

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs

Plague Doctor

I unfortunately could not pick at the start of his story because he forbid me to do so. I will begin his story near its final arc the end of his time as a ruler a creator of things beyond the many worlds he had become a part of as the greatest Alchemist A true Plague Doctor unfortunately his skin and body became a carrier for every plague he had come across.


"Murta Status Report please tell me I have finally come back home after a thousand years of wandering the galaxies and other dimensions?"


[Spaceship Engine: 50% stability]

[Spaceship Navigation: Destroyed]

[Spaceship Life Monitor: Failing 20%]

[Spaceship Exterior plating: Badly Damaged 30%]

[We have arrived at Meridon]

[Ship AI is deleting itself as commanded]


I walked out my black almost leather looking clothes sticking to me as I finally touched the ground once again the spaceship behind me vanishing in a sparkle of light, I knew everyone I once loved would be dead but I finally created an adaptive cure for every disease and plague throughout many systems I could now rest finally without anything to fuel me I opened the compartment that kept my heart pumping I grabbed my heart forcing fully stopping it.


I got up and walked towards the destroyed ruin my old home I had kept preserved even while not here. I stepped into my house covered in dust which stirred into the air then rushing into my open chest causing slight pain. I had found magic, but it could not cure everything, so I went down the path of science to realize both paths have their flaws and science has the flaw of taking way too long to develop while magic has easy developed methods.


My smile could not be seen behind the old bird mask which I had taken up due to it being an old-time healer of my era they would dress this way. I sat upon the old chair my body finally giving out as I could not feel the chair collapse beneath me as I died a tear leaking from my eye as memories flashed a proud smile widened upon my face blending with the sorrow.


A voice leaked out on the edge of death "Sister we did it we finally cured your disease its no more no one has to suffer like you did from the Decay."


-----------Very Old memories----------------

My sister lay on her bed the blackened skin patches across her whole form burning her skin with pain tears leaking from her eyes I hugged my sister as my parent tried to pull me off her. I simply continued to hug my sister tears leaking down my eyes. I saw her place her hand on my head patting me like the many times before in a small semblance of comfort.


I ran out of our house going to the plague Doctor who was passing through asking "Please teach me your trade sir please allow me to accompany you." He smiled and gave me a small version of his outfit and got on his wagon beckoning me to follow as silent as any other plague doctor.


I watched him mix herbs and extract their oils taking in all the knowledge he had to teach and years passed this way until I learned his final trick and he finally spoke "Young one you have learned all I could teach you not even I have reached the end of this path but its already my end. Go speak with your loved ones my carriage is yours."


He removed the heavy black leather revealing a decaying body blood leaking from his nose as he went to an old tree and passed away with a small smile on his face. The first and final words my master said to me were to visit my family, so I went to see them again and saw my sister worse than before I entered my house as a plague doctor I knocked upon the door.


"We can't pay you but if you will cure our daughter, we would be eternally great full." My father said his voice weary and broken sadness filling its tone.


I simply said, "I'm here to figure out this disease not rob you of your livelihood I am no robber only a Plague Doctor one who helps those in need even the poor." I was led to my sister's room almost everything was the same even the wood that creaked beneath our feet. I saw that my sisters eyes had burst and were bleeding my heart raced at the sight of it but I showed nothing my clothes too thick and concealed beneath my mask.


I gathered my will taking out the bandages I had wiping the blood from her face carefully then covering her eyes slowly allowing her peace from the light I began to make an antiseptic and painkiller. I lightly layered the antiseptic over all the open wounds and boils which I slowly drained with a small tear leaking from my eye at how much she had gotten worse I moved her onto her side so she wouldn't develop more lesions upon her back.


I watched her hand clench mine as she woke and said "Is that you brother? Have you finally found something to save me?" my heart almost broke at her words but my mind kept clear.


"I am just a plague doctor interested in your disease and how to cure it. Its been a long time since I saw a sickness so hard to deal with." I touched her wounds gently cleaning them and told her "You need to move no matter how painful to keep your body slightly healthy but also make sure not to strain too much I will be back once I have the cure."