
Hold It Hag

"Tristan de Robillard, you have been burdened with glorious purpose. I, Magnus have chosen you to be my vassal. Do you accept?"

These words rang throughout the whole of Lavaria, causing shockwaves in the hearts of all that listened. There was only one word within the hearts of all that were witnessing this odd scenario. Transmigration!

Dantians, especially the first generation, were difficult to understand and were the cause of many a phenomenon. One of them was known as Transmigration. This was when a dantian chose to forcibly reincarnate a previous user so it can be used by the same person once more. Once the person of choice was reincarnated, the dantian would wait until the person had come of age and summon them forcefully during a ceremony in such a manner.

This was the first time Hope or any one of the people on Lavaria had witnessed transmigration. The target of the transmigration stood on the plaza and carefully scrutinized his environment.

Alice clenched her teeth in anger as waves of fury smashed against her heart.

"Impossible! Impossible! Transmigration is extremely rare!"

At first Alice was doubting what she saw, but as time went on, she found it harder and harder to doubt what she was seeing.

Hope turned to see Alice, noticing the anguish on her student's heart. "Poor child, she had been working so hard for this day." Hope breathed in and decided to step up. She believed that the person who had been summoned was unfamiliar with the universal language or what was happening, hence, she intended to step in.

She slowly raised her hand toward the summoned, intending to understand his origins. Formless ambient energy gathered in her arm and was about to head for the summoned when he looked toward her and said, "Hold it hag."

"You! You speak our tongue?" Hope was surprised once again. She didn't expect him to speak the universal language after hearing him spout unfamiliar words.

Tristan ruffled his hair as he looked around. "Which dantian summoned me?"

"Excuse me?" Hope was surprised by his calm and concise questioning. He seemed to understand the situation, which was odd considering the current circumstances.

"I said which dantian summoned me?"

Before Hope could reply, Alice went forward. "First generation, wrath of Magnus, and it was supposed to be mine."

Tristan whistled when he got the answer he sought. He knew quite a bit about dantians, especially the first generation ones. "I have one more question. Am I dreaming?" asked Tristan with narrowed eyes.

"You imbecile, you think this is a joke?" Alice was about to run to confront Tristan when Hope's silhouette appeared before her to stop her from moving. "Child, calm yourself, you are in the presence of a Saint!"

Alice begrudgingly calmed herself but she starred daggers at Tristan. The latter pinched himself to test out his theory.

"This seems too real to be a dream, which means…" Once Tristan properly processed what had happed he looked at the wrath of Magnus. He looked calm on the outside but his inner self was in turmoil.

Never in his wildest dreams would Tristan have believed himself to be a transmigration target. He was so happy inside he could barely hold himself back. He wanted to jump for joy and roll on the ground shouting 'oh yeah!' continuously.

Tristan's favourite hobby was reading comics, and his superheroes were his idols. Tristan had grown up seeing and hearing about the miraculous feats that Rangers had performed, thus they were the closest thing to a superhero to him.

Becoming a ranger was extremely difficult, especially on a backwater planet like earth. Most of earth didn't even know about the rest of the universe, making an already arduous task impossible.

Thus every person on earth saw Rangers as deities they could only dream of. Like stars they could always see but never touch.

Tristan was thrilled, but he was still very rational. Ever since he could remember his parents had trained his mind and heart. Putting an emphasis on him being able to calm himself and clear his mind. He was often not allowed to reveal any emotion he was feeling, and was forced to miss out on many of the joys children often had. Till this day Tristan was unsure why his parents treated him this way.

Growing up he always felt like an animal being tested in a lab, with his parents being the researchers. This and his unusual upbringing resulted in him closing himself to the world.

The Wrath of Magnus was throbbing like a human heart floating in mid-air, each throb gave Tristan an odd feeling of nostalgia. He entered and odd hypnotic state and moved subconsciously.

"Magnus, I accept."

The moment these words were spoken, the throbbing dantian went straight into Tristan's body. This was not the normal method of fusing with a dantian, but the chosen, those who had reincarnated, never followed convention.

The dantian phased into Tristan's body, resulting in his body lighting up aflame. Thunder rumbled in the skies above while an earthquake suddenly started. Within seconds, the flashy display of power dissipated into nothing while Tristan returned to normal.

"Fascinating." Tristan could feel a warm energy gushing throughout his entire body, with his navel being the source. Tristan could feel that his body was changing at a molecular level over time. With every second that passed he became stronger, faster and more agile. While his senses became sharper and more sensitive.

Tristan shifted his vision to Alice and Hope. He walked toward the duo with his hand out, "Hello, my name is Tristan de Robillard. I work for a subsidiary of the Quantum Core on a backwater planet as a clerk. Pleasure to meet you. You must be the Headmaster and the star student. Meaning this is an academy planet? Fascinating, truly fascinating."

Hope found it difficult to believe what she had heard there for a second. Backwater planet? Clerk? Subsidiary? These all represented the lowest of the low.

The Core had to look after many planets, and most barely had any occlusive activity if not none. Thus they had many subsidiary organizations that looked after those planets that were under them. They were referred to as Backwater planets. They had crudely developed technologically and had little to no power at all.

There were ten or so such planets under Hope's control, each with billions of people. These planets were the main source of students for Lavaria. Their planets had their own minor branches of the academy with the exceptional students being sent to Lavaria. A clerk was an average human who dealt with paperwork for minor things.

This meant that moments ago, Tristan was not even qualified to polish her shoes! Now he was in possession of a first generation dantian. The sheer variance in situation made her heart palpitate. From now on, Tristan's stature would be no lower than hers!

Hope shook Tristan's hand as she forced a smile on her face, "We are honoured Sir Tristan, you are indeed correct. I am the Head of the Academy on this planet, Hope Funta, and this is Princess Alice-"

Before Hope could finish Alice interrupted, "Why you? A Clerk? A mere clerk from a backwater planet stole my dantian? Outrageous!"

Alice was fuming with anger. The sheer amount of hard work and patience that she had put into this could barely be described, yet it had all been taken by a nobody from nowhere!

To make matters worse Tristan was picking his nose nonchalantly as he didn't give a damn. Which he did not. "I'm a Ranger, I can do what I want, mwahahaha!" An evil laugh rang out in Tristan's mind as he calmly picked his nose. He was intentionally trying to pick fight with Alice, especially when he heard the word Princess.

Tristan had interacted with people from other planets, and they were often very haughty, viewing earthlings as being inferior. Tristan was a fickle man. Somethings he would never forgive or forget. Thus at this moment he was venting all the supressed anger he had within him by treating Alice like a nonentity.

"Royalty from an Academy Planet that has access to a fist gen dantian, she must be devastated that I took her future. This is fun. Eat this mwahahahah!"