then accept the last Gongsun Lue.

Yang Guo was worried that Cheng Ying and the others had waited too long, so he took Guo Fu to pretend to go shopping in the afternoon, but in fact he took her to meet Cheng Ying and the others.

Sooner or later, she must know about it.

Now that the raw rice has been cooked, Yang Guo is not afraid of Guo Fu's objection.

Moreover, Guo Fu is self-willed and has no opinion. Yang Guo believes that he can make her obedient with just a few words.

Isn't this a bit of a bully, but there is no way, this is what you need to do if you want the harem to be stable.

"Master, what are you bringing me to the inn for?"

"I'll show you a few people, you have to be prepared."

"Master, who are you going to bring me to meet?"


Once inside you will know. "

Guo Fu was also curious about Yang Guo's mysterious appearance.

When she came to the inn room, she opened the door and entered, and sure enough all three of them were there.

Guo Fu looked at Cheng Ying and the other three, but Yang Guo closed the door. The

three women looked at Yang Guo and Guo Fu complained a little, especially Lu Wushuang.

"Who are they? "

"They are the same as you are the ladies I am marrying. "


Guo Fu couldn't believe it, and felt very wronged. She didn't expect that Yang Guo already had a woman outside.

"Why did you lie to me?" "

My lady, listen to my sophistry, but listen to my explanation. I knew them before you. At that time, we liked each other. In order to be with you, I lied to you." "

Tears rolled in Guo Fu's eyes, and she looked very aggrieved.

"How can they compare with me. "

"What are you talking about, don't you just have a good father and mother, what's so great about it." "

"Yes, I have good parents. Are you envious or jealous?" "

"Do you want to fight?" "

" Hit whoever you want to be afraid of! "

Guo Fu and Lu Wushuang really got used to arguing and seeing each other when they met.

At this time, Guo Fu saw Lu Wushuang walking with a limp.

"I don't know why my husband would find a cripple to be his wife. I guess he pities you." "

These words are simply murderous, Lu Wushuang immediately turned on the runaway mode, if Cheng Ying and Hong Lingbo hadn't stopped him, he would have desperately sought Guo Fu. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Shut up all of them. I, Yang Guo, came back to marry you not to watch you quarrel. If anyone feels wronged by marrying me, Yang Guo, they can dissolve the marriage with her."

Yang Guo's power completely suppressed them , the two looked at each other unconvinced.

Yang Guo first looked at Guo Fu's angry face, Guo Fu didn't dare to look him directly.

"Miss Guo, let me declare to you here that there is no distinction between high and low in my women here. You are all my beloved women. I, Yang Guo, can give my life for you, but I will not trample on my dignity. Your stinking mouth."

Yang Guo turned around and looked at Lu Wushuang again.

"It's the same with you. I married you because I like you, and there is no sympathy. I hope you will be more confident. You are better than anyone else. From now on, the rule of our Yang family is to love each other like sisters."

Yang Guo pulled Guo Fu hands and Lu Wushuang's hands.

"All of this is because I, Yang Guo, am sorry for you, and I will spend the rest of my life treating you even better."