
Condemned,forsaken, and consumed

The story of the consumption taking form in what we see as the main villain in the story of “the omnipotent sorcerer” in this novel we follow skil a once elf and learn about how he became the consumption through the events that took part in his life and the events that’s caused turmoil around him or his loved ones

Donabuis_Cronus · Action
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We only knew each other in our group. After each one of us had lost all our family or friends before hand in a war or from a curse/sickness. But that's how it was in the order of salvation one had to lose everything to truly understand why one must sacrifice everything for others. Some of us never truly understood it just accepted the fact that there life was better off wasted on others then them selfs. Few here are for them selfs in hopes of a better off life from there sacrifice to there people and country which the rest have learned quickly how truly naïve that is. As the true goal of our order is not to save the people of the country or to save the country it self but to waste our life saving the "men of the country" we sever as the nobles shield with the veil we protect all. When we really only protect civilians when there assets of the noble in any way "never let the payer lose his payment or you'll never get any coins" is what grœk says our corps leader. Nobody in the group had a positive out look on him only that we admired him and his skills of warfare/commanding. With him there's a total of 6 generals in the order of salvation each having there own saying for there corps some being worse then the rest. The angels of death are the most dark and looked down as well the main source of corruption that started in the order when the head now Tyuk made it when he was first promoted to commander there saying is "run,hide,and flee for if you don't you'll witness the dark side of light" there the assault group they almost always are sent out to dispatch of a target or a rouge lord with his army before the actual assault we come in after or if they never found it necessary to stop. I hate life I joined to save as I could never for my family yet I'm used instead for a higher price then a normal knight I feel worthless and tossed aside like nothing but a wet rag meant to sop up in the muck. "They" are evil and condemn me for saving one's life if it halts the goal at all for any moment. You have no freedom the second you become part of us your nothing more then a dog ready to do the evil work of the king. I tire of this accursed cult like group hiding behind a false vail of "saviors". Having nothing more then regret,sadness, and rage that I joined this group I kept my mouth shut about everything only shaking my head when someone needed a answer they knew why I was silent to hence me nickname "the consumed" people also say it for the wrong reason or idea but I like it it is why I am silent. As I'm not a wicked beast but simply a man who has been broken by the world. I accept this nickname and any other that come with it, I've learned it's better to have a finger pointed at you then to point fingers at others or the best offense is a good defense. Having no connections to anyone important in this world I am nothing to anyone and anyone I was somebody to was nothing to begin with as well as dead now. Meaning I'm expendable everybody else holds higher places than me quite simply because They know a guild master as a friend or have a bar owner as a brother, anyone with anything to their family or their reputation was more than me everybody in this world is like this. The poor are not kept but instead driven out into slums to be killed by marauders or bandits hired by Lords trying to thin out the population In a "good way", homeless, The sick, The holy, and even the people claiming to be monks are all driven out by military force if not they are killed then used as an example. Why people still come to our land even though they know very well we are the wretched empire of kirlagroth manned by orcs,driven by slaves, and lead by wraths is because of many reasons. The most popular be "Power" here it's easy to grow in the military as well as easy to join with huge benefits even i myself own a house for free due to my rank but no more because of my background. These people are driven by false hope,fear,greed, and jealousy all alike though they fall for the trap becoming grunts for the "one who lives". That is how life is in the empire of fear and black gold carved out of the plant by blood,bones, and guts only to rot the core of all races here to consume all.