

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

The Last Of Us

All who see this note do be warned that this is what death has shared with me a lowly human that participated in the end of our race. I shouldn't have listened and allowed a nuke to go through killing so many. The war of the World started on 2032 with small armed skirmishes between each country and USA who had secretly developing a mega nuke which was untested. The state decided to use the stealth tech they secretly developed that was proven to work to drop a Mega nuke upon each country that were our enemies and then told to get within the bunker at each site to avoid the aftermath of launching such a nuke.

The aftermath was horrible there was a crater of 6,000 miles down resulting in a near baren landscape across Russian, Africa, Japan, Germany and the UK. The nuclear Fallout cloud started to move towards the US, so we were warned to get within bunkers or at least the rich were. The bunker we are in is the deepest one about 100 miles below ground but the radiation is still reaching us that is how much radiation was within the cloud. The others have already died I still am barely alive. *Blood covers the next half of the page*. A bloated puss covered corpse lays on the ground beside the page blood leaking from every orifice before it explodes in front of death.


Humans they are evil I will not allow such a thing to happen on another world. They will not end another planets life for this radiation shall last Millenniums. They killed every lifeform here and even before that they were killing the planet and ending all life, I only take the souls to the afterlife. Humans Started Forest fires killing so many animals that could have lived fulfilling lives. Humans also enslave anything they see has any sort of intelligence for them to have easier lives I hate having to speak with the dead about their suffering and not being able to prevent it, but I love to comfort them. I shall never see the afterlife but I am the Gatekeeper of it so I show the way for the fallen and I always have hoped that those who have suffered shall go home to peace.

Humans can be kind but choose not to they make animals fight to the death they enslave animals for their benefits. They betray the animals that rely on them like dogs who are always loyal until broken. Humans have enslaved themselves based on color which resulted in a lot of children asking me when they could see their parents. They have annihilated this world so I shall not allow another world fall to their greed and hatred of self. I don't want any world to suffer what has happened here. I manifest myself to the nearest planet with life upon on it that could form ideal conditions for humans. I then begin to watch until humans form but as soon as they do I use all the power I have gained from guiding souls to extinguish them.