
Chapter 101: The Pregnant Woman in the Coffin

That day, Yang Guo and the three were riding horses. There was a group of mourners in front of them. People on both sides were throwing ghost papers as they walked. The people in the middle were carrying the coffin. Behind them were the family members of the deceased in plain clothes, looking sad.

Generally speaking, there are 8 people to carry the coffin, 4 on each side of the front and back, so that it is not only stable, but also has a relatively even weight distribution.

But the emperor's coffin was carried by 64 people, which was mainly stipulated by the royal etiquette. In addition, the emperor's coffin was multi-layered and heavy, so 64 people were needed to carry it.

Funeral culture is also a part of the Chinese nation's thousands of years of cultural and civilization history. It covers the ideology of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and the three major sects.

The funeral ceremony includes:

Mortuary ceremony: he was moved to the coffin in the open room of the main house, and spent the last moments of his life under the protection of relatives. This is called mourning.

2. Funeral announcement ceremony: The funeral announcement can be said to be the first ceremony after a person dies. It uses signaling to inform relatives, friends and villagers of the death of someone.

3. Ceremony of summoning and sending souls: the soul of a guest who died in a foreign country cannot find a way back. Unless his family calls for him, so that he can hear the voice that is looking forward to him, he can follow the voice and return.

4. Doing the "Qi" ceremony: People believe that people know that they are dead seven days after death, so they have to hold the "Qi" ritual, and there is a sacrifice every seven days, and it ends on seven days and forty-nine days. This is mainly influenced by Buddhism and Taoism.

There are also condolence ceremonies, ceremonies of entering and closing, ceremonies of mourning clothes, ceremonies of choosing a day for leaving the funeral, ceremonies of crying for funerals, ceremonies of burial...

round the grave, burning for seven days, burning for 100 days, burning for the anniversary, and burning for the third anniversary.

The so-called dead is the greatest, Yang Guo and others get off, lead the horse, and make way for the road.

The funeral procession passed by them, at this moment Yang Guo noticed a few drops of blood dripping from the coffin, he immediately went over and knelt down, and touched the blood with his hands.

"Is there any problem, son?"

"Have you ever seen the blood of the dead is still bright red?" The

two of them saw that it was indeed so, and the blood of the dead could not be like this.

The blood of a dead person has been coagulated, and the blood cells are destroyed, so it is impossible to obtain the same blood image as that of a living person.

The blood is still bright red now.

"Could it be that the people in the coffin are not dead!"

The two looked surprised, this matter is too unbelievable, what happened.

Now Yang Guo has to stop the mourners and open the coffin for inspection, which is very difficult.

This is the same as digging a grave.

The ancient people were very superstitious, thinking that the prosperity of a person or family had a lot to do with the Feng Shui of the ancestral graves.

This kind of thinking started from the ancient princes or emperors. If the ancestral graves are dug and the latter are destroyed, it may cause a person or a family to decline. It is precisely this kind of thinking that often occurs in ancient times when digging enemy ancestral graves , the ultimate goal is to make the enemy's fortune or luck decline. This kind of political method of digging ancestral graves emerged endlessly in ancient times.

Opening the coffin without the permission of the government will be punished.

So no one will listen to his nonsense words.

But if the person in the coffin didn't die as guessed, wouldn't it be a waste of time to see the fresh life die.

It seems that this kind of thing can only be done bravely.

"Son, you want to..."

"I can't help it. Who told me that I'm a good person. It's not my character to see death."


Even Cheng Ying couldn't help laughing. Sometimes he looks like a bum, but he really has a sense of justice, takes good care of them, and has a very good personality.

Yang Guo chased to stop the mourners, at this time everyone looked at him strangely.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

At this time, the family members also came over, and the leader was a man with a sad face.

"May I ask who is in here." The

man looked at him inexplicably and said, "It is my wife who died of dystocia. We are loving husband and wife. Now my wife and son are gone."

Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying came to Yang Guo's side.

"It turned out that he died of dystocia. That's how we just found that there was blood flowing out of the coffin, which may be amniotic fluid, but

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The bright red color means that the person inside is not dead."

Everyone was shocked.

"How could it be that I saw that she had passed away?"

"This is what I guessed,

At that time, the pregnant woman suffered from dystocia and feigned death, so the respiratory signs disappeared. The coffin was jolted before, and the pregnant woman was awakened by the shock, and her blood gas recovered. If the coffin was not opened immediately, the best time for treatment might be missed. "

The time of burial has already been calculated, and the time of burial cannot be delayed, and it would be disrespectful to the deceased if the coffin lid is opened.

" Two lives, why are you so pedantic."


"Brother, I am proficient in the five elements, eight trigrams and Qimen Dunjia. I just calculated that it is an auspicious time for burial at Xu o'clock today, and opening the coffin will not be disrespectful to the deceased. You can open the coffin to see the zodiac signs, while the other zodiac signs turn around and avoid it."

Seeing Cheng Ying talking so eloquently, everyone didn't understand it, and Yang Guo also believed it.

"Then open the coffin for verification." The man finally agreed.

Then all those who are not the zodiac dragon, tiger, snake, and ox turned around.

The lid of the coffin was opened, and a pregnant woman was lying inside. Her belly was so big that amniotic fluid flowed out from underneath.

Cheng Ying immediately went to check on the pregnant woman. After a careful inspection, she said with a surprised face: "It really isn't dead, just breathing weakly." The

man also looked surprised.

"Now you should find a good doctor to deliver your wife."


He ordered one of them to call the doctor.

Cheng Ying continued to check the condition of the pregnant woman.

"The pregnant woman suffered from dystocia and suspended animation because of the abnormal fetal position. Now I have to send her true energy while correcting the fetal position."

This is very difficult, the three of them can do it, but the qi cannot be broken in the middle of the transmission, and the two of them can't sustain it, so Yang Guo is the most suitable for this job.

The most difficult thing is to straighten the fetal position. Who can do this? Ordinary doctors can't do it.

Yang Guo first used [Capture the Dragon Kungfu] to seize the energy and energy of several people, and then sent the captured energy and spirit to the body of the pregnant woman.

Immediately saw the effect. The complexion of the pregnant woman is much better, UU reading www. The pulse of uukanshu.com is also stronger than before.

This miraculous ability shocked the people present.

[Dragon Capturing Kungfu] Capturing dragons and controlling cranes is unparalleled in domineering, and when you realize a higher level, you can search for things across time and space.

Jingqishen is actually a term in Chinese medicine, which is a collective term for essence, qi, and spirit.

It is an invisible substance that exists in the human body and controls the actions and states of the body.

Generally, if the spirit is not good, it will show lack of energy, boredom and not tired, and long-term accumulation will lead to disease.

These three are called the three treasures of the human body, which are decisive for the normal life and life of the human body. Essence refers to the general term for all the subtle substances that make up the human body. Qi is the driving force that promotes the normal work of various viscera and organs in the human body.

You say it's not important to be energetic.